
Tales of Norbul: The Foreign Traveler

Side story A traveler comes from a foreign land looking for a peacefull life. He is then comfronted by the female lord who is horned demon and she protects part of the land where other races live. What awaits them is a relationship that is born from trust and sacrifice. How strong will their bond become?

SanderTomson · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Something that gives and takes I

The process of building the barrier was going smoothly. Only a few great runes to build and it would be complete. It was now two weeks past when Mira left Shade's house. But one day, out of nowhere, Aisha came to Shade and asked.

- Was it you who cast that thunder spell on that bear?

- Yes?

- How on earth did human do such a thing? Only elementals, masters of fire magic or dragons could do that. And you aren't any of them. Explain!

- Well I am good with fire magic to some degree.

- But you are more proficient with wind type, am I right?

- Well, yes.

- So how are you able to cast thunder magic?

- It just, comes naturally?

- Naturally?

- Well it usually depletes all my mana reserves when I cast any electricity.

- *Sigh* What do I do with you?

- Is there a problem?

- Well, when selling the bear's fur that you casted thunder spell on, there was a mark that we couldn't hide. We had to explain to the buyer that a thunder hit it, but they didn't buy it. Then Yui one time said that you casted some electricity when you killed that fish back then and I was certain that it was you. Now I had to explain to the buyer that there is someone who casted thunder magic on the bear and then I was asked if we could lean that person to assist with some things. I had to decline of course, but now the word is around Hokori that there is a person who can cast thunder magic in Kogane valley.

- I see. I guess you have it though.

- Oh you have no idea.

- Well, sorry. I suppose.

- You owe me that I didn't tell my lady that we should lean you to some other lord. But then again, I doubt that she would have agreed to it. Anyways, that's all I had. Oh, but there was one more thing.

- What is it?

- My lady asked if you could tell her the story of dragon lord of wind.

- Sure. The next time we meet, I tell her.

- Good.

Then she leaves and the next day Mira comes asking for the tale. While they were at it, they made some healing runes on the side.

- Hello Shade.

- Hello Mira.

- Can I come in?

- Sure.

She sits on the table and she starts doing healing runes patiently before Shade starts.

Then Shade starts telling the story.

- So, a long time ago there was a dragon lord named Tuulinenkö. She was a quite free spirited dragon and cared little for other people. All she wanted to do is hone her flying skill to the maximum and stay as free as she can. One day, when she was in her human form, she stumbled upon a pretty young man. She thought that maybe the man could be a good mating partner so she asked the man a couple of questions. What the man said to those questions is a mystery, but the end result was that she wanted to win his heart. She spent many days visiting the man when he wasn't busy to spend some time with. The man didn't seem to be bothered by her presence and he grew to like her quite a lot.

- Romantic.

- One day she saw that man with another woman. She was confident in her beauty, but she still felt like she was being left behind. Later that day she went to visit the man as usual and they talked about a lot of stuff. She got curious and decided to ask who that woman was. He said that she was formerly a woman he was going to marry. She got intrigued and asked what the former in that meant. The man said that he had found another wonderful woman who he wanted to marry. The man got brave and decided to ask the dragon lord to marry her. She was happy, but immediately felt guilty of hiding her true form.

- Ooh. Then what?

- She decided to make the man see her true form outside the house, so once the man and her were outside, Tuulinenkö transformed to her true form. Then things turned for the worse. The man was struck by the realization that if he screws up, he's going to be dead meat. And so while he said that he didn't care for her true self and he cared for her, now the feelings inside the man were all conflicted whether or not he cared for her and with the terror that was inside of him. The dragon lord noticed this soon, but decided to let time pass and make way for his true feelings. And after that, many years had passed and the man had grown wealthy. In his fear of losing all he had, he decided to try and poison the dragon lord and while he was gaining his freedom again, he could also gain a title of dragon lord slayer. He went on a romantic dinner with her and offered her wine that was poisoned by a strong poison thought to be able to kill a hundred men with a drop. Once Tuulinenkö drank that poisonous wine, she felt a sharp pain in her heart and soon after went berserk. Once in her dragon form, she summoned winds of a magnitude that was never seen on Norbul and tore mountains from the ground and sent them to the sea. Those later became islands that are called surukivet, meaning rocks of mourning. The dragon lord had known that she would be betrayed, but once the truth hit in, it hurt so much that the dragon lord went mad with grief. She rained terror on the land that had betrayed her for weeks until the dragon lord of thunder Vershnos came and devoured her poisoned heart while thunder hit the man who had betrayed his fellow dragon lord. With her last breath she shed a sigh as she fell from the skies that were starting to clear saying "What a waste." And so the story ends.

