
We meet again...

"Dad you're home already?.. Did anything happened at the station?" Cynthia asked as she ran to meet her dad

"Who is he?" Inspector Frank asked

"He's my classmate in school, he's here to see me" Cynthia

"Why is he here when I'm not around" Inspector Frank asked

"I don't really know " Cynthia said as she looks at Phillip

"Young man what's your name?" Inspector Frank asked Phillip

"My name is Phillip sir" Phillip answered as he swallowed his saliva

"So why are you here?" Inspector Frank asked

"Actually he came..." Cynthia was about to answer but Inspector Frank stopped her

"I want him to answer" Inspector Frank said

"I came here to talk to her about something " Phillip answered

"And what is it you wanted to talk to her about?" Inspector Frank asked

"Emmm... actually it's about school" Phillip said as Cynthia gazed at him. It was an awkward moment for him as he thought of so many lies in his head and didn't want to mention his friend's name in order not implicate himself.

"Is the school organizing anything, from I've heard the school is closed till further notice because of the incident that occurred recently" Inspector Frank said

"The school gave us projects to do and Cynthia is my partner in that project" Phillip said

"Hmmm and what's that project?" Inspector Frank asked

"Dad..!! Enough of all the questions, go and take your shower, you just came back" Cynthia spoke out as she pushed her dad to his room.

"Okay, it's there anything for me eat?" Inspector Frank asked his daughter as he was going to his room.

"I was preparing spaghetti. when you're done bathing, I will bring your food" Cynthia said . Inspector Frank went to his room to take off his clothes so he could take his bath as Cynthia ran back to meet Phillip.

"Well you have to go now, I'll text you" Cynthia said as she approached Phillip

"Okay , if I've gotten anything about Shedrach, I'll let you know" Phillip said as he went outside

"Okay bye see you later" Cynthia said as she closed the door.

Shedrach was walking on the street on a sunny afternoon as he walked passed a waste bin. He came back and decided to check out the waste bin. He didn't see anything good enough for him to eat but he saw worn out shirts. He picked them all and took off his uniform and he wore all the three shirts.

Shedrach's name and profile has spread all over various towns through the media as his name has been discussed so many times in the news saying he's the cause of the waves that happened recently and the news also described him as a murderer. Shedrach wasn't safe at all at any place or town and he wasn't aware of it.

He came across a blue cap that was left on the floor as he came to pick it up, he saw three policemen standing at the end of the street. He was ten feet away from the policemen as he tried not to gain the police's attention. The policemen were discussing as one of them easily recognized Shedrach's face.

"Isn't that the murderer?" The policeman said as he gained their attention. Shedrach wasn't sure of why he referred him as a murderer so he wore the blue cap and took off.

"He's the one, chase him!!!" One of the policemen said as the other two ran after Shedrach. The policemen brought out a gun from their pocket as they chased him. Shedrach was very hungry and he didn't have enough strength to run really fast away from the policemen so he slowed down as the policemen were about to gain on him.

Shedrach ran through a narrow passage believing he could escape from the policemen but a met a dead end. A wall has been build blocking the passage to the other street. Shedrach wasn't sure of what to do as he thought of climbing up but the wall was too high. He stepped back and decided to use his powers , he thought of using much strength but he knew he would cause another havoc so he placed his hands on the wall and exact a little pressure on the wall as waves from his hands blew the wall away as it breaks smashing on a moving car. The policemen coming from the back saw what he did and they decided to slow down and they pointed their guns at him but Shedrach ran away to the other street without hesitating.

A man walked into a restaurant as he parked his car outside, he took his seat and called a waiter to attend to him as he waits for someone. A young lady in her forties dressed in red short gown walked into the restaurant as the man waved his hand to gain her attention.

"I'm over here" he said as the lady walked to his table and sat opposite the man.

"Was I late?" The lady asked

"Well not too late actually" the man said

"Ohh then I'm sorry for keeping you waiting " the lady apologized

"It's alright, so what will you like to eat?" The man asked

"Well I'll eat whatever you eat" she said

"Awwwn that's so sweet, I'm sorry I've eaten already" the man said

"Are you for real?!!" She exclaimed

"What?.. I can't wait for you" the man said as he called the waiter to attend to the lady. The waiter brought what she requested as she started to dig in.

"So when will you be free again?" The man asked

"I don't really know, I'm really busy nowadays" the lady responded

"Why don't you quit your job and go for another job that won't take much of your time" The man suggested

"There is no job that I've searched that pays the amount of money that this job pays me, I'm okay with where I am" the lady said

"But you have no time..." The man was saying as the lady's phone rang and disrupted their conversation.

"Hello what's up?" The lady said as she picks the phone

"The boss need me already?... okay I'll be there in a few minutes" she said as she hung up. She arranged herself and carried her handbag as she stood up.

"Babe...." she called

"I get it, you have to go, don't worry it's alright" The man said

"Thanks baby... I promise I'll make it up to you" she said as she quickly left

The man waited a few minutes as he made up the decision to go home. He came outside from the restaurant and went to his car as immediately Shedrach bumped into him, he stumbled on the floor three feet away from Shedrach.

" Heyyy!!!! Why don't you watch where you're going" The man got annoyed as he stood up

" I'm really sorry " Shedrach said

"Ohhh my butt" the man said as he touched his butt feeling so much pain.

"Please can you help me? The cops are after me" Shedrach pleaded

"Why are they after you?" The man asked

" I'll explain later please just take me with you" Shedrach begged.

"Okay get in and you'll explain everything to me" the man said as they both get into the car.

"So what's your name?" The man asked as he drove away from the restaurant.

"My name is Shedrach" He replied

"Well nice meeting you, I'm Dr Gabriel " the man said as he looked at Shedrach sitting at the back seat who was surprised.