
Talent Reborn:A Cultivator's Odyssey

Yo, author here. Dropped my previous novel for it's absolute trash setting, this one should align more with the generic trends, however I have a lot in plan. Enjoy! In a world where talent determines one's destiny, Lin Jian, an ordinary mid-talent cultivator, yearns for greatness. A mere outer Disciple of a small sect, his life follows a predictable pattern of training and chores. But when he awakens one fateful morning to an otherworldly blue system screen, his fate takes an unexpected turn.

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8 Chs

The Second Trial

As the first trial ended, so the second trail came. This was an entirely different ordeal. Lin Jian, along with a group of eager disciples, stood at the edge of a vast and dense forest. The towering trees seemed to touch the heavens, their thick canopies blocking out most of the sunlight, casting the forest floor in shadow.

Elder Wu, a stern figure with a long white beard and a presence that commanded respect, addressed the group. "Welcome to the second trial, young disciples. In this ancient forest, you will face challenges that will test your wits, your resourcefulness, and your mastery of qi. Remember, the path to becoming an inner disciple is not easy, but it is a journey worth undertaking. Failures will be ignored, and the latter praised."

After Elder Wu's speech, all the outer disciples scattered, some grouping together. 

Lin Jian observed the forest, his eyes scanning for any clues or hints of what awaited them. This trial was different from a simple duel; it required intelligence and adaptability. As the disciples delved deeper into the woods, they encountered various obstacles that tested their abilities.

As they navigated the trials, some relied on their intelligence, while others relied on their sheer strength and qi mastery.

Among the disciples, the genius girl who had effortlessly defeated her opponent in the first trial stood out. With an air of confidence, she gracefully moved through the forest, her eyes scanning the surroundings for puzzles to solve and traps to disarm. Her presence was commanding, and it was clear that she was determined to excel in the second trial as well.

As Lin Jian ventured deeper into the woods, he couldn't help but notice the genius girl's gaze briefly falling on him. There was a hint of curiosity in her eyes, and she commented to herself in a low voice, "Let's see how well you do now."

Unbeknownst to the participants, a group of elders from the sect had gathered in a hidden chamber, their senses attuned to the events unfolding in the forest. Through their specialized abilities, they could watch and spectate the disciples as they faced the trials. Each elder had their own favored disciples among the participants, and they closely observed their progress.

Elder Wu, known for his keen insight and wisdom, commented, "These trials will reveal the true potential of our disciples. It is a test of not only their martial prowess but also their wit and resourcefulness. Let us see who among them will shine the brightest."

An Elder called Lian Yue asked, "Senior Wu, excluding the genius Mei Ling that's already a given, who do you think would pass this trial in the shortest time?"

Elder Wu Zhen pondered for a moment and replied, "Well, among the geniuses, I believe Luo Wei and Jiang Lin could complete this trial relatively quickly. However, I must admit that Lin Jian's progress lately has been nothing short of astonishing. He may even rival Mei Ling in terms of talent."

Elder Lian Yue raised an eyebrow in surprise and asked, "Are you serious, Senior Wu Zhen? Equating Lin Jian's talent to Mei Ling's is quite a statement."

Wu Zhen nodded firmly and replied, "Yes, I am serious. His strength is remarkable, and there's something exceptional about him. Keep an eye on him; he might just surprise us all."

As Lin Jian ventured deeper into the forest, he discovered a clear stream. He took a sip from the crystal waters, feeling refreshed.

Just as he was about to continue, he felt the ground tremble beneath him. His eyes snapped open, and he turned toward the river, only to see the water bubbling and frothing in an unnatural manner.

"Oh?" Lin Jian muttered, curiosity prevailing over nervousness and fear in his heart.

Moments later, a massive creature erupted from the river, spraying water in all directions.

It was a serpentine beast, its sleek body covered in shimmering blue scales that glistened in the dappled sunlight. Multiple fins ran along its back, and its long, sinuous tail whipped through the air as it stood tall at a height of 4 meters. 

"4th stage qi condensation realm? Pfft" Lin Jian laughed. 

The water serpent hissed, its sharp teeth gleaming in the sunlight. It regarded Lin Jian with unblinking eyes, and for a moment, the two remained locked in a tense standoff.