Mira gives a small tear as she is making healing runes. Then she says.

- That bastard of a man. I would personally pummel him if I had the opportunity.

- Well it is said that the man survived just barely and managed to build a family later on.

- That's not fair!

- Or so the story goes. I don't know if all that I said is true. But the one truth that was in the story is that the dragon lord of wind started to rampage and her heart was later eaten by the dragon lord of thunder.

- I do bit … what is the word… sympathize?... with Tuulinenkö.

- How so.

- Oh it's nothing. Look how many I have made this time. Aren't I good or what?

- You sure got the hang of it. Perhaps you have the skill to become a shaman. How about it?

- No thanks. I've got a village to take care of so I can't live a hermit life.

- Well isn't that a shame.

They both laugh for a moment and then chat about minor things.

Then a week passed and the barrier was finally complete. Now if anything that lives inside the barrier has a dark aura of some sort, Shade would immediately know. And now was time for Shade's other task as the forest guardian. It was to get an actual guardian spirit to the forest, or at least make contact with one if it already exists.

And so a couple of days more were to create a suitable environment to summon a guardian spirit. If it didn't work, then he just needed to make one himself.

Unfortunately, even though his expectations were high, he didn't manage to summon the pre-existing spirit. So this meant he had to go with option B. To do that he'd need many ingredients and some tools.

It took three weeks of gathering supplies and equipment, but the day finally came to create an artificial spirit. According to Shade, the energy of this forest is great so it should suffice to create one that will take care of it. And so the process began.

Mira and Aisha came to watch the spectacle, as did the kids and a couple of hunters. A while of chanting and carving things later, something began to move from the ground. With a blistering light shining, no one could see a thing. It was until the light dimmed that they saw a naked woman. Shade's immediate response was to say.

- Oh, a dryad.

Mira's immediate response was to block Shade's vision and so did the rest of the ladies to the remaining men.

The dryad acted confused and asked.

- My creator? Why is this woman blocking your view?

- I think that's because you are what people call naked.

- Is that bad.

- Not entirely.

Mira pinches Shade and he gives a small scream of pain.

- But socially yes… I… I supposed you should cover your lady parts with something.

- As you wish.

She does so with leaves that attach to her body. Now the men can look at her in peace. Shade asks the dryad.

- Do you have any memories?

- I have many memories of people coming and going. Some, like you, take animal lives and take them somewhere I can't see.

- I see, so you have the so-called memories of the forest.

- Yes, I even witnessed you fight with a green collar bear. It was quite exciting to watch.

- So you have the concept of exiting. You are quite mature dryad for what I can see.

Mira gives Shade a look. Dryad answers.

- Yes, I have the collected memories of the forest from times long passed. I even remember similar looking demons roaming around here from times that have long passed.

- Oh, are you perhaps talking about Mira's ancestors?

- I suppose so, yes. They cut a lot of the forest back when they first came.

- Do you bear any ill will?

- No. It is the nature of things like you to do so. They didn't destroy the whole forest, so I can forgive their actions.

- That's good, since she is considered a lord of this land.

- A lord? I see. She bears quite a strong spirit on her. Even if I were to absorb all the lifeforce of this forest, I don't know if I could defeat her.

- Is that so. Hope we can live peacefully.

- Yes. So do I.

- Now then. What to call you?

- I happily take any name my master gives me.

- Sure… wait, master? When did I become that?

- You gave me sentience so I think it's only proper to call you my master.

- Is… Is that so? Well as for the name then.

