
Tales of demons and gods : My life in a barbaric world

From the colossal St. Ancestral Mountain range, a valley can be seen. On the valley stood Barberic City where woman are sold like cattle and children are turned into warriors. A man has been rebirth here. He doesn't know who he is but he does having memories of living in the 21st century and reading about the story he seems to have been sent to. Follow his adventures as he is torn between good and evil in a world where the morals and beliefs are different from what he think he knows. ---------------------------------------- SI/OC Warning : Moral ambiguity Profanity Sexual Content Disclaimer : I don't own TDG nor the other great works that I mention. This story is purely fictional and is written for entertainment.

ZvenDen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

The story's first outing!

It was finally the day for departure. Wang Wei was standing still hidden as the students were going through the institute's doors. There were no signs of Ziyun and he was getting bored. He had been excited for the whole week as he was reviewing his travel plans and he couldn't wait for it to start.

After approximately half an hour, as the crowd of students had finally dispersed, Ziyun finally appeared in his line of vision but she was being followed once again.

Once Ziyun was alone in a deserted alley, Wang Wei appeared before her as he said :

'' Do you like being followed that much Ziyun?"

" It's not like that WeiWei, I just invited her to come with us. ''

'' Invited huh? It will be the 3 of us then. ''

Ning'er then joined the two of them. She was grateful for Ziyun's invitation but was a little awkward in Wang Wei's presence. She was confused that it was Ziyun that invited her to join. Was she still trying to apologize? She had already forgiven her, even if there really was nothing to be forgiven, but it seems her best friend was still feeling guilty.

Ye Ziyun was relieved that Wang Wei accepted Ning'er addition to the group. She had regained her 2 long lost friends and this was the best opportunity to rebond although she couldn't deny doing it slightly out of guilt.

Wang Wei's treatment method was highly effective. At first she took claim of it, it allowed the 2 girls to be close once again, sharing their problems and hopes for the futur. She was guilty at first for usurping Wang Wei's achievements but considerate it necessary.

Her conviction was swayed after the final session. When Ning'er was totally cured, she couldn't help her tears as she kept crying in Ziyun's arms for a long time. This impacted Ziyun heavily as she also broke out from tears.

When Ning'er tears were a mix of joy and relief, those of Ziyun's were from sadness and guilt.

Guilt, that's what Ziyun couldn't help but feel. Guilt for not helping her friend with her situation. She also heard about Shen Fei's 'accomplishments' and that was the reason she kept tabs on him through her cousin. Guilt for not figuring out her friend's disease by herself but all those were nothing compared to the guilt felt after Ning'er tears.

Ye Ziyun was a very prideful person. She only used her own power and resources. She never used her position for any reasons and was proud of it. Ziyun knew that she couldn't accept the gratitude of her friend, if she did then their relationship would be built on a lie that could be exposed one day and ruin everything.

Ziyun admitted then everything to her friend who immediately thanked her again and their relationship only got stronger. She invited Ning'er with them so that they could express their thanks and put all their mistakes in the past.

The first 3 days of traveling were pretty calm although exciting for the girls. It was their first time outside of the city and everything was novel, intriguing and fascinating. It was only on the fourth day that some action finally started. Wang Wei gave the girls swords and taught them how to fight with it. The girls were once again impressed by the boy's expertise. After two days of training while keeping a slow pace they finally reached their supposed destination as they were now standing before a broken statue. When Ziyun tried to touch it she was stopped by Wang Wei's words.

'' Don't. ''

'' What's written on it WeiWei? "

" Just some nonsense about an Emperor Rank expert boosting about his skills and how he reached immortality. ''

'' Emperor Rank? '' asked Ning'er

'' Just a rank we'll reach one day. Don't bother yourself with it. I'll tell you more when the time is right. ''

'' Can one really reach immortality by cultivating? " asked Ziyun

'' It depends on what you consider as immortality. If by it you imply living for millions of years then yes. If by it you mean being unkillable, no one has reached this stage yet by cultivating. ''

'' Why does your answers bring always many more questions? "

" Because I'm evil. Now let's rest we'll continue tomorrow. ''

After breakfast on the next day, they were once again before the shattered statue.

'' Who wants it from the front and who will have to get it from the back? "

Ziyun then grabbed his ear with great force as she said

'' Choose your next words wisely WeiWei, you are taking great risks. ''

'' I'm just talking about the view of my face. We'll have to go down from here and we'll use ropes to get attached to each others. What were you imagining? "

" Oh, I'll take the back then. ''

'' How interesting. You're bold. I will gladly respect and follow your wish. ''

A slap on the back of his head was the only answer he got.

The descente was both awkward and blissful, depending on the people's view.

'' There's something pressing on my thigh. ''

'' It's probably the rope Ning'er. Don't worry it will soon calm down. We're not far from the bottom. ''

Ning'er blushed at his words. What it his masculinity pressing on her? She wanted to touch it to confirm it but abstained from doing it.

When they finally touched the ground, they took off the ropes. They were in the middle of what looked like a maze.

