
Chapter - 13

Continued from the last part....

Siya: (With full excitement and filled with hopes) Father, I want to tell you that, Vihaa is taking me to a day camp with her parents like a family trip early morning tomorrow. 

Both mother and father look at with their intense look for two to three minutes, I started to feel nervous and numerous thoughts started running in my mind like,

"what if they say no to me? what would I say to Vihaa then? what if they say that they would go with me because they don't trust me?". However, soon my trance break down hearing my fathers' voice..

Father: (Smiling) surely you should go. 

Mother: (Smiling) yeah and have fun.

As I listen to them, I got surprised and shocked too. I mean like seriously bro, they have never allowed me to go outside with a smile on their face. However, soon my trance break hearing my mother's yelling voice...

Mother: Siya!!!

Siya: (Looking at her) Ye... Yeah

Mother: Where you were lost? Look your food is getting cold (She said this, looking down at my plate).

Siya: (Rubbing the back of neck) Umm nothing I was just thinking about tomorrow.

Mother: Okay.

After this no one speak up, they resume to eat their food and I started eating my food. I finished up my food in hurry toady because all I want to do is to think about and plan things for tomorrow.

Soon dinner got over, I leave the dining hall with a water bottle in my hand and a bucket full of excitement, I walk towards my room. While I am walking a thought pop up in my mind,

"such a feeling where you are going with people, as a family. Even though you are not related to them by blood, having such people who you can call as family, I am feeling the warmth. At one point I wanted to cry, on the other side I want to smile widely but the thing is, all I am feeling is zoo of emotions and don't know how to express it"

sometimes I usually think is it okay to be like this, I mean not able to express my emotions?

However, soon I step inside my room, closed the door and then I walk towards my wardrobe. I open it, then start picking up my things for tomorrow: 

bag pack

a pair of black t-shirt and a dark blue jeans

white ankle socks

a water bottle and a yellow plus black colour cap from my collection. (O yeah I forgot to mention that, I collect bottles & caps of various styles as well as colours, though, I have only three but still I am obsessed with them).

Once I have taken out the things that I would be needing for a day trip tomorrow, I settle some of them on my study table and some of them on my bed. After getting satisfied from my work, I pick up my diary, plug in the earphones and then I start explaining in it how I am feeling. Just like this times passed and alarm in my phone rang up, alerting me to go to my granny's room for my duty and for a change today, I am not at all in a bad mood while doing so.

Today's night seems to be a bit relaxing as now the time is one thirty in the morning and till now granny has just woke up for once that too an hour before, now she is sleeping peacefully. And here I am able to take some small naps in between. At some point I may have fall asleep because, next I woke up around five thirty in the morning as this is the usual time of her, waking up for day.

However, I am still in half sleep but I can hear the voice she is making while doing her daily routine. Assuming everything is fine with her I again fall asleep, next I woke up feeling the vibration of my phone and without seeing the screen I picked up the phone with my eyes closed only,

Siya: (With sleepy and low voice) Hello

Vihaa: Hey! get up bro quickly, we are getting late

Siya: Shit

I woke up with a jerk, just before hanging up the phone I hear the Vihaa laughing at me. However, I put the phone in my pocket, earphones too and then I pick up my water bottle. In hurry I tried to leave the room, granny come out from the washroom at the same time and look at me with shock, 

Granny: (Shocked and surprised) Where are you going? How could you get up so early? What is the matter?

Siya: (I don't have enough time to answer her questions because, I just have thirty minutes to get ready and leave the house) I will tell you later.

Granny: But....

Though, she was saying something but I don't want to listen it or answer any of her question because one I am not in mood to do so and secondly, I don't have enough time. Unfortunately, in the middle of the way hearing Aunt's voice my feet halted, though I choose to ignore her and keep walking..

Aunt: Siya!! how could you get up so early? Where are you going?

Siya: (Right before entering inside my room) I will talk later, I don't have enough time at the moment.

And like granny she is also speaking something but without paying attention to it I closed the door of my room and start getting ready. It took me around twenty minutes to get ready, after that I recheck my bag which has extra pair of clothes and socks in it. I leave leave the room with water bottle in my hand, phone in my pocket, start walking towards the kitchen to fill up my bottle. I come across to dining hall where I found father, granny and Aunt sitting waiting for the breakfast which mother would be cooking.

As I walk towards the kitchen, father look at me smiling which surprised as well as confused me and two of the ladies keep doing their work which is actually good because I can leave the house without being investigated by them. The moment in step in the kitchen, my mother turn and look at me briefly as if checking what I am wearing and how I am looking, she silently come towards me with a cup in her hand. 

She stops when she is few feet away from me, she passed me the cut and then she again went where she was standing, once again she come back with a plate which has bread butter slice..

