
Waiting for Full Moon

On a night decorated with stars, the spirit of a person named Tama is fast asleep. In his dream, he saw Kirana again. At that time Kirana was bathing in the pool in her castle. The pool looked very clean, the water is very clear. Kirana's face also looks very bright. Her natural beauty is truly extraordinary.

Then Tama saw a small river near the pond drying up. It seems that the river was dammed and the water that should have flowed into the river, has been diverted to Princess Kirana's pond. But Tama didn't see anything scary in the pond. He only saw the happy face of the Princess and her lady-in-waiting (denok) who was busy pouring flowers into the pond.

In addition, he also saw residents around the castle who were suffering from drought due to dammed river water and diverted to the pool where the princess bathed. King Sanjaya begged the princess so he could open the dam, but Kirana stubbornly refused her father's request.

One day Kirana wanted to take a bath in her favorite pool. Suddenly she saw an old woman washing clothes. Kirana sternly scolded her for her rudeness to wash clothes in Princess's pool. Then the old woman cursed her.

"Your arrogance and selfishness make you unfit to be a princess, you will live as a snake, only true love can remove the curse!".

In an instant Kirana turned into a snake, and the castle where she lived sank into a lake.


It was early in the morning, Tama woke up from his sleep. He immediately washed his face and brushed his teeth. He looked at his own face in the mirror.

"What happened to me, why am I dreaming of her again?".

As usual Denok came to bring him breakfast. But unlike before, that day Denok accompanied Tama for breakfast.

"Have you had breakfast? Let's eat together!" Invite Tama.

"Hmm actually Denok already ate, but because Tama offered, Denok will accompany Tama for breakfast, let's have your breakfast... hihi.."

"Hahaha.. Denok - denok,, later the bodyguard will be jealous with me" Tama was kidding.

"Haah.. you mean Limbur? Oh I'm really lazy to speak about him, come on.. he rarely uses deodorant, so it smells like armpits"..

"Hahaha, this is bad, Ms. Denok".

Denok is curious about Tama's story during his life, then she asks if when he was alive Tama had a lover. Then Tama tells the story of his sad life. He told Denok about Nadia. Nadia is the only woman he has liked since elementary school. But fate said otherwise, he had to die before he could confess his love.

"I feel sorry for you, it turns out that you're a really sad boy" said Denok.

"Yes, you could say that. Ehh, how about Kirana's life story?". Asked Tama.

"Oh, her highness princess, all her life she spent to waiting for her true love, her curse and our curse as her followers will be end if she finds her true love".

"Wow, it turns out that she is also a sad girl, it's good to be emotional hahaha". Tama said.

In Tama's heart, she said: "It turns out that my dream is not an ordinary sleeping flower, it tells me who Kirana really is. Maybe I am part of her destiny?".

After Tama finished his breakfast, Denok returned to the main villa to continue her work. Meanwhile Tama goes to take a shower and gets ready to do his work for the day.

Kirana stood dreamingly looking at the pool in her Villa. The water in the pool is not as clear as it used to be. Kirana is trapped in her daydream. She remembers her happy times as a princess. Time wasted, will not come back again.

Tama comes closer to Kirana. He surprised Kirana because it came suddenly.


"Hey, do you want to be a snake like me?" Said Kirana who was angry because of being surprised by Tama.

"Uuuu.... don't be angry lah, princess, your beauty will be gone when you're angry", Tama teased.

"Beauty doesn't matter anymore for a snake, what matters is that I have to earn money,... huhh.. but the full moon is still a week away".

What??? next week is full moon? That was what Tama had been waiting for, because he wanted to meet Nadia when he turned back into a human. Since the food supply is running out, Kirana asks Tama to look for groceries. And because Tama has become a ghost, he can't go out freely during the day. He will go looking for food at night.

It was getting dark, Tama rushed on his mission to find groceries. He walked through the market, but all the shops were closed. He went to the mini market, but it turned out that the mini market was already closed.

"Even though it's only 8 o'clock at night, why is everything closed?"

Tama just realized that tomorrow is a religious holiday in Indonesia, so all shops close early because the shopkeepers have to prepare for the celebration of the religious holiday tomorrow.

Suddenly a thought crossed Tama's mind, he thought of going back to his house and getting some groceries. But when he got home, the contents of the refrigerator in his house were empty. It turned out that the house was being abandoned by the Tama family. Tama's family is away to a rest after Tama's death.

"How is this, the contents of my refrigerator are empty".

Tama was silent. He thought a good idea, then he planned to go to Devan's house and collect the contents of his refrigerator. Even though Devan was a boarding house student, Tama's thinking was really cunning that day.

Tama is already at Devan's house. At that time Devan was having dinner at the dining table. Tama comes to him.

"Van, van... you haven't changed since you were in campus, you still eat so many but you aren't fat". Tama said

"Ugh, why do I get goosebumps?" Devan said.

"Yeah, I'm here, Do you want me to slap you?". Said Tama who had become a spirit.

"Why is it cold now, even though I don't turn on the air conditioner, it will be so scary if there is a ghosts here"

Devan ate quickly, then he went straight to his room out of fear.

"Ckckck, van, van, how can you afraid of your best friend?"

After Devan left, Tama started to launch his action, he started to open Devan's refrigerator and took out the food ingredients that were in it. Before returning to the Villa, Tama goes to Devan's room to apologize and thank him. He took a paper and wrote a letter.

"Van, I'm sorry, I know you're a boarding house student but now I really need this food. I hope you have good luck. Tama".

On the next day, Devan woke up and saw a piece of paper on the table. Then he read the writing on the paper. Since Devan is Tama's best friend, he immediately recognizes that the writing is Tama's. When he found out that the letter was from Tama, he immediately rushed to Ara's house.

Kirana learns of Devan's plan to give the letter to Ara. She uses her magic to erase Tama's writing on the paper that Devan brought.

"That's really ra,, Tama wrote this letter", said Devan to Ara

"Yes, but where? This is a blank paper, you don't have to make it up already". Ara said.

It's unfortunate that Devan is always looked like he is lying to Ara. From afar Tama and Kirana watched the two of them. They were standing on top of a tall building.

"Next time don't be careless". Kirana said.

"Yes, sorry". Tama said.

They both returned to the Villa.

At night, it rained heavily. Tama dreams about Kirana again. In his dream Tama saw a handsome man who was wearing a Dutch colony soldier's clothes. The man seemed to be smiling at Kirana. Who is that man? what does he did with Kirana? everything like still a puzzle. But actually Tama doesn't want to get carried away with Kirana's life story, what he wants right now is to be able to confess her love to Nadia.