On the morning of the eleventh day, Howard's army seized Manshur Village, and by the afternoon, they had also taken control of Pitz Village.
With this, all of Knight Zoron's territories fell into Howard's hands.
However, Howard lacked the true authority over Manshur Village and Pitz Village, and he couldn't usurp Knight Zoron's title.
At this juncture, Bosiden approached Howard.
Dressed in a soft, ecru-colored armor neatly bound with black lines, Bosiden addressed Howard, "My lord, are you worried about not having the opportunity to claim Zoron's lands?"
Mounted on his horse, Howard replied, "This was a defensive war on my part. Without sovereignty, even in victory, I can only demand substantial war reparations from the opponent, not claim their lands."
Bosiden moved closer to Howard's horse, wishing to speak privately.