Mother: Eat fast and then leave the house.

Siya: But I am getting late.

Mother: No excuses, just do as I am saying.

Without saying anything I do what she said, while doing so, I also filled up my water bottle. Once breakfast got over I bid my goodbyes to mother and leave the kitchen in hurry, start walking towards the main door of the house. As I reach there, I stop for a minute and take out my shoes from the shoe cabinet, while I was tying the shoe laces my phone started ringing and I picked up the phone, put it on the loud speaker, kept in on the cabinet itself and keep tying my shoe laces. 

Vihaa: Where are you, we are waiting outside?

Siya: Coming in a minute.

Vihaa: Cool

She hang up the phone, in less then a minute I open the door and there I see Vihaa in the car on the driver seat, her parents seating on the back seats and only passenger seat is left for me. I literally, run toward the car and in a hurry I open the door, sit inside the car and the moment I closed the door she start driving the car. I put the seat belt, once I got settled she initiated the conversation..

Vihaa: (Teasing tone) Someone is beaming with excitement today.

Siya: (Smiling widely and unintentionally) Yeah, it is just because I am going outside for the first time with my family.

(The moment I said the word family, I realized what I said in excitement and thought, she may think wrong of me and I decide to change it as soon as possible).

Siya: (Rubbing the back of my head) I mean with you.

Vihaa: (Chuckled lightly) Its okay kiddo, we all are your family like only. Right mom & dad!? 

And they both from the back seats speak up "yeah" in chorus. After this no one speak up anything but we start playing random songs in the car by attaching her phone through USB from the car. It took us around two hour almost to reach the some kind of farm house, which is not exactly a house but a camp type place where certain kind of family entertainment activities held. 

All four of us come outside of the car with our belongings in our hand such as water bottles, bag pack and mobile phones. Just before entering inside the farm house or I should say a farm village I saw a board on which task to do list had been written and also in the right corner of it, Vihaa's school had been written too, where she works. Out of curiosity, I look towards Vihaa and I found her talking to another women who is somewhat of her age, I waited patiently for them to finish their conversation and while doing so, I observe my surroundings.

Soon her conversation got over, as she called my name which break my trance and I start moving towards her. This time the women look at me with a wide smile, somewhat her smile confused me but I smile back genuinely, the moment I stand beside Vihaa and in front of that women, I speak up..

Siya: Hello

Women: (Cheerfully and smiling) Hey (The she look at Vihaa and said) I see opposite attracts.

I look confusedly at the women first and then I look at Vihaa and before I or Vihaa could say anything else, I heard Women speaking again...

Women: I mean look at it Vihaa how energetic, extrovert you are and she is completely introvert, calm.

At this Vihaa laughed out loud and I looked at the floor, not knowing what to say. Soon she left us alone, me and Vihaa start walking, towards the first activity area and before we could walk in, she initiated the conversation..

Vihaa: So this is basically a farm village type place, where how people live in a village showed and we would be doing few of those activities and then some fun games. Every year my school organize this for the employees and their families so, they could enjoy for a day.

Siya: Wow, that's really cool.

Vihaa: Yeah now lets leave all questions and worries aside. All we will be doing today, is to eat and have fun.

Siya: (Grinning) Cool

After this none of us speak up, we start doing fun related activities which are..

zip line

pottery making

net and wall climbing

playing volleyball with earth ball

kite flying



collecting vegetables from the farm

taking care of dogs

while we doing this, we also had our breakfast and lunch in the middle of it. Around four in the evening all of the activities got over, all of us are just relaxing. Though, I am completely exhausted but I am at peace and fully satisfied because for the once I am feeling like, I have just relived my childhood, However, soon sound of DJ music break my train of thoughts, everyone started gathering on the dance floor and I look at them smiling, in one of them Vihaa too is standing there. 

After two minutes all of the young generation start dancing, their parents sit aside and watch them, I too wanted to dance but I remain seated because many voices that are running in my mind forcing me to not to go there and dance. At one point Vihaa come and drag me towards the dance floor but the voices inside my head started getting louder..

"what other will think about my dance moves? I can't dance with perfection like the way they are doing, can I?.. and so on"

After five minutes or so, finally music stopped and we drink some water to cool down ourselves. Soon people also started to leave the farm village because they started to close it, we bid our goodbyes to each other. However, technically Vihaa bid the goodbye to her friends, once again we sit inside the car but this time Uncle sat at driving seat, Aunty beside him on the passenger and both me and Vihaa at the back seats, all tired and exhausted.

While Uncle drive towards the direction of house, we sit back without speaking anything and just listening to flute instrumental music playing in the car. A thought, constantly remain in my head like a tape recorder...

"Yet another beautiful morning tale got added in my list, spend with Vihaa."