
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Komik
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67 Chs

Missing Kazekage

At Ichiraku Ramen's shop...

Minato, Kushina, Kakashi and Hiroki were celebrating Hiroki's jounin promotion.

"Congratulations Hiroki. You are now the youngest Jounin in the history of Konoha." Kushina said as she gave Hiroki a big hug.

She then handed him a scroll.

"This is the uzumaki's fuuinjutsu mastery scroll. I've been meaning to give it to you for some time, but I was waiting for the right occasion."

"Thank you Kushina-ne. I'm very happy that you trust Uzumaki's secret techniques to me. It is something I could have never asked for." Hiroki said as he hugged her.

"Here's my present to you Hiroki. It's Hatake clan's kenjutsu techniques. If you have any hard time with it, you can ask me or my dad for help. He's the one that helped me pick up the present for you." Kakashi said.

"Thank you Kakashi. Give my thanks to Sakumo-san as well." Hiroki said as he fist bumped with Kakashi.

"Hiroki, congratulations. I'm really happy that you have been promoted to Jounin. I didn't have anything to give you other than my created technique. You have given me chidori without anything in return. I guess rasengan should do it." Minato said as he handed a scroll with notes on Rasengan.

Hiroki had already learned it some time ago when Minato used the technique and he had his sharingan activated. It was easy to copy and see how the chakra flowed in every direction possible and turned into a compressed ball.

"Ni-san, what are you talking about? You and kushina have given me so much and I could never repay you both. Chidori is nothing compared to the trust and care you have given me. I can only promise you two that I'll do my best in protecting you." Hiroki said as he hugged Minato.

Teuchi then served everyone their ramen and let Hiroki's stay on the house as he congratulated the recently promoted Jounin.

After they all ate, Hiroki asked Minato about the future of him team.

"Sandaime has assigned me Obito and Rin from the new graduates. They ate good friends with Kakashi and this will help in the team's chemistry." Minato said.

"That's great ni-san. I'm happy for you. Please take care of them. Give this to them." Hiroki said as he handed two kunais with his own Hiraishin formula.

"I will hand this to them tomorrow when we have our first team practice." Minato said.

"Thank you everyone for the presents. I'll be heading home now. Hokage-sama has a mission for me tomorrow morning and I'll need a good rest for it." Hiroki said as he waved them goodbye and left.


Early in the morning of the next day, Hiroki went straight to Hiruzen's office for his first assignment as a jounin.

"Ah, Hiroki-kun. How are you? Ready for your assignment?" Hiruzen asked.

"Hai." Hiroki have a short confirmation.

"Some of our spies have heard news from Suna. It seems that the third Kazekage has gone missing. I want you to go and investigate what has happened and check if there's any chance this missing can cause any future problems for Konoha." Hiruzen said.

"You worry that this might cause another war between Konoha and Suna and that the other villages might take the opportunity to attack us, thus creating another shinobi world war."

"True. I have been in two wars already and I'm getting old for this. If another war breaks out I don't know how I can through it. I know this is something dangerous for a young shinobi like yourself, but with the abilities you have shown recently I believe you are a good choice. The Kazekage went missing in the borders between the fire country and wind country. If you find anything please report back to me and no one else." Hiruzen said.

"Alright. I'll be heading out right now. I'll come back as soon as possible, Sandaime." Hiroki said.

Hiroki then shunshined himself from the office and appeared on the roof of the building. He made some hand seals and summoned Kurowashi.


Kurowashi gave a loud cry. And then looked at Hiroki.

"It's been a few months since you called me kid. What's up this time?" Kurowashi asked.

"Nice entry Kuro-san. Your loud cry attracted quite the attention. You happy now?" Hiroki said as Hiruzen appeared accompanied by four anbu.

"Hiroki, what happened? You just left and we heard a loud cry from a beast. Are you alright?" Hiruzen asked.

"I'm fine. It was just Kuro-San with his 'epic entry'." Hiroki said.

"Is that your summon? I've never seen such large eagle." Hiruzen said as he saw Kurowashi take almost the whole space on the roof of the building.

"You sure know old man. There's no larger birds than us from Hidden Fog Mountain." Kurowashi said.

"He's sentient too. What an amazing beast indeed. When have you encountered them and found their summoning contract?" Hiruzen asked.

"It has been a little over four years now and I didn't find their summoning contract. They actually let me sign it. Unlike the other three major summons, the eagles from Hidden Mist Mountain keep the contract to themselves and only those who are worthy to pass their trial will be allowed to sign it." Hiroki explained.

"Why is that? And why haven't I heard of this before Hiroki-kun." Hiruzen asked.

"Because of greed old man. Most humans are too greedy for their own good. We will never allow those that have a bad heart wield our powers." Kurowashi said.

"There's your answer. Now you know why I kept it to myself and only told Minato-no and Kakashi. At the time I was just too weak to protect myself from other people's greed, but since that is not the case anymore, I don't have any fears to reveal Kurowashi and the others." Hiroki said.

"Who might you be talking about Hiroki-kun?"

"Come one Sandaime. Not being disrespectful to you, but your three friends that play as councilors are greedier for power the older they get. As I said, now I'm not afraid to show my summons as I can protect myself from those too greedy. I'll be leaving now Hokage-sama. Take care." Hiroki said as he climbed on top of Kurowashi who made strong gusts of winds as he flapped his wings and flew to the sky in outrageous speeds.


