
Tales of demons and gods : My life in a barbaric world

From the colossal St. Ancestral Mountain range, a valley can be seen. On the valley stood Barberic City where woman are sold like cattle and children are turned into warriors. A man has been rebirth here. He doesn't know who he is but he does having memories of living in the 21st century and reading about the story he seems to have been sent to. Follow his adventures as he is torn between good and evil in a world where the morals and beliefs are different from what he think he knows. ---------------------------------------- SI/OC Warning : Moral ambiguity Profanity Sexual Content Disclaimer : I don't own TDG nor the other great works that I mention. This story is purely fictional and is written for entertainment.

ZvenDen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

The story's start!

15th of September, 717 S.G.C

There was many young teens entering through The Holy Orchid Institute's doors.

One male young teen stood out from the rest. He is pretty tall for his age measuring 1.60 meter. He has short hair compared to the majority of the people. He is leaning on the ugly side in terms of look and his clothes were very different from the traditional attire worn by the students.

The young man is alone and seems talking to himself :

" On the colossal St. Ancestral Mountain range, sunlight shined through the gap between the mountains into the deep canyons. The roars of beasts can occasionally be heard.

On the surface of the valley stood a barbaric city.

The world outside of the St. Ancestral Mountains has been occupied by the beasts. Those beasts are slightly less evolved than the ones living inside the walls. The people living in the mountain range have not contacted the outside world for hundreds of years. They live cut off from the world as do barbarians.

The people who live in the city are unsure of the situation of the outside world. It's been recorded that at the most glorious period of mankind, having thousands of Legend rank Fighters and Demon Spiritualists, the humans established many empires in the vast continent, but those empires have been wiped out. All what's left for them is this barbarian city.

The city, due to being stealthily located geographically, was well preserved from the Age of Darkness. They would occasionally encounter attacks from powerful Snow Wind Beasts within the St. Ancestral Mountains, however, after going through numerous devastating conflicts, the city was be rebuilt again and again. These barbarians can only use a fortresses that was naturally formed to keep hiding themselves.

These motley walls were an indomitable monument. The same as the barbarians living here, never improving nor evolving.

This city is called Glory City, and it is a symbol of hope for humanity. Too bad it's occupied by barbarians. ''

A young girl, with purple hair and lavender eyes spoke from behind him :

" Hello Wang Wei, you still have a beautiful way to describe things. Even if you are saying many offending things. ''

'' Hello Ziyun, hello Ziyun's father. ''

'' Listen little Wei, if I wasn't.... ''

'' Ziyun, it's almost time for class, you should go. ''

'' See you later. Goodbye Lord Father. Thanks for accompanying me. ''

'' Be safe Yun'er. Never let boys approach you. If they do I'll kick their asses myself. ''

And then the girl left leaving only two facing each other :

'' I am sure you have an explanation for not attending. But reason and logic doesn't matter in times of pain and anguish. I do regret what I said but I would do it again and again even knowing it so excuses and apologies are meaningless. ''

Before the man could respond, there were interrupted by and old man running to them and yelling. When the stranger joined them he was panting. The young teen now knows as Wang Wei addressed him :

" What's wrong?"

" It's the Chen family, Texas. They're undermining and sabotaging our operations. They demanded that we handed them 50 percent of our business if we want to keep operating in the city. ''

Wang Wei was pissed. He tried everything to maintain the status quo, never offending or cutting off others sources off revenue.

'' So the Sacred family had finally decided to play huh. ''

'' It's not the Sacred family, Texas. ''

'' Didn't you said it was the Shen family? "

" Yes. ''

'' So if it isn't the Sacred family, who is it? "

" The Divine family. ''

Wang Wei was more pissed now. He could understand that the Sacred family could act this way since they were pictured as evil and greedy, but for it to be the Divine family to play such a card? Intimidating and 'ask' to 'cooperate'? He made his mind on how to solve this issue.

'' The honorable, almighty and rich Divine family wants my business? Are you gonna intervene you honorable and just City Lord? "

".... "

" Still a coward, I see. ''

The young man then turned to the other man and said :

'' Did you knew that you were followed by 23 persons? It seems they wanted to know the face behind the campany's even if it appear that some people already knew. ''

He said the last words while looking at Ye Zong. The employee then adressed the City Lord :

" Please City Lord, help our master. He had done nothing but helping our Glory City. His contributions are crucial for the development of the city. ''

'' Who's your fucking master, you fucking old man. I already told you old fuckers to fucking call me Texas. Also don't ask for help in my behalf. He doesn't want to 'offend' and 'disrupt' their 'peace' and 'equilibrium' for a wild card that's not even on his side. Not that it matters, he will have to pick a side soon enough. ''

Wang Wei the raised his voice louder :

" To all the peoples present here in the name's of their family, my name is Wang Wei and I am the owner of the Stargate company. I tried to fucking play it nice and fair, giving jobs, introducing new products and never stepping into othrer's people business. This changes today. If the Divine family wants a piece of my company they have to do it over my fucking body. I give all of your families a week. In this week you have to send me a document signed at The Judgement's Hall promising your non intervention in this conflict. For every family not doing it, they will share the faith of the Divine family. ''

He then brought out a sword and threw it to his left. He left his spot and returned a minute later carrying a body that he left at Ye Zong's feet.

'' This offer doesn't include The Dark Guild. Choose wisely. ''

Wang wei then entered the now empty institute's doors. This demonstration made him miss a great part of his first lesson.

Canon starts next chapter. What do you think will happen? Will Nie Li still be reincarnated? Would others behave differently? Don't hesitate to point out any error or incoherence.

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