- Yes?

- Hmmm… Let's see… How about Aurora

- Aurora huh, what a wonderful sounding name.

- I would like to add an extra "o" in it, but I think this fits better.

- And what is your name master?

- Well, people call me Shade.

- That's what people call you, but who are you really?

- Well… I… Look, just call me Shade if you don't call me master and that's good enough for me.

- If master says so.

Then Mira introduces herself.

- Hi there. My name is Amirasha Kogane and I'm the current lord of this land.

- Kogane… A familiar name. Yes, nice to meet you. Are you perhaps close to my master?

- I… well… I am the lord so… I do see him around a lot since he's the forest guardian.

- I see. So master was the forest guardian. But you didn't answer my question. "Do you have feelings for master?"

- I… Um… No… Of course not. I'm the lord after all. I can never show favoritism.

- Is that so. "Your heart is still wondering about that."

- A- anyways, Aurora, can you become guardian spirit of this forest?

- Of course. I can't go anywhere else at the moment.

- Great. Then that's settled.

And so Shade got himself a little helper.

And so winter came and Shade was making demands of a building he wanted to be built. He confronted Aisha about this, but Mira heard this conversation.

- I want to build a sauna.

- What?

- Oh right, you guys don't know what a sauna is. Well it is a furnace that we put rocks on top of. The fire will heat up the rock and the air will also get warm. Then we throw water at the stones and it makes hot steam come out.

- And you want us to build something like that?

- I will pay as much as is needed.

- Well if you say so. I get people to work on that. Just be sure to guide them during the building process.

- You got it.

- Wait but won't someone need to translate it? *Sigh* What a bother.

Shade walks away as he talks to himself.

Yes! I finally can see going in the sauna.

Mira smiled and told Aisha.

- "Put it in my tab."

- "Sure, but why?"

- "I want to give him a present. It's almost that time of the year where you exchange gifts."

- "But will Shade give anything to you?"

- "Probably not, but I still want him to have something he actually wants."

- "If you say so my lady."

And so the next two weeks were spent on building this "sauna" Shade was talking about. It was built near Shade's camp so he can use it as much as he wants. Given that he doesn't ruin the forest by doing so. And when the sauna was finally built, many people wanted to use it. Shade told how it worked and proposed that he, Mira and Aisha try it out first. Mira was a bit reluctant, but once he explained that it had similar rules to hot springs. Of course all had to cover their important parts, but all and all, it was decided that all three of them go together.

Aisha didn't last long. She wasn't really fond of heat that much. Mira and Shade lasted half an hour, until Mira decided that it was about time to let others try the sauna.

And so many got to enjoy the wonder of sauna for the first time. Some liked it, some didn't so much. But all in all, it was an experience they'll never forget.

And later that winter, since he had heard that people tend to exchange gifts this time of the year, Shade decided to build a necklace for Aisha and the kids and a ring for Mira. Shade thought that since Mira moves much, she would enjoy having a ring rather than a necklace. He knew of the tradition where people give rings to the people they love, but Shade just hoped that they wouldn't know about that tradition. He was right for the most part and at the time he didn't have any ulterior motives behind it.

The necklaces were to ward off evil things and to heal wounds faster. The ring Shade was going to make had similar effects but stronger, and it also had an effect where it made most illö effects of magic null and some magic was unable to hurt the user. It was quite hard to make, but he was confident he could make it well.

The time to exchange gifts came and Shade gave all the presents to the people he made them for. But when Aisha saw the ring Shade gave Mira and her mind went where Shade hoped it would not. She decided to only whisper in Shade's ear.

- Oh I know about the tradition where lovers give rings to each other. Don't worry, I'll be silent. As long as you play nice with me that is.

Shade didn't have any ability to counter that, so he had to take it head on.

Shade also gave something to Aurora. It was something Shade had treasured for a long time. He thought that it was a good thing to give her as she would surely use it wisely. He told Aurora.

- This gemstone is a very powerful rune said to contain the vitality of the dragon lord of thunder. It isn't important where I got it from, but I personally think it's genuine given the energy it emanates. You can feel it too, don't you?

