
Talent Swallowing magician

Elric Melvinger. He was the sole heir of a renowned magical family. He was born with innate talent, yet he was ironically unable to master magic due to his overwhelming abundance of talent. But then he discovers his family’s secret, which was left behind by his ancestors. “Consume the mana.” “Swallow the mana.” “Drink the mana.” “And thus, accumulate all the mana inside you, and then bring forth new magic!” He would rise to an untouchable height that no one else could reach.

babayaga01 · Seni bela diri
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120 Chs

Chapter 80

When Prime Minister Norus first asked for help, Elric was somewhat taken aback.

Like his ancestors, he also wanted to maintain good relations with the Beastmen in the long run.

However, that was something that could only progress slowly after mutual trust had been built.

Even Elric himself didn't know much about Prime Minister Norus or King Velence.

Although the Beastmen seemed somewhat naive, they were still a force that had once threatened the northern part of the empire, so caution was necessary.

Thus, for the time being, Elric planned to start by trading Body Strengthening Art, getting acquainted, and gradually learning more about them.

He thought the Beastmen, who might have an even more reclusive nature than himself, would likely be the same.

But now, they abruptly wanted to trade for the king's safety.

How should he take this?

-As I said, I have amassed considerable wealth. I will give it all to you to buy the Body Strengthening Art. Additionally, I will pass on the ultimate technique of Body Strengthening Art.

Prime Minister Norus and Elric quickly exchanged words through sound conduction so that others could not hear.

-...Do you still have the ultimate technique?

-Yes. To be precise, only the ultimate technique remains. We lost both the beginning and the end parts, so it's not very useful.


-How about it? This should be a good deal for you too, right?

-What exactly are you trusting about me to entrust such a thing? I am a human, whom you despise. What if I say I'll help and then turn my back on you?

At that moment, Prime Minister Norus smiled faintly.

A warm expression, completely different from the stern look he had shown so far.

-Do you know that?


-That you look exactly like your grandfather?


-From your platinum-like golden hair to your green eyes... Among our kind, we call the eyes you possess 'Jewel Eyes.' It means eyes that shine clearly and beautifully like a jewel. Those born with such eyes usually make the world sparkle, because they only see such things.

Elric took a deep breath for a moment and couldn't say anything.

From a completely unexpected place,

He had encountered traces of his revered grandfather.

-Your grandfather was like that. He had very beautifully sparkling jewel eyes. He came to our city wearing a necklace like the one you have around your neck.


"And without any conditions, without any acquaintances, he helped us. How else could the lineage of the Tiger King, which we thought was cut off, have continued? It was all thanks to your grandfather.


"I, who was young at the time, asked him why he helped us. Why would he help us when humans are such detestable beings? Do you know what he said?

-What... Did he say?

-'Because we're friends.'


"Yes. Friends. That's what he said. So, I asked him why we were his friends. And he said, even though few remember it now, the Melvingers and the Beastmen were originally friends.


-It seems like you know?

-I've seen it only in records. But...

-Yes. It happened over 300 years ago. But to come and help because he said we were friends was surprising. He added these words as well.

Prime Minister Norus momentarily seemed to return to that time.

Under a night sky so beautiful it seemed like stars would pour down.

He had saved the Anthromorph, who were on the verge of collapse under Fury's repeated attacks, and said that it was only natural to help friends. The image of Usdun Melvinger overlapped with Elric right before his eyes.

-I'm sorry. I came too late.

At that moment, Prime Minister Norus thought.

Usdun Melvinger seemed like a 'star.'

He sparkled so beautifully that it was almost blinding.

And, as if proving his thoughts correct, he later heard that Usdun was called the 'Magus of Star.'

-And then your grandfather left without expecting anything in return. It was a moment that remained an idol for me my entire life. How could I not recognize you, who looks exactly like that benefactor?

-...Is that so?

