
Talent Reawakening: Reincarnating Into The Strongest System

WSA Entry 2024 ________________________ "He needs nothing from a useless assassin such as yourself. The Voltia clan is unlucky to have the likes of you born into it." Growing up in a world dominated by power and assassinations, Rai Voltia, a weak and talentless assassin was constantly looked down upon, disgraced and trampled by his brother who is considered the prodigy of the clan and his father. As the days went by, a painful realization dawned upon him after being brutally murdered by his father. "Truly the weak will always be trampled upon, and there's nothing that can change that." However fate was not done with him just yet. [Ding! You have awakened with the Assassin's System!] Awakening with the ultimate system which allowed him to continuously level up, Rai found himself caught up in a war between magical beasts, demons and gods. Follow Rai as he embarks on his ultimate quest for strength as he aims to become the top mage in the world, little did he know that nothing good ever came without a cost....

Nikage · Fantasi
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72 Chs

3rd Seat Livinus Maradame

"Stop!" A voice exclaimed prompting Xeke to stop with his already planned assault. Rai sat on the ground, his eyes wavering in fear from what he had just witnessed.

"What was that!?" He thought.

"Is that... what the prince was talking about?" He spoke in his thoughts again as his eyes became fixated on the ever cocky Xeke.

"Is that... Essence?" Witnessing firsthand the power behind essence, Rai finally understood why Prince Julius was so shocked as he watched Rai take down the Paradoxes without essence.

"If the prince says it's initially impossible to take down those demons without essence, just how much did I underestimate them?" Rai finally realized it. Those paradoxes he fought were merely just fallen gods and angels who recently transformed into a paradox. They had no idea of their capabilities and dwelt on their animalistic instincts.

Normally a full blown paradox operated under the guidance of a general serving under the gate of Hellius, they act based on orders and are more difficult to take down than a newly transfigurated one.

The man who stopped Xeke in his tracks was no other than Sir Livinus. A general that served under the king.

"What is this Xeke?" Sir Livinus demanded answers for the actions he displayed.

"Forgive me, but someone had to put this commoner in his place. He dared to open his filthy peasant mouth and claimed he'd pass the Essenmages exam regardless of the weapon he uses. It was an insult to all we hold sacred!" Xeke replied, not willing to hide any of his intentions.

"Pass? The Essenmages exams?" Sir Livinus asked. He approached Rai who still sat on the ground and laughed softly before stretching his right hand forward to help him up.

"What are you doing!?" Xeke exclaimed with astonishment.

Rai perplexed simply accepted his aid and got pulled up to his feet by Sir Livinus. "Incase you don't know me, I am the 3rd seat Essenmage Knight of the Ronowa Empire, Sir Livinus Maradame. If you are confident that you can pass the essenmages exams then I have no need to stop you." Sir Livinus spoke as he walked away from the scene.

Xeke was flabbergasted, the fact that a Knight general supported a commoner like Rai passing the Essenmages exams was insulting. "What makes you so confident that this trash will even get past the first stage huh!?" Xeke questioned Livinus motives.

Livinus halted, turning to face the spoilt son of Count Deskus. He was not one who gave attention to one's status in the kingdom, whether you're of royal blood, a noble or a commoner if one possessed good qualities as a warrior he is automatically in his good books.

"Strength and power are not determined by status Xeke, true strength comes from within. The desire to transcend beyond what your body is capable of and shattering those limiters, that's what makes a true Essenmage." Sir Livinus smiled as he spoke.

Rai got to his feet, hearing the words of Livinus was encouraging. Even if he didn't possess essence, he could still do his best. All he had to do was go beyond his limits just like Livinus had said.

"What's your name kid?" Livinus threw a question at Rai.

"Rai, Rai Voltia." Rai replied.

"Rai Voltia huh, good luck." Livinus responded.

Taking a deep breath, Rai nodded as he took his katana preparing to head off. "Thanks sir!" He replied to his wishes trying to play the role of the commoner as accurately as possible. With only less than 2 days left to prepare for the exams, Rai left the shop.

"I ask again Sir Livinus, what makes you so confident in that commoners ability?" Xeke asked with curiosity as to why a high ranking general would assume a commoner like Rai can make it past the Essenmages exams.

"You can't tell?" Livinus replied.

"Tell what?" Xeke questioned in confusion.

"That boy is no ordinary hunter, I sense a great potential emanating from the kid. Even his name strikes a mysterious allure. Rai Voltia....hm it'll be quite a pleasure to witness what he can do." Livinus replied once more before walking away from the shop to resume his duties.

Navigating through the kingdom, Rai's next step was to find a place he would rest for the next two days. That didn't prove to be an issue thanks to the amount of money the prince had given him, the only issue was that he hasn't had a moment of rest since he got transmigrated.

"So there are at least nobles who don't give a damn about status in this world huh? That's a relief." He spoke softly.

As he mentioned the word "status " a blue holographic panel appeared right in front of him as he walked forward. "What!?" He exclaimed setting his eyes on this phenomenon.

It appeared as though he was the only one who could see it, a few moments had passed since its appearance and none of the citizens seemed to have questioned the floating board therefore the conclusion was reached.

"What is this?" He thought as he paid attention to the inscriptions on the holographic board.


[Name: Rai Voltia]

[Age: 16]

[Role: Assassin]

[Experience: 20]

[Intellect: 8]

[Agility: 17]

[Endurance: 12]

[Stamina: 15]

[Strength: 10]

[Level: 2]

[Essence: Electrokinesis]

[Skills: Misdirection and Camaflouge (Active)

- Neuro Echo(Passive)

- Assassin mode(Dormant)]

[Abilities: Raisen(Level 1)]

[Stat points: 3]


"Electrokinesis!? So I do have essence!?" Rai exclaimed in his thoughts as he went through everything that was displayed on the holographic board. Now there truly is assurance that he'll be able to pass the Essenmages exams.

"Stats points?" He murmured to himself. Unknown to him stats points are the points that he could use to level up his stats. The more he levels up his stats the more stronger he became which would most definitely help him in the fight against the paradoxes.

"I see..." After a moment of contemplation, Rai allocated the three stats points into his strength and intellect as that was what he deemed necessary for the exams. Thanks to his background and upbringing in his previous life, he already had an headstart in terms of stamina, agility and endurance so he levelled up the remaining ones.