
Tales of demons and gods : My life in a barbaric world

From the colossal St. Ancestral Mountain range, a valley can be seen. On the valley stood Barberic City where woman are sold like cattle and children are turned into warriors. A man has been rebirth here. He doesn't know who he is but he does having memories of living in the 21st century and reading about the story he seems to have been sent to. Follow his adventures as he is torn between good and evil in a world where the morals and beliefs are different from what he think he knows. ---------------------------------------- SI/OC Warning : Moral ambiguity Profanity Sexual Content Disclaimer : I don't own TDG nor the other great works that I mention. This story is purely fictional and is written for entertainment.

ZvenDen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

My first lashing out!

Tonight is the night. We're heading once again to a party and once again there's an argument about my clothes.

"Dad, you said I can keep them if I train hard. The result is that I'm now a Bronze Rank Fighter and I get to choose my clothes."

"Fine but you better keep you strength secret.''

I keep my clothes simple and my hair short. It's black by the way with brown eyes.

The trip was once again boring but this time there was people in the streets now I brought light to this barbaric society.

Another argument broke out at the venue with my father. It seems that I am not 'respectful' and don't show 'etiquette' when greeting others.

Me? Bowing to these barbarians? I conceive bowing when asking for a favor or when apologizing and kneeling when proposing but doing it for the sake of greetings? Fuck no!

Thankfully, my mom had once again came to my rescue. She's the perfect mother : gentle, caring, beautiful, soft and most importantly always supportive of me. She's the only civilized person here. Thanks mom, I love you!

Once again the venue is separated in 3 parts : adult barbarians, teenage barbarians and kid barbarians.

Everyone is once again avoiding and ignoring me. That must be the clothes. Only poor people wear pants and shirts.

No, it's because of my face. When I was younger I would appear as average in terms of looks but now, and especially with all the people present that can be considered as 'handsome' and 'beautiful', it is even more standing out.

No Ye Ziyun in sight, guess it'll just be dinner time. After sampling the food I conceived that there was more work to do.

This city may not have hunger issues but what's the point if they can't even cook it properly?

Fucking barbarians.

I then sensed a presence behind me thank to my super instinct power, no it's 2 peoples.

Are they the 'welcoming party' that will show me the 'ropes'.

I was surprised to hear a soft "Romeo?"

When I turned I saw Ye Ziyun accompanied by Xiao Ning'er.

" Is it really you, Romeo, oh Romeo, why are you Romeo?"

"Pfft. Ziyun what are you saying?"

"It had been a long time, Juliet."

'' It had, this is my friend Ning'er. ''

'' Nice to meet you, my name is Wang Wei. ''

'' Nice to meet you, Ziyun talked to me a lot about you and your stories. ''

'' Yeah, I waited long to hear about the story behind the names of Romeo and Juliet's. ''

'' I'm more interested in hearing what you said about me knowing that we only met once. ''

'' Really? It didn't seem that way hea... ''

'' Ning'er! '' Ye Ziyun elbowed Xiao Ning'er to silence her then asked.

'' I just told her about the great stories. Can you tell us another one? "

I already told the soft versions for John Doe's. Maybe Fifty Shades Of Grey? I should wait untill we are ten for it.

So it must be a story that will inspire them and give them strength for the trials to come.

'' I'll tell you the story of Mulan. ''

And so I recounted the story of Mulan. A crowd began to form around our table with the song 'Reflection'. I recognized a few faces and there was even Huyan Lanruo that sat at our tables and kept staring at me and listening attentively.

Then came the best part, the song ' I'll make a man out of you' but those barbarians preferred 'A girl worth fighting for', fucking barbarians.

We were interrupted in the last arc of the story but the pleading of Ziyun to her father allowed me to finish. My dad kept glaring at me, his eyes promising a 'talk' later. You can't do shit you barbarian, I have reason and mom at my side.

Then there were only 4 remaining, Ziyun, her father, mine and myself. Ye Zong was glaring hard and was about to question me when Ziyun spoke first :

" Thanks, it was once again great seeing you. The story was magnificent, the songs were beautiful and inspiring. I've never had a more pleasant time before tonight so thanks again my friend. Thanks for fulfilling that selfish request of mine. Please Lord Father, be lenient with my friend. ''

Then her father's glare softened and threw me a grateful one. God I love this instinct thing that helps me understand people's eyes.

'' There's nothing to be lenient about Yun'er. I was just curious about the origin of this story. Such great tale such have been known if it's written somewhere. ''

What is this barbarian implying? I just ignored him and played with the food. And then my barbarian of a father threatened :

'' Show respect and answer your Lord's question or I'll show you pain later. ''

'' My lord? Did you already sold me or something? I am not a slave that has to respond to a Master. He is no Lord to me. ''

'' You little runt, I'll carve respect in your flesh and bones right now. ''

'' Don't think a beating will bore results. It never did and never will. ''

Since we were the only ones here, I took the chance to perform once again.

"I will not bow

I will not break

I will shut the world away

I will not fall

I will not fade

I will take your breath away''

It seems the reactions are mitigated. My father seems more angry, Ye Zong was perplexed and Ziyun had stars? in her eyes. I added then :

"I will give you a clue for what I just said. Bow doesn't only mean being servile, it is also referring to the weapon. It says that I shall also not use violence. Try to deduce the rest yourselves. Maybe one day I will sing it whole.''

It's strange, my instinct is warming me about something. Ye Zong then closed his eyes and a Shockwave occurred. Fuck. Did this barbarian broke through with only a chorus of a random song? I didn't even told told him about the true meaning of the song. How much of a barbaric society this is?

Then he opened his eyes and started at me once again.

'' Did you come up with it yourself? "

'' No, this comes from the wisdom of old times just like the story of Mulan. ''

" Old times? "At this he send an inquiring gaze towards my father who answered :

" Although my son is gifted in the martial path he prefer the path of being a knowledgeable coward. '' What a barbaric comment.

'' What are saying Wang Qiang? The path to wisdom is the noble one and you should be proud of your son. ''

'' Yes my Lord. ''

'' Are you interested in submitting those amazing tales? You'll be rewarded handsomely for it. ''

'' Sure, as soon as I have free time. '' Do barbarians know sarcasm?

'' Can you perhaps came to play? " Asked Ziyun

" If our fathers permit. I'll came anytime. ''

Ye Zong glares again. What? All I want is to seduce your daughter and I am gonna do it under your nose under your roof. I'll use my charms to do it. Wait, I don't have charms. I'm ugly just like my fucking barbarian's father.

'' Tell you what, I'll came and tell you others stories. You can even have your friend attend as well.''

''That's acceptable.'' Responded Ye Zong.

With the addition of Ning'er it will be 2 birds with one stone. Fuck, am I going to use kid's stories to seduce 2 little girls? I should also prepare candies to raise the chance to abduct their hearts. I'll just need a raincoat and a van and it will be perfect.



My plan is perfect. I'll lay my hands on the 2 of you pretty soon , Twin Goddess.