
Tales of Emboria : Wolf System

Fenrir is the son of Edwin the hunter. One day Edwin while hunting find the wolf pub and decide to take him to respect their family long lost custom. Edwin give responsibility of the pub to his son. Fenrir and wolf able to form mysteriously strong bond which has something to do with his long lost family custom. Fenrir is also have strong interest in sword which he learn from his uncle who is knight of the kingdom. The story will follow Fenrir as he go through the journey to become strong knight and help weak and powerless along the way. This is the my first novel so please tell if you find any inconsistency in the story. THANKS

RUNE08 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

The Test of Affinity and Intent

As Fenrir approached the table, he took a seat opposite the trio. The two academy officials appeared uninterested, their expressions weighed down by the monotony of this annual testing, where success was a rare occurrence. The testing was a significant event for the kingdom, a direct order from the Grivania king himself, requiring the presence of both academy officials and the city's count.


Count Landgrave, who found the repetitive task tedious but essential, explained in a disinterested tone, "All you have to do is hold each stone for 5 seconds. If you have any talent for that particular field, the stone will glow. Otherwise, you will fail."


Fenrir nodded in acknowledgment. He could sense the count's indifference to the proceedings, but this was an important step in his journey, and he was determined to make the most of it.


"First, hold the magic affinity stone," Count Landgrave directed, pointing to the left stone.


Fenrir extended his arm and grasped the magic affinity stone as instructed. The seconds ticked by slowly—1 second, 2 seconds, and then 5 seconds passed. The stone remained cold and unresponsive. Madam Janet, one of the academy officials, shook her head in dissapointment. Fenrir had never aspired to be a mage, so the result didn't surprise him.


"Too bad. Next, place your hand on the martial intent stone," Count Landgrave continued.


Fenrir raised his hand once more, this time hovering over the martial intent stone. A bead of sweat formed on his brow as he prepared himself for the outcome. The seconds ticked away, and at just 4 seconds, the stone began to emit a warm, radiant glow.


[Fenrir Ranthrift has leveled up]


The message from the system echoed in Fenrir's mind, signaling a significant change in his destiny. Sir Hanekin, the academy official, couldn't contain his excitement and hastily rose from his seat.


"Congratulations, my boy!" he exclaimed, rushing toward Fenrir and clasping his hand in congratulation.


Count Landgrave, however, remained calm and composed, reminding Sir Hanekin that Fenrir had yet to make his decision.


"Calm down, Sir Hanekin. The boy has yet to make his decision," Count Landgrave cautioned, tempering the knight's enthusiasm.


Reluctantly, Sir Hanekin returned to his seat, his eyes still filled with anticipation and hope.


"Firstly, what's your name?" Count Landgrave inquired.


"I am Fenrir Ranthrift from the village of Frostwich," Fenrir replied with a sense of pride and determination.


"Frostwich village, the northernmost village, and Ranthrift. Are you related to Alvin Ranthrift?" Sir Hanekin asked with a knowing smile.


"Yes, sir. He is my uncle," Fenrir confirmed.


"Ah, Alvin Ranthrift, a great man. I've known him for a long time," Sir Hanekin reminisced, further bolstering Fenrir's chances in his eyes.


"Now, Fenrir, you have a choice—a choice that can change your entire life. You can become a student at the knight academy or forge your own path. If you wish, you can consult with your parents."


Fenrir's response was immediate and unwavering. "No need. I had already decided to become a knight."


"Good choice, boy. There are those who seek independence or turn to a life of crime, but your straightforward answer truly impresses me," Sir Hanekin commended him.


"Congratulations, Fenrir," Madam Janet added with newfound interest, her initial indifference replaced by admiration.


"From now on, Fenrir, everything will be taken care of by the academy during your time there," Count Landgrave informed him.


Filled with excitement and determination, Fenrir envisioned the challenges and opportunities that awaited him as a knight. The path to fulfilling his dream had finally been illuminated.


After leaving the City Hall, Fenrir updated Dolan on the test results. Dolan was taken aback by the news, never expecting Fenrir to pass, considering how rare it was. He congratulated Fenrir before parting ways, leaving to complete his own business in the city.


At night, while Fenrir is sleeping his mind drifted to the dream where he once again meet Storm.