-I heard about the disaster that befell the Melvinger family. Normally, I should have gone to help, but by the time I found out, it was already too late. Our circumstances were still not good either. That regret has stayed with me like a thorn.


-I know very well that asking for help like this again is shameless. But please, help us. There is no one else we can rely on but you.

-Oh, descendant of Melvinger.

When Elric finished speaking,


"Usdun was indeed an extraordinary man. But I didn't think he would come to such a place."

"Indeed, the Magus of Star...! Lord Elric, you truly are your grandfather's descendant."

Everyone in the group expressed their admiration. Especially Isabelle, who looked at Elric with even more admiration in her eyes.

Heize, too, seemed unable to believe that they had discovered traces of their grandfather in such a place, and she quietly closed her eyes.

However, Sean looked at Elric with a somewhat discontented expression.

"...Your grandfather was such a great hero, so why are you...?"

"What about me?"

"Never mind. Forget it."

Ignoring Sean's sigh, Elric continued his explanation.

"The Prime Minister said he would incite chaos within the city. He asked me to ensure the king's safety."

Many of the ministers and officials were in league with the Fury tribe. By now, the Fury tribe's side would likely have learned about the Body Strengthening Art, and they would move their forces.

This was Prime Minister Norus's prediction.

"The Prime Minister believed that the greater the chaos, the easier it would be to distinguish friend from foe."

The group nodded quietly.

At a time when many harbored different intentions, a shock therapy approach was indeed the most effective way to root them out.

"So, he is planning to catch them all in one sweep?"

"Yes, it seems so. For now, he is still in the process of identifying them. When the Fury tribe's presence is known, it will create even more upheaval."

Augustine nodded in satisfaction, understanding the plan.

Elric turned back to King Velence and spoke.

"The friendly treaty between the Beastmen and Melvinger family in the past. I would like to revive the treaty that has become obsolete over time. Is that okay?"

King Velence pressed his lips together.

Various emotions swirled in his trembling pupils.

They were emotions that couldn't be easily expressed.

"...But I lack power and have nothing more to offer. How can I possibly ask for more help... Argh!"


King Velence's words were cut off as he felt stars burst before his eyes, letting out a scream. It was a flick to his forehead.

With small hands, the king pressed on his now-reddened forehead, looking up to ask why.

"That's not something you measure between friends. You just need to say one word."


"Ask for help."


"When you ask for help, a friend will come running wherever you are."

Elric patted King Velence's head, who looked like he might burst into tears at any moment, and then asked Sean.

"Isn't that right?"

"I don't want to be your friend... but you're not wrong."

With even Sean nodding in agreement, King Velence finally managed to calm his trembling heart.

"Can we... become friends?"

"Of course. Friendship isn't a big deal."

Elric slowly stood up. His gaze was already directed beyond the walls.

"If you get along and can play together, that's friendship."

Before they knew it, with the sandstorm of General Winter, the Fury tribe's army had approached the walls.

* * *



Under the flag marked "Fury," Fury tribe's champions dashed swiftly, backed by the sandstorm. Each time, the ground shook violently.

"Kekeke! There's not much of Anthromorph left now! Everyone, pick up the pace!"

Unlike Anthromorph, which had dwindled to a mere city-state, Fury was effectively a coalition. 

It included not only beastmen tribes obsessed with fighting and pillaging, like the Demonic Bull Tribe and the Demon Bird Tribe, but also various small city-states. 

Sixty percent of the beastmen inhabiting the Black Snowfield were now under their control.

They were just one step away from restoring the Beastman Alliance that had been formed under the Tiger King in the past. But the Fury tribe had been halted at that single step for quite some time.

That step was the Tiger King family.

"Captain, is it really true that there is Body Strengthening Art in Anthromorph?"

"Why? Can't you believe that a mere human has brought the Body Strengthening Art?"

"Yes. It's hard to believe that such an inferior race could possess such a great secret technique…!"

