
Tales of Emboria : Wolf System

Fenrir is the son of Edwin the hunter. One day Edwin while hunting find the wolf pub and decide to take him to respect their family long lost custom. Edwin give responsibility of the pub to his son. Fenrir and wolf able to form mysteriously strong bond which has something to do with his long lost family custom. Fenrir is also have strong interest in sword which he learn from his uncle who is knight of the kingdom. The story will follow Fenrir as he go through the journey to become strong knight and help weak and powerless along the way. This is the my first novel so please tell if you find any inconsistency in the story. THANKS

RUNE08 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Sword training

The next morning, Fenrir woke up with a smile, his heart brimming with enthusiasm to learn the art of the sword from his uncle. After a hearty breakfast, he bid farewell to his mother, informing her of his intention to visit his uncle's home for his first sword lesson. His mother, always a worrier, reminded him to be careful. Storm was still sound asleep, possibly recovering from the fatigue of previous day. Fenrir's father had left early for a hunting expedition.

As Fenrir made his way to his uncle's home, his excitement grew. His uncle Alvin was not just any man; he was a respected knight in the kingdom, his valor and service to the realm rewarded with lands in his name. Fenrir's dream was to follow in his uncle's footsteps and become a knight, a protector of the kingdom.

When he arrived at his uncle's grand residence, Fenrir was greeted by his aunt, Melissa. Her warm smile greeted him as he entered.

"Hello, Aunt Melissa," Fenrir greeted her politely.

"Hello, Fenrir. What brings you here today?" she asked.

"Uncle Alvin promised to teach me swordplay when I turned 10," Fenrir replied eagerly.

"Oh, my, you're already 10 years old! It feels like just yesterday you were born," Melissa exclaimed with a hint of nostalgia.

"Is Uncle Alvin around?" Fenrir inquired.

"He's in the study. You can go right in," she answered.

"Thank you, Aunt Melissa," Fenrir said before making his way to the study.

He knocked gently on the door, and a voice from inside called out, "Who is there?"

"It's me, Fenrir."

"Come in."

Fenrir pushed open the door and found his uncle Alvin engrossed in some scrolls.

"What brings you here, Fenrir?" Alvin asked with a warm smile.

"Uncle, remember when you said you'd teach me swordplay when I turned 10? Well, here I am," Fenrir said, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"You're already 10? Time does fly. For us, though, you'll always be a kid," Alvin replied, chuckling.

"Okay, promise is a promise. Meet me in the yard in 10 minutes," Alvin instructed.

Exactly 10 minutes later, Fenrir and his uncle stood face to face in the spacious yard.

"Fenrir, what I can teach you now is the basic swordplay. For advanced training, you'll have to attend the knight academy," Alvin began.

"I understand," Fenrir replied, his determination unwavering.

"Listen carefully. The basics of swordplay can be divided into four parts: strike, thrust, parry, and footwork. These four elements form the foundation of all advanced techniques. For the next four years, you'll master these fundamentals," Alvin explained.

Fenrir was eager to learn. "If I practice these four steps diligently, do you think I can pass the martial intent test?" he asked.

Alvin considered for a moment. "You may or may not, but your chances will certainly improve."

For the next two hours, Alvin patiently instructed Fenrir in the art of the sword. Each movement, each stance, was carefully explained and demonstrated. Fenrir absorbed every word and movement like a sponge.

"Okay, that's enough for today," Alvin finally said, noticing the fatigue in Fenrir's eyes.

Fenrir, however, was not ready to stop. "What are you talking about? I can still go on," he protested, his breath heavy.

"Fenrir, you did remarkably well for your first day. But remember, you're just starting. Stamina is built over time, and taking breaks is as crucial as practicing," Alvin advised.

"Understood," Fenrir replied, a touch of disappointment in his voice.

"Don't worry. As you continue to practice, your stamina will improve," Alvin assured him.

"Thank you, Uncle, for today. See you tomorrow," Fenrir said as he reluctantly left his uncle's house.

Uncle Alvin served as both a knight and the security in charge of Frostwich village. He has a daughter who is happily married and living in another part of the kingdom. His son is in the final year of the knight academy, following in his father's footsteps.

Returning home, Fenrir found Storm awake and brimming with energy.

"Mother, I'm taking Storm outside to play," he announced without waiting for a response.

Without listening to the reply from his mother Fenrir and storm leave the house to play outside with his friends.