
Tales of Norbul

Under the tree they woke, remembering none and recaling of what they are. What is the purpose of not remembering ones past? Who is the man with the spear? Where will the world go to under the path they will walk? Many creatures and people awaits. Watch the protagonist journey throughout the world and even other realms. He will meet powerfull people with different view on things, and not all are going to play nice. Some of them will require something in return of their favor.

SanderTomson · Fantasi
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76 Chs

Birth of the world

We four have gathered here this time, to bring something great upon this empty world besides ourselfs. We shall bring empty ball's of mass upon this world and bring our powers into the center mass to create things we couldn't imagine before. The sibling of creation shall make this plate for us.

And I, the sibling of time and magic, shall bring magic into this world, as well as the consept of time. As they alredy exist in our current state, it does not take much effort.

Then both the sibling of creation and the sibling of soul shall bring life upon this world. A living beings that think almost like us but limited to their own environment.

Then I, together with the sibling of destruction, will make so that there is end to all of that life in time, so that the living beings shall learn our creation called circle of live and dead.

As for what we do with the souls left after death, we shall create multiple possible afterlifes which are governed by a entities called god and such. Those gods shall eventually take our place as the rulers of the world and each their aspects.

As to why our creation called god shall replace us, each of us understands the importance of it. We cannot shape the world to each of our preferences, as this would create a discord amongst ourselfs. We shall be with them for a time but eventualy we shall stop using our powers and guide them, so that they the world will become what they choose.

To watch our beatifull experiment in silence will be our joy, and thus we shall be forgoten.