'' Where are we? "

" We're in the city's underground. ''

'' But we haven't seen the city yet. ''

'' It's unnecessary. If you want to invade a place, the secret entrance is better than the front door. Let's go. ''

He delved into a passage followed by the girls. They soon reached a hall. Skeletons were dispersed everywhere. The girls were choked by the gruesome sight.

'' Wake up, stay focused. We're in a danger zone. Those are already dead, you can't save them. ''

The girls got their emotions on hold as they explored the hall. The only thing worthy of attention was what looked like a coffin in the center of the hall.

'' Let's start. You will gather the skeletons on the right and the treasures that they carry on the left. I'll take care of the center. Under no circumstances you will approach the coffin, no matter what happens, stay away from it. ''

'' Do we really have to pillage this place WeiWei? "

" I don't like it either Wei'er. We shouldn't disrupt the dead. ''

'' They're dead and won't need the treasures that they carry on them. Don't take personal objects. We need to gather them so that we could move them. We can't let them remain here. They deserve a better resting place. ''

This was now the test that Wang Wei was apprehending. What would happen when he would get closer to the coffin? Wang Wei was having doubts and overwhelmed by fear. What if it would lead to his death? Did he really want to take the risk? He wasn't sure about anything anymore.

His doubts vanished suddenly. A deep confidence soared from the depth of his soul. It was once again this foreign feeling giving him confidence and pointing him toward a certain path. This time he sensed something. Something extraordinary. Some place kilometers away should be his next destination. He approached the coffin confidently and soon put his hands on the lid. There were no foreign soul force or pressure inflicted on him. He opened the coffin to find the expected temporal page and the abstruse gemstone's necklace. Nothing else. No, there seemed to be a hidden compartiment and it contained a bracelet also with an abstruse gemstone. What there a set to complete or something? He kept looking for others pieces of the set but found nothing.

' Does the effect stack or is it a unique buff?' pondered Wang Wei. His feeling once again came to his rescue by denying the effect's stacking.

After storing everything, the treasures and the skeletons included, they departed once again.

'' WeiWei, what method are you using for navigating in this labyrinth? "

" When it really matters, you have to use other things than reason or logic, I'm just following my 'heart'. 'The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of... We know the truth not only by the reason, but by the heart.' That's what I'm using right now. ''

'' 'Listen to your heart when he's calling for you. Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do. I don't know where you're going and I don't know why. But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.' Here's a song, the 2 others will be for later. "

'' That doesn't count WeiWei, I'm sure it's not the complete version and you didn't even used your customized zither so you still owe me 3.''

'' Fine, fine. It's a guitar not a zither. ''

They soon passed through a hidden door and found themselves before a magnificent sight, the treasure room. Gold, armures, scrolls and different resources and materials were displayed in front of them.

Wang Wei began running before diving into a huge pile of gold. He even started swimming and screaming :

" Rich, I am rich. Mouahahahahahahaha. My precious goldie. Mouahahahahahahaha. ''

The girls burst out laughing. Was the boy responsible for bringing all the powerful families to their knees immature and childish? To their knowledge the total sum from this treasure room wouldn't amount to a tenth of his fortune.

'' You can take all the things you want, after all what's yours is mine. Do leave me the lamp, that's mine mine. ''

The girls were conflicted. The treasures here were very valuable and could put anyone out of misery. Did they deserve a piece of it? They hadn't contributed through the journey, they were more a hindrance. Ning'er was the first to speak :

" Wei'er, we can't. You were the only one that contributed to get us here. I am more than happy for the opportunity of adventuring outside of Glory City. ''

'' She's right WeiWei. I only want the songs as convened. Having already the opportunity to explore and discover an ancient city is enough for me. ''

'' How stupid! You do realize that your train of thought is stupid or do you want me to explain why it's stupid? "

The girls hurriedly left before he could continue. Every explanation about his so called stupid things would always sound as a senile senior trying to educate and discipline ungrateful and unruly youngsters. It would be lengthy and they would feel guilty afterwards, they didn't needed it on their first exciting adventure.

Wang Wei took a quick nap and at his awake found that the girls did take some treasures so he stored everything else leaving the room empty. He took out a sign with some words on it and planted it before the stairs that led from upstairs.

When they reached the surface from where they descended and buried the skeletons, Wang Wei took for the first time a serious tone :

" I need to go to a special place. This place is really dangerous and I would be more at ease leaving you in a human settlement that is on the way. ''

'' A settlement? Are there really people living outside of Glory City WeiWei?"

" There are, Ziyun. ''

'' So, was him 'the one'? "

" If you want all the answers to everything, you'll have to come with me. I must warn you before that you'll have a heavy price to pay for it. You'll loose your innocence, your point of view of things will change permanently and not for the better. You'll change greatly. 'Ignorance is a bliss'. I can't refute your wishes but if I could advice you, I would tell you to remain in the settlement. ''

'' I'll go. I want to know. I need knowledge and strength to change my fate. I'll accompany you Wei'er. ''

'' Ning'er, we should think about this. He advice us against it after all. WeiWei never do.''

'' My choice had already been made. I need this. ''

'' Fine. I'll come with you two. ''

'' I've already warned you so don't blame for it afterwards. ''

Still no action...

So many things will be revealed next chapter. Excited about it?

ZvenDencreators' thoughts