Mount, the captain of Fury's proud "Fierce Beast Squad," burst into loud laughter at the question posed by his adjutant, Hugo.

Humans were an inferior race meant to be enslaved by the beastmen.

This was a common ideology shared among Fury's ranks.

"Kekeke! Of course, I share your doubts. But what can we do? Even if it's a lie, it's true that there's considerable chaos in Anthromorph. We can't miss such a golden opportunity, can we?"

"That's true."

"Moreover, if it's true that the Body Strengthening Art has indeed returned, we can't allow the Tiger King family, who have lost the favor of the heavens, to get their hands on them!"

Captain Mount's eyes gleamed fiercely.

"The heavens' will now reside with our king, the Blood Wolf King! Seizing the Body Strengthening Art and presenting them to him, leading him to reestablish a great empire in the Black Snowfield, will be our greatest honor!"

"Blood Wolf King!"

"Blood Wolf King!"

Fury's warriors chanted the name "Blood Wolf King" like a mantra, exuding intense fighting spirit. 

There was a significant amount of madness in their eyes, reflecting their extreme loyalty to the Blood Wolf King.

Born a second son of the Spirit Fox Tribe and originally distant from the throne, he had seized power purely through his own charisma. 

He rapidly expanded Fury's influence, successfully bringing much of the Black Snowfield under his control. 

Most beastmen tribes bowed to him, and even monsters with only primal instincts avoided him and Fury.

The Blood Wolf King aimed to crown his conquests with the capture of Anthromorph. 

If he could devour the city of the nearly ruined Tiger King family, the only royal line among the beastmen tribes would belong to the Spirit Fox Tribe, not the Tiger King family.

However, the Blood Wolf King's expansion had faced a significant setback at Anthromorph.

Just as the city was on the brink of falling, a certain magician had suddenly appeared.

Due to that defeat, the Blood Wolf King lost five of his eight tails, and Fury's army was nearly annihilated, forcing them to flee. 

It took the Blood Wolf King a staggering forty years just to recover from his injuries. This period was even longer than a generation's changeover!

Yet, even after all that time, he had only managed to regain three tails. Fury had not yet restored its full strength, so under normal circumstances, they shouldn't have made a move. However, the Blood Wolf King had a change of heart.

-Body Strengthening Art! Bring it to me! With it, not only will I recover my remaining two tails, but I may also achieve the coveted ninth tail! My army, go to Anthromorph! Bring me glory!

Thus, the campaign began.

Mount, the captain, along with the Fierce Beast Squad and other Corps of champions, considered this mission easier than snapping a twig. 

There had always been an insurmountable power gap between Anthromorph and Fury tribe. The only reason they had left Anthromorph alone was the Blood Wolf King's paranoia, born from the trauma of their previous defeat.

But now that his paranoia had dissipated, there were no more obstacles. Especially since they had the Winter General backing them up, there was nothing to fear!

"Kekeke! What are you waiting for? Beasts! Charge! The Blood Wolf King has promised a fortune to anyone who brings him the Tiger King's head!"

"Let's go!"


Thud, thud, thud—

Boom, boom, boom!

As Anthromorph's territory came into view in the distance, the Fierce Beast Squad accelerated. Riders on their mounts surged ahead, taunting the infantry following behind.


With the casting of a magic spell from somewhere,

Crack, crack, crack!

A massive and thick sheet of ice suddenly formed in front of the riders, causing them to slip and fall.

Thud, thud, thud!

"What, what is this...?"

"Aaagh! My arm! My arrrm!"

"Stop! Stop immediately... Urk!"




The sight of hundreds of mounts and riders chaotically slipping and falling on the ice was nothing short of shocking.

Unable to slow down in time, the riders in the rear trampled over those in front, or got entangled in the same mess.

In an instant, the front lines of the Fierce Beast Squad were thrown into disarray.

[T/L: You can read ahead chapters and support me here: https://ko-fi.com/revengerscans ]

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