Then, Lin Jian, stopping his laughter extended his right hand, focusing his Qi into a single, concentrated point at the tip of his index finger. The water serpent, sensing the imminent danger, lunged forward with a ferocious hiss, fangs bared.

But it was too late. The serpent's eyes widened in shock as the searing energy pierced through its body. It let out a deafening screech, and its once-powerful form disintegrated into a cloud of steam.

Moments later, Lin Jian ventured deeper into the forest. As he strolled through the dense foliage, he felt the subtle vibrations of life all around him. The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the occasional distant call of beasts created a symphony of nature.

As he explored further, he encountered a massive, moss-covered stone structure. It seemed ancient, etched with indecipherable runes and symbols. Lin Jian instinctively reached out with his divine sense, attempting to decipher its purpose, but a peculiar resistance stopped him.

Frowning, he examined the stone structure more closely. It was undoubtedly the entrance to the maze he had heard about. The complex runes on its surface seemed to be imbued with a mystical power, blocking any attempts to peer beyond.

Then, Lin Jian placed his hand upon the moss-covered stone surface, feeling a surge of energy coursing through his fingertips. Suddenly, the runes and symbols on the stone structure glowed with an otherworldly light, and the world around him began to blur and distort.

The air was heavy with an enigmatic energy, and the faint sound of leaves echoed through the maze. Lin Jian's divine sense was still obstructed, making it impossible for him to scan through the maze. 

On his way, Lin Jian encountered a group of panting outer disciples in the maze. Their faces were pale, and fear was etched in their eyes.

"What happened?" he asked, garnering information. 

One of them, gasping for breath, managed to speak, "A monstrous seventh-stage qi condensation beast chased us. We barely made it out alive. Be careful, it's still lurking around!"

Lin Jian, upon hearing of the beast's realm thought, "how many hits could the beast take from me?" Not in the slightest cared about the fellow disciple's warning. 

Then, Lin Jian thanked them and continued,

Lin Jian ventured deeper into the labyrinth, his steps echoing through the twisting corridors. The air grew denser, and he could sense an ominous presence lurking nearby. As he rounded a corner, his eyes widened at the sight before him.

There, in the dimly lit chamber, hung an enormous spider. Its body was the size of a carriage, covered in glistening black and blue hues. Its multiple legs twitched with an eerie grace, and its many eyes fixed on Lin Jian with malevolent intent.

"An arachnid?" Lin Jian questioned, not in the slightest bothered by its presence. 

Without hesitation, the monstrous arachnid lunged at him, venomous fangs dripping with poison. 

In a split-second decision, he evaded the spider's attack, effortlessly avoiding its deadly bite.

As the spider's head passed by him, Lin Jian seized the opportunity. His fist shot out like a bolt of lightning, striking the creature's head with devastating force. The impact crushed the spider's exoskeleton, and it let out a horrific screech of pain.

Despite the immense pain, the spider wasn't finished yet. It writhed and twitched on the ground, attempting to strike back with its remaining legs.

Lin Jian couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. He approached the defeated spider with an air of arrogance, his eyes locked onto the shattered remains of its head.

"What do you feel? Fear? Regret? Anger? Tsk... I'm talking to a beast."

Casually, he reached down and grabbed the spider's crushed head, not caring about its struggling legs. With a contemptuous flick of his wrist, he hurled it across the room. The spider's body tumbled through the air, lifeless, splattering blood all over, until it crashed against the maze's wall with a sickening thud.

With an apathetic shrug, he turned away from the lifeless creature, casually walking away as if it had been nothing more than an insignificant obstacle in his path.

The girl noticed Lin Jian's presence and desperately called out, "You there! Come help over here."

Without hesitation, he dashed toward the struggling group. As the minotaur focuses on the other disciples, Lin Jian takes the opportunity to leap onto the creature's head. With incredible agility, he twists the minotaur's neck swiftly, causing the beast to collapse lifeless to the ground.

The group of disciples, including Mei Ling, stare at Lin Jianwith utter disbelief.

Mei Ling, her eyes wide, exclaims, "What!"

The others? Speechless as their very bodies freezed from shock. 

As the disciples continue to grapple with their astonishment, the maze around them starts to collapse. A portal, hidden behind the minotaur's massive form, gradually opens, revealing an escape route.

"Shall we?"