
The Discovery

At twilight, a meteor from the sky fall diagonally to the ground at the center of Dr Gabriel's compound. With curiosity Dr Gabriel rushed outside to see what caused the havoc and noticed a small rock that was bright red burning the grass around it.

" Is this what I think it is!" Dr Gabriel said as he stared at the rock with astonishment. He quickly went and brought out a hammer as he smashed the rock with it in several blows. The rock cracked open as there was mecury-like substance gushing out from it.

Dr Gabriel is a scientist orchestrated in human anatomy and Genetics. He's also a surgeon and has performed many operations in his lifetime. He's divorced and has no plans for second marriage yet. Dr Gabriel is in his forties and still looks very young and always have a clean haircut.

Dr Gabriel took the rock in, wearing leather gloves as he experimented on the slime from the rock, writing down his hypothesis. For several days and months of his experiment, he applied it on mammals as he used rats and monkeys as his test subjects. He was possibly trying to convene the mammals' cells and the mercury-like substance from the rock to make it a perfect match as he named the slime " vibramercurium" .

At 6pm , Dr Michael decided to visit Dr Gabriel as he has not been seeing him lately at work. He went into the sitting room and found it empty. He looked around, search the whole rooms and observed there's no one home .

" where could he be?" Dr Michael said has he wondered . He went outside and noticed a storehouse built at the left side of the compound . He approached the house as he heard noise coming from it and quickly went inside . He caught Dr Gabriel trying to inject a rat with silver-like substance in the syringe.

" what are you doing?" Dr Michael spoke out.

" I'm supposed to ask you the same question, what are you doing here?" Dr Gabriel said

" what??.. look at you , I'm sure you've not gotten any sleep " Dr Michael said

" just leave, I'm busy " Dr Gabriel said as he went back to what he's doing

" But what exactly are you doing?" Dr Michael asked .

" That rock fell from the sky to my compound and this was what I found in the rock " Dr Gabriel explained as he points at the rock and the slime

" so you're saying that rock is a space rock?" Dr Michael asked

" yes it is " Dr Gabriel answered

"Hmmm what are you planning on doing with it" Dr Michael asked

" I found major elements in that slime compound which is capable of recuperating dying cells, if I know the right mixture and substance to add, I can make the crippled walk again " Dr Gabriel added

" And what if it doesn't work " Dr Michael suggestion

" It will , I'm almost there I can feel it" Dr Gabriel hopes

" What you're doing is insane but I'm amazed, there could be side effects or consequences " Dr Michael said

" I'm ready to take that risk" Dr Gabriel replied.

Dr Gabriel stood up and poured a little drop of chemicals he has been experimenting on for the past months into a test tube as he extract it with a syringe and poured it in another test tube that was filled with a bit of the slime and mixed it with a roller mixer.

After 10 minutes, he took the test tube and extracted the mixture using another syringe and went to one of his test subjects which is a rat. Dr Michael watched him as he parade about performing science.

" You're gonna inject it into that poor rat" Dr Michael teased

" Are you concerned about the rat right now?" Dr Gabriel said as he held the syringe in his hand about to inject the rat with the mixture hoping it would work.

" wait , hold on!!" Dr Michael exclaimed

" what now??" Dr Gabriel paused

" Isn't that rat supposed to be sick or crippled to see if it works " Dr Michael suggested.

" It has a stroke, it can't move two of it's paws" Dr Gabriel answered.

" It has what now?!" Dr Michael exclaimed

" Not now please " Dr Gabriel got furious as he held onto the rat that was in the cage and inject it with the mixture.

Everywhere was silent for a while as it seems nothing was happening

" Well that was anticlimactic " Dr Michael said.

At that moment, the rat started vibrating as it seems odd, the veins in the rat became visible as it was bright silver.

" Is it supposed to behave like that?" Dr Michael asked but Dr Gabriel was silent as he watched closely. Immediately the rat shrieked as there was heavy blast that blew the cage open coming from the rat's body. They were both marveled as there was long suspense.