
Tales of: A God

Dio has always been quite competitive and determinated, that helped him become one of the greatest speedrunners on his past life. But now he has suddenly been taken away to another world with unfair balance and a system that clearly has got favorites. Will he be able to get on top of the competition when all odds are against him?

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10 Chs

The arrival

Everything happened so fast.

It was late night, 3 AM I think, I was streaming my speedrun training as ever when I heard a loud noise outside home. Suddenly the ceiling fell over me without time to react and everything faded to black.

That was it, pitch black... it stayed like that for a few seconds... Then I hit the ground and the sudden return of light blinded my eyes.

-Ugh... Where... am I?- Asked to myself

-We all want to know that- Someone else commented

I rapidly came back to my senses, I was outdoors and it was daytime, that's the literal opposite of where I was supposed to be, I analyzed the situation as fast as I could...

There was more people with me: Some kind of... slime man, a dragon boy... next to a literal fucking dragon... and I...

I looked at myself

-Why do I have 6 arms and am wearing a dress?-

-Because you're a beautiful spider lady?- Answered Slime Boy, in a kind of sarcastic tone.

-I'm a man... And I'm pretty sure I was a human- I replied

-Not anymore, though- Commented the draconic guy

Then I focused my attention on him, and I felt a chill down my spine.

I don't know why or how, but I could sense his power.

And it was huge.

I knew it by sheer instinct, that one guy right there could wipe the rest of us out without breaking a sweat.

Before I could react or warn the others about how powerful the draconic guy was, a screen showed individually in front of each of us.

["Welcome, players"]

["You 4 have been summoned to fight for the sake of this world. According to your life experiences, all of you should already be accustomed to the concept of "Isekai". Being reincarnated in another world"]

We all looked at each other in confusion for a moment, then the message continued.

["Right now you're all weak, but have been granted with a huge growth potential that will be assisted by the system to ensure you all succeed on becoming powerful heroes. System offers a variety of useful tools free for you to use at will, which are"]

[Guide: Each of you have been granted with an assistant that will provide you with useful information about the world and your mission here, all you have to do is ask]

[Shop: You'll earn Perk Points (Pp) by completing quests, these points can be spent at the shop to acquire either Perks (Power boosts to your already existing abilities or new skills) or Items]

[Team Chat: A way to stay in contact with your teammates regardless of the distance, this is a private line that cannot be heard by people external to the team. You can also Direct Message any specific teammate if you desire]

[Profile: Here you'll be able to track your own progress, see your perk tree, and anything related to yourself]

["You've also been granted with a 5 day protection shield that will keep potential threats away from you while you get accustomed to this world. And, as a kind of "Starter Pack" gift, you all have been granted with Perk points for you to spend"]

After that, the screen closed leaving the four of us alone.

We all needed a moment to process the situation, so I died and was taken to another world as some kind of "Hero"... I guess this would be way more emotional if I had anyone important for me in my past life... However, except for the viewers on my streams, I did not have anyone meaningful in my life, I was neglected by my parents and had no friends whatsoever.

Well then, as bizarre as this situation gets, there's still something that feels off...

Apart from me getting genderbent for no apparent reason of course.

I need to learn about the rules, races and power scales of this world later, by now, I need to try something out.

-Hum! We should introduce ourselves!- I said in a cheerful tone -I will go first, my name is Dio, I... uh... Guess I just transformed into a girl-

-I'm called Sun- Said the dragon... Seriously that lizard is huge, I wonder if he was a human as me before this

I casually opened my system window and entered the shop while Slime Boy was introducing himself. Then it was the draconian's turn

-My name is Alex! Is a pleasure to meet you all- He said... Alex, huh? I'll make sure to remember that one

-Hey guys! Check your shop, aren't things like, extremely expensive?- I said, faking amazement

Alex opened his shop and replied.

-Eeeeh... Not really-

-You think you could buy something from there?- I inquired

-I guess two or three of the 1k perks-

That answer caught me off guard, I looked at my screen, I had exactly 100 Perk Points... And there's no 1k perks available... Two or Three? How many Perk Points does he have...?

I guess my instinct was correct after all... I looked at Alex with a growing feel of fear.

This system is clearly favoring him...