
Teleportation Array

Chen Jun Tian's eyes followed the creature's every movement in fear that it would follow him when the group will disperse but he was not the only one being paranoid at this instance. One can just take a look at Fei Qing Niao whose face was as pale and lifeless as a ghost compared to the rest of the crew but no one can blame him because the demonic beast in front of them was just that terrifying. One slash would directly end their short-lived existence so young master Fei was only displaying a natural human emotion, fear.

"Don't move yet." Lin Han Xin warned his teammates through telepathy.

In Yun Xia Kingdom, everyone is born with a gift, be it superhuman strength or shapeshifting and Han Xin's telepathic skills were among the rarest gifts. Nevertheless, the people present did not have time to fawn over it. They were busy observing the demonic creature who was facing them with obvious fury in its crimson coloured eyes.

As soon as the Qiongqi made a move, Han Xin gave the rest a telepathic signal to disperse and with that, the four of them went into different directions. The beast was confused at first but it soon caught on to their action and began to target the most righteous one among them. It has its sights on the tall and robust Ao Xia Ming for a while now. That young man simply looked extremely appetising in its pair of blood coloured orbs.

"Be careful." Han Xin warned Xia Ming when he noticed that the chimeric beast sets its eyes on the latter.

Xia Ming's grip on his twin blades tightened as he jumped from tree to tree. He must be fearless at this crucial and try to buy as much time for Jun Tian to draw the array as possible.

Meanwhile, Jun Tian was relieved seeing that the creature did not went after him but he dared not lets his guards down. The rest were still waiting for his array so he hurried to find a big enough space and started drawing. Drawing a teleportation array isn't a simple task since he needs a special enchanted brush and he must be calm while casting the spell. Fortunately for him, his father gave him a magical ink brush encrusted with five different elemental stones which improves the quality of the array but Jun Tian was not sure if he could remain calm while casting the spell.

Jun Tian quickly shook his head and took out the magical brush; he did not have time to worry over such trivial matters as he must finish the array as soon as possible. He might not be an exceptional array master but he must do his best nonetheless, thought the young man as he gradually poured in spiritual energy into his drawing.

In the meantime, Xia Ming was running away from the Qiongqi's fierce claws with the help of Han Xin. The two of them did not want to fight directly with the creature because they were no match for it and their spiritual energy would quickly be drained. They have to distract the beast as much as possible for Jun Tian to finish setting up the array so Han Xin used the remaining fogs to cover his movement and attacked the demonic spawn with secret weapons while Xia Ming tried his best to lure it into the trap.

As for Qing Niao, he managed to fly up onto the tallest tree in this desolated place with the help from his familiar guiding him. He was cowardly since birth and he was not a fighter like young master Ao or young master Lin, nor was he as naturally skilled as Jun Tian so he decided to find a hiding place in order to not be a burden for the others. He could see everyone working hard yet he was completely useless. All he could do was to hide himself and wait for the situation to get better.

"Fei..." A voice suddenly called out to him, making him shiver from fright.

Qing Niao narrowed his eyes and looked around until he saw a familiar figure sitting on a nearby tree. It was none other than young lady Bai, the person who called them to come to this dreaded place. He was a bit relieved to see that she was safe but anger soon quelled up in his heart as he thought about how none of this would have happened if she did not insist on going to find young master Lin and she even dragged them into this mess even though she was completely fine on her own. Qing Niao did not dare to say this in front of her though. She was still his teammate after all.

"I've heard your Fei family owned an enchanted seven strings zither." Bai Ye Hua spoke softly, not wanting to attract the beast's attention. "It's called Yue Guang, right?"

"The Yue Guang zither?" Young master Fei furrowed his brow.

The Yue Guang zither was a priceless possession of his family and no one knew about it except for the members of the main branch of the Fei clan so he did not know how young lady Bai found out about it. There must be a mole in his clan!

"Do you or do you not have it?" Ye Hua held out her hand, gesturing for him to give it to her.

"I don't have it." Qing Niao claimed, avoiding her sharp eyes.

"Is that so?" Ye Hua scrutinised the boy's action. "You are a bad liar, young master Fei."

"I really don't have it." The boy continued to deny, earning him a snicker from the female.

"Give me the zither." Ye Hua insisted with a smile plastered onto her beautiful jade-like face. "Everyone else is working hard so I am sure you don't want to be branded as a useless rich young master now, do you?"

"I..." Qing Niao was speechless when he heard her describing him with the word 'useless'. Not only did this woman knew about his family's secret but she also knew how to identify his weakness and use it to her advantage. She was too sly! To think that he wanted to consider her as a friend just a few moments ago, Qing Niao made a sour expression.

"What are you hesitating for?" Ye Hua looked at him impatiently.

Back to Xia Ming's side, he was quickly running out of breath since the Qiongqi has been following him during the whole time. Even though Han Xin attacked it secretly, the creature did not seem to be injured at all. The two young men did not know for how much longer could they hold back the beast.

Hello dear readers!

I was in China for a while so I didn't have much time to update this story but worry not! I am back and there will be many updates soon!

Thank you for sparring some time on my stories~

leecuifengcreators' thoughts