

In the city of Taiyuan, there is an Estate called Tang Manor, The residents are tang clan which is one of the large family in the city. In the estate one of the house, a Youngster about the age of 25 years and two elderly of about 45-50 years old, a male and a female was sitting on the chair, Which was outside the room with the door closed. Inside the room, the sound was coming off a low scream of women as of she was pressing something and she was in quite a pain, there also was sound of an elderly said "give the pressure, push push", after that the more youngest was quite anxious and he was little sweating due to anxiousness. The elderly were his father and mother, he told his mother "Mother xun'er is in the room for more than 2 hours and she seems exhausted will it affect her health". Elderly women said, "jian'er this is indeed taking more time but don't worry this will not cause her much harm she has a strong body".

In the outside world in many places, There was a natural disaster such as spiritual energy burst, spiritual waterflood and other calamities which were caused due to unknown reason. In this world everything is spiritual inborn so everyone is cultivator the mortals are born at Novice realm means Body building realm and barrier to qi condensation 90% people are unable to get past due to this in world of cultivator they are mortals but they have least 100 years of life span, in case they are not injured. The natural disaster spiritual energy burst causes surrounding spiritual energy to increase by a large amount for a period of time in which when cultivators practice qi they absorb spiritual energy and if their body is not strong enough causes them to explode.

In the room, The women in labor let out a sharp scream and next moment cry of the child sounded. At the moment in outside world all disaster stopped and outside the room, the youngster took a sigh of relief and elderly look quite happy and from excitement, their hands are trembling. The elderly who was inside the room placed baby in a blanket and clean him, It took her some time when she opens the door and gave the child to Tang Jiang and elderly were close and formed a circle around the child to take a good look of him. The child started crying due to unfamiliar faces around. Later Tang Jiang took the baby to the Zang Xun'er who is chield's mother and told her "you worked hard " and then Xun'er said "Dear this is our child, my Ming'er as we decided a name before", child was still crying then Jian gave child to xun'er and tuner took baby in embrace and said in his ears "Tang Ming, Tang Ming, Tang Ming", after that she saw that he stopped crying and watching his mother, then Xun'er told her husband "Dear look as if h likes the name he stopped crying. Jian told her "Yes, look his calm gaze and he looks little funny". Xun'er told him "Stop making fun of my son".

Later qi in the environment is swirling inside the room and going inside the body of the child and Ming was at sleep and his body continues to absorb the qi, inside the body qi would go to every part of body and body was releasing small amount of filth as newborn child's body is almost pure and small amount of impurities were given out of the body. The cultivator used their body to absorb the qi and the guide In certain direction or way which is called cultivation law and this law is used to absorb the qi, but in Ming's case body directly absorb the qi and qi was nourishing his own body.

To Be Continued...