- Yes, yes I do. But why are you giving this to me?

- Since should the forest be cursed by something or any other thing that could happen to the forest that damages it, you can use this rune to revitalize the forest with the amount of vitality it holds. Just put it in the heart of the forest and then pour some magic into it. Then it should activate and revitalize the forest. Do you understand?

- Yes I do.

- Look, I only trust you with this since I know all you care about is this forest and its wellbeing. I know that you won't use it to cause evil or to harm others with its vitality. I trust you to use it if the time calls it. Now then. Oh, and I also have to make you swear you tell no-one about this. Do you swear?

- I swear to keep this rune secured without anyone knowing.

- Good. I knew I could count on you.

And so the great treasure Shade was holding was given to the guardian of the forest in Kogane valley.

Couple of months have passed and the spring has come to warm the people of the valley. Shade has also learned some dialon and has been teaching Amy with wind magic. Now that he didn't always need a translator, he could also tell Iris some tricks on hunting he had learned and vice versa. Yui had gotten pretty good with common and could also hold a conversation with him rather fluently.

However, peace was not to last, as a force was gathering outside the Kogane valley that wanted more of their gold. The Rou clan was walking towards the valley with an army of 1 500 to seize it.

Mira was no fool and also gathered most of her men to intercept them. She couldn't take too many soldiers from the other towns and villages, since then they would be open to Rou clan's attacks.

Mira ordered Shade to stay in the valley and protect it in her place while she and Aisha were out. Shade accepted this and so Mira went with her army.

While it was quiet for a couple of days in the Shiho. Until one day an intruder was sighted in the forest. Shade went to intercept the intruder, but was quickly shaken by the fact that not only were there one intruder, there were three. He tried his best to avoid any bloodshed and told them to just leave in peace. However the intruders noticed that it was a human who was giving them the order to do so, so they decided to capture him. They were certain that Shade was a spy from somewhere and by capturing him and "taking care of him" would gain favor from the Kogane valley.

Tried as he might, Shade was overwhelmed by the three intruders and was eventually caught. He was trying to tell them that he was with the lord of this land, but the intruders thought that he was simply lying to save his skin. They beat him unconscious and they began their trip to the place where the two forces were going to intercept and hold their negotiations.

Once Shade was in the enemy camp, the people there tortured him and interrogated him while receiving no answers. Even the representative of Rou clan came to see him, but even he didn't believe Shade's words. He simply said.

- "There is no way a distinguished family like Kogane would ally with the likes of him. Finish him and bring his corpse with me. We are going to make them grateful that we caught a rat like him and dealt with him personally."

With his final breath Shade said to himself.

- I screwed up. Sorry Mira.

And then his throat was cut and he bled to death. He was dead.

Then when the meeting took place, the representative of the Rou clan named Reinar gave his terms. The discussion is held with each commander's army on their backs between those two armies in the middle. Few retainers can come with them.

- "We demand that you increase the amount of gold you export to Rou clan by threefold by the next time the export is coming."

Mira responded.

- "That was not what was agreed when the degree was signed by our late sun emperor Ryujin the I and my predecessor. The degree was said to last 5 000 years and it only has been about 2 000 years. By ordering us to hand over more gold than was agreed upon would violate that degree. This will only lead to war against all of us who supported that degree."

- "Well you see, our great lord has come to understand that you are holding more gold than you initially claimed. For this you have gained the attention of some spies on your territory and we happen to have caught one."

- "Show me this alleged spy:"

- "Gladly."

Reinar gives his mark and the body of Shade is thrown in front of Mira. Then Reinar's retainer shows Shade's dead face by pulling the hair. Many emotions flew by Mira and she was left speechless for a moment. Aisha also is shocked to see Shade in that condition, but now what she is worried about is her lady's mental state. Mira asks in a calm manner.

- "That's Shade isn't it."

- …

- "Tell me Aisha, is my eyes deceiving me?"

- … "My lady, you…"

- "So it is him."

Mira then looks back at Reinar who is terrified by the face Mira is making as well as her presence. Mira speaks.