After almost two hours of flight, Hiroki arrived to his destination. Kurowashi flew for some time around the are Hiruzen said the spies had last investigated. After goin back and forth around the area, Hiroki found the sight of a battle and went to investigate.

"Kuro-san, thank you for the help until now. You can return and if I need you, I'll call again."

"Alright kid. Take care. Don't hesitate to call." Kurowashi said as he left.

'I know Sasori was the one to kill the third Kazekage and he then used his body to make a puppet. I'm sure if I take a good looks around, I'll be able to find something. Even if it's a piece of Sasori's puppets or the Kazekage's black metal sand, it will help to prevent such a battle that will be the starting point of the third war.' Hiroki thought.

He then activated his sharingan and made 50 shadow clones to help him investigate the area. Three hours after the investigation started, the clones got their first evidence. It was a piece of Sasori's puppet. As it went on for another five hours, they found more pieces of the puppets and also found the third Kazekage's black sand. Hiroki put every trace of sand inside a vial and sealed it inside a scroll together with the puppet pieces.

"I guess I'm done now. I better head back and report to Hiruzen." Hiroki said as he summoned Kurowashi again.

"You're done already?" Kurowashi asked as he took a look around.

"It gets easier if I have clones help me do my job hehe. Can you take me back to Konoha? This time, there's no need to hurry. We can take some time to appreciate the view."

"Alright, hop on kid."

Hiroki then jumped on top of Kurowashi as he flew slower towards Konoha. It took them five hours to arrive.

"Alright Kuro-san. I guess this is it for now. Thank you for the help once again. Tell Shirawashi and the others I said hi."

"Hey kid, when are you going to start your senjutsu training? It's already been four years since you have our contracts. I guarantee that you won't dislike the results."

"Don't worry Kuro-san. I'll be going there in some time and I'll learn senjutsu faster than anyone else."

"Hehe. Confident as ever huh. Alright, I'll tell Shirawashi-sama and the others that you sent them your regards. Good bye kid." Hiroki said as he disappeared in a sonic boom.

Hiroki then directly teleported inside Hiruzen's office and found the former having a discussion with Danzo.

"Hiruzen, we can use this opportunity to attack Sunagakure and claim their territory. They have lost their Kazekage and they don't have anyone to protect them." Danzo said.

"Greedy for power as ever huh." Hiroki said, interrupting their conversation.

"Hiroki, back already?" Hiruzen asked only to get a nod.

"Watch how you talk to me brat. I'm an elder of Konoha."

"So? What if you are an elder? Either way, I'm here to report to you Hokage-sama." Hiroki said and didn't continue.

"Please continue then." Hiruzen said.

"I'm sorry, but there are too many ears in this office. What I have found is not a small matter to be discussed so casually." Hiroki said not even caring about Danzo.

"Hiruzen, are you going to allow this brat to talk to me like that?" Danzo asked.

"Hiroki-kun, I trust Danzo. You can give your report." Hiruzen said.

"You trust him, but I don't. Not since the last episode. Give me a drop of your blood." Hiruzen then gave Hiroki some blood. Hiroki took the blood and drew some seals on a scroll and made a single handed seal as the writings lit up. He then handed the scroll to Hiruzen.

"This is the mission report. You'll find everything in there. You can later unseal the evidences without any prying eyes. Oh, before I forget. Suna has lost the Third Kazekage, but they are electing a fourth already. He is the apprentice of the third and his kekkei genkai is not just on par, but superior to the former kage. Let's not forget they also have Shukaku. I guess I don't have to say more about how stupid it would be to start a war against Suna, thinking that they have gotten weaker. Bye now." Hiroki said as he teleported away.

Hiruzen inhaled the smoke from his pipe and exhaled slowly while thinking about what Hiroki has said. Hiruzen had already lived through two wars and he would do anything possible to prevent another war.

"Hiruzen, how could you have given an important mission to an incompetent shinobi like that brat?" Danzo said.

"Incompetent? Who was it that attempted to force him into their rankings. Oh, yeah, it was you. Listen Danzo, don't underestimate Hiroki. He's young, but not less powerful than an elite Jounin. Let's not even get started about his smarts." Hiruzen said as he opened the scroll and started reading the contents within.

"Damn brat. What did he find in the borders?" Danzo asked. Hiruzen then handed him the scroll

"What the hell is this? It's completely blank."

"No Danzo, it's not blank. I can read it perfectly." Hiruzen said.

"What? What did that kid do?"

"Ahahahahahaha. The blood seal of course. He made it so only I could read the scroll. Oh Danzo. It seems you are disliked by Hiroki-kun more than I thought." Hiruzen said as he laughed for some time.

This only made Danzo angrier by the second until he stomped his way out of the office.

Hiruzen then made a serious face and continued reading the contents of the scrolls. In the end of the scroll, he unsealed the vial containing the black iron sand and pieces of puppets.

"This is some good evidence that Konoha wasn't involved in the Kazekage's missing. I better call Jiraiya back to Konoha and have him go to Suna as a diplomat and show them this." Hiruzen said to himself. He then took a scroll and wrote on it and sealed it.

"Anbu, give this scroll to Jiraiya and tell him to return to Konoha." Hiruzen said as his anbu shunshined away.