
Tales Of 9 Zodiacs

A group of friends tying to live normally but things are much more difficult than they seem, with danger almost every where they go all due to a man named Razer who will do anything I mean anything to get their power. He even went as far as to risk his children for the sake of power. In the end they his children fall in love and refuse to help him but he did not take that lightly, so as the Zodiacs try to live normally and take care of their planets they face danger and meet the missing zodiacs who just want to live their life as if they where normal so they leave to persue their dreams (Cringy right even Scorpio thought so). Anyway enjoy and sorry if I gave you a massive spoiler (Not really sorry you just had to read this huh). I'm Aquarius by the way tell me who you are in the comment and I might add the first five of you into a chapter.

Blinger301 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 10: Brother?!!!.

Name:Ray. bday 17th February.


Hair colour: Black.

Eye colour: Hasle

At the mall Valerie was busy eating at the cafeteria when someone started to approach her. She didn't know that someone was coming because she had ear phones on.

" Sis". The unknown person said but since she had ear phones on she didn't hear so he banged on the table and called out her name again which seemed to get her attention.

"Huh , huh what?.... Brother?!!!". Valerie started to panic because if her brother came to visit that means her father must have also returned.

"Calm down he's not here, he told me to come and stay with you for a while to see how you are doing". Her brother said as he sat down and used his hand to hold up his head.

"Well not so good but you probably don't want to know". Valerie said as looked down on her phone.

"No I want to know, come on tell me". Her brother said looking at her with a calm gaze.

"Sure..... but how did you know where I was". Valerie asked frightened thinking father tracked her down.

"You idiot you left your location on so it was pretty easy to find you". Her brother said still looking at her but this time with a smirk on his face.

"I always knew you where good with gadgets Ray, but this is to much". Valerie said as she took a sip of her smoothie.

"Yeah, yeah anyway tell about your life here any new friends?". Ray said as he took some of her fries.

"Well there are these weirdos that are named after the Zodiacs I don't trust them but they haven't done anything yet". Valerie said as he drank some her smoothie.

"Wait... what?!.... Um by chance is a boy named cancer and he has black and yellow eyes and hair". Ray asked trying to swallow down the fries he almost choked on.

"Yes why you do you know him 'cause if so can you leave a good word for me". Valerie said as she thought it was a good chance to get in Cancer's good books.

"No I don't know him its just that there is this 'character' from my comic that is named Cancer and has Black and yellow eyes and hair just like your friend, maybe he copied from that comic he must be a fan". Ray said sweating and avoiding eye contact with Valerie.

"Oh ok but they are giving me the bad vibes especially this girl named Scorpio". Valerie said as she slurped her smoothie angrily.

"Oh interesting and there are 9 people there right". Ray asked with a smile which was anything but friendly.

"Yeah how do you know though". Valerie said getting suspicious.

"As I said from a comic they must really be fans that they would do all this". Ray said as he took more fries.

"Anyway where are you going to live then". Valerie asked worried that he might come to her place.

"I'll be living in a house next to yours so don't worry about me coming to your place anyway see ya I'll meet you tomorrow, oh and do your friends live next to you". Ray asked so that he can see them for himself.

" They are not my friends but Yeah why". Valerie asked once more getting suspicious.

"Just wanted to meet them, bye". Ray waved as he exited the cafeteria.

*5 mins later*

"Wait he ate my food and didn't even pay". Valerie said just realizing what happend.

While in the car the crew were having an argument which ended in Scorpio lashing out and wetting everyone which of course Leo dried up with a {Fire magic: Heat dash}.

'Idiots'. Cancer thought as he was got out of the car and decided to go in.

Yes they were at the entrance but luckily no one saw them, 'idiots' indeed. Listen I know it is labeled as fantasy so I'll try make them use magic a bit more often.

Before you ask I pressed the vote button to complete a mission.

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