- "You say that he was a spy, correct?"

- "Ye- Yes. Though we didn't get any information out of him, we are sure he must be one."

- "And do tell, Reiner was it, by what standard was he clearly a spy?"

- "He- He's a human so he obviously didn't stay near Shiho by the kindness of his heart. He must have had some ulterior motives."

- "Because he was a human you say? Do tell me what were the last words you heard him say?"

"I- I think it was… What was it again? Gour!"

A man named Gour came out and said

- "I'm sure he said the words were… "I screwed up. Sorry Mira.""

- "So that's what he said." Ha… haha… Hahahahaha… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.

Reinar is terrified at this very moment. After a while of laughing, Mira finally calmed down a bit and said.

- "I think we are done here. I will announce my verdict soon after we get back to our armies. Amy, take Shade with you and use all the healing runes and potions we have. Aisha, bring me that thing."

- "But my lady, we…"

- "Did you not hear me, my dear Aisha?"

- "N-No. I heard it loud and clear."

- "Then let's get back to our armies."

Then the two army heads went back to their forces and began planning. During their way back, Aisha tried to make Mira reconsider her orders. Even Amy dared to say that it was useless at this point to heal Shade, but Mira wasn't having none of it. She simply said.

"Do as I order you to."

Then two of them silently did what the lord said. Amy started using healing items on Shade and Aisha brought the thing. It was a giant katana meant to be drawn only in war times. In other words, it was meant to tell the opposing side that the one who draws that sword declares war on the people opposite of them. It was a tradition passed on by Mira's type of demons.

Once the blade was ready to be drawn, Mira told Aisha to amplify her voice so all could hear. Aisha did so and then Mira said.

- "You dare to defy the degree signed by our great founder, the child of our lord Fontiá, the sun child Ryujin the I. For this I declare the abolition of that part of degree which your house was part of. Meaning all gold exports from Kogane valley to the territory of Rou will be called off. This is the price of the first crime."

The people started to talk in both armies. But then Mira made another announcement.

- "And for your second crime, I brought the Blade of war (Sensō no ha). For you see, the person you claimed to be a spy in our midst was someone I bestowed upon the title of forest guardian of Kogane valley. For this crime I will draw this blade and declare a war between the Kogane and the Rou clans."

She then slowly and ceremonially draws the Blade of war. Then she raises that sword upon the sky and says as she swings it forward.

- "All forces, attack!"

Then all of the soldiers from Mira's army charge at the enemy. Before heading to battle herself, Mira asks Amy.

- "How is the healing going?"

- "There is no effect."

- "I see. Keep trying. I will go now."

Then Mira charges at the enemy along with her soldiers and starts slicing her enemies into two or more slices.

With Rou clan's forces being decimated, they decide to retreat. Mira decides to let her army rest for now and returns to the camp that was built.

She sits on a seat in her tent and asks Aisha to come.

- "Tell me how Shade is doing."

- "There's nothing to be done."

- "Have you kept trying?"

- "We have and nothing has worked."

- "Then keep trying until you fix him. You may leave."

- "Stop my lady. There is nothing that can be done anymore."

- "I didn't ask for your opinion. Just do what I told you to do."

- "But my lady, there's…"

- "I told you to keep your opinions to yourself! Just do what I…"

- "I'm sorry…"

Then Aisha slaps Mira in the cheek. She then sheds tears as she said.

"There is nothing to be done Amirasha. We see no signs of life from him. We can't bring him back. I'm sorry but that is the reality. You need to face it."

Mira is silent for a while.

After a while Mira says.

- "Go and bury him near his camp. He would have wanted that."

- "As you wish, but where are you going?"

- "I'm going to follow the enemy forces. As long as their capital stands, I won't stop."

- "But my lady, he wouldn't have wanted this."

- "I know, but it's something I want."

Mira leaves the tent. Before she leaves, she tells Aisha.

- "And besides. They started it."

Then Mira calls her forces to prepare for a march. Aisha then gathers a few people to carry Shade's body back to Shiho. She says these words as she sees the army go away.

- I wish you both peace.