
I made you...

"Now you know I'm telling the truth" Shedrach said as his eyes were glowing.

"You are the one!!, it actually worked!!" Dr Gabriel exclaimed as he stood up and dust himself

"Do you know me?" Shedrach asked as he got confused

"Yeah... sorry I mean no I don't" Dr Gabriel stammered

"But you sounded like you do" Shedrach said

"What I meant is that I've heard of these powers before and I can train you to be perfect" Dr Gabriel said

"I don't know about that" Shedrach said

"Why? I'll teach you to do incredible things other than creating waves" Dr Gabriel said with excitement

"I feel like this power is a curse, I wonder how I got it in the first place" Shedrach said to himself

"No it isn't, don't be bothered on how you got it but be concerned on what to use it for. This power is gift and I believe you will use it for good" Dr Gabriel said

"But all it does is to create destruction " Shedrach said

"And you can use it to protect this country, don't look down on your yourself, you are special and you are gifted" Dr Gabriel encouraged him

"So what exactly does my powers do?" Shedrach asked

"Your powers depends on your emotions and how you control it. All you do is to absorb energy around you and release it, so your body is the engine behind all those tricks" Dr Gabriel explained

"But I don't think there's much energy around for me create so much chaos" Shedrach said

"Listen, as I said, it is driven by your emotions. The state of your emotions and will, determines the energy or waves you will create and it does not matter if there's little energy around you. You've already been absorbing energy since you were born and sometimes you have to let it out if it gets too much" Dr Gabriel said

"How do you know so much about my powers?" Shedrach asked

"Well I studied something similar to yours and I'm a scientist" Dr Gabriel replied

"So what exactly am I? Am I a monster?" Shedrach asked. Dr Gabriel burst out in laughter as he came closer to Shedrach.

"Is that what you think? You're nothing like that unless if you choose to be that way. Well to my diagnosis, I believe you're a mutant" Dr Gabriel concluded

"Am what?" Shedrach asked

"Yeah you heard me, you are a mutant" Dr Gabriel answered

"So I'm still kind of a monster" Shedrach said

"Come with me" Dr Gabriel said as he led Shedrach to his basement. Shedrach followed him into his basements which was 30 feet long and 20 feet wide as there were old furnitures and tools scattered in the basement.

"Why did you bring me here?" Shedrach asked

"This is your training ground" Dr Gabriel said

"Don't you think this place is too small for me to train?" Shedrach asked

"Well in this place you'll be taught how to control your powers without blowing this place up" Dr Gabriel said as Shedrach gazed at him.

Cynthia was watching the news on the television as she relaxed on the couch in the sitting room.

"To be very certain, the government will reward anyone who finds this wanted person" the newscaster was saying as the picture of Shedrach was viewed. Cynthia got up immediately and increased the volume.

"It is believed, he's the cause of the massive waves that happened at Edward town in which there were so many casualties and five people dead. The government is ready to reward one hundred thousand dollars to anyone who find this wanted criminal dead or alive" The newscaster concluded as Cynthia switched off the TV.

Her father came in few minutes later as he was very exhausted. Cynthia welcomed him and took off his jacket.

"How are Shedrach's parents doing?" Cynthia asked

"Why did you ask?" Inspector Frank asked

"Shedrach is my friend and I just want to know how his parents are doing" Cynthia replied

"Do not refer that monster as your friend, he's a freak" Inspector Frank said

"I've known Shedrach for six years and he's never like that" Cynthia said

"But he killed someone and he has powers of a wizard" inspector Frank said

"He was trying to help me and he didn't know he had those powers" Cynthia said

"Have you heard the news, he caused another damage at Edward town putting many lives at risk" Inspector Frank said

"He needs a guardian and that's what he needs right now" Cynthia said

"He needs to be isolated or executed and I will make sure I capture him before he cause any damage" Inspector Frank said

"Are you planning on executing him?" Cynthia asked

"If he doesn't surrender or he can't be contained, there's no other option but to take him out. The government has already given us the green light and the armies are on our side" Inspector Frank said as he went to his bedroom

"No...no..no... I have to tell Phillip about this. My dad wants to execute Shedrach" Cynthia said as she fell on her knees and cried.

Back at Dr Gabriel's basement, Shedrach was sitting on the floor and meditating with his eyes closed as Dr Gabriel commanded him to do so.

"What do you see and how do you feel?" Dr Gabriel asked

"I don't see anything and I feel weird " Shedrach said

"Concentrate and focus, feel the energy around you" Dr Gabriel said as he picked up a piece of wood with nails on it.

"Can you feel the energy around you?" Dr Gabriel asked

"Yes I can and I can feel your presence" Shedrach said

"Hmmm you're a fast learner, okay point where I am and still close your eyes" Dr Gabriel said. Shedrach pointed exactly where Dr Gabriel was standing, he was thrilled as Shedrach pointed at him.

"Okay are you ready?" Dr Gabriel asked as he raised the piece of wood up and was ready to throw it at him.

"Ready for what?, are you holding something?" Shedrach asked

"For this!!" Dr Gabriel immediately threw the piece of wood at him as he was 18 feet away from him. Shedrach felt it coming as he opened his eyes which began to glow. The piece of wood coming at him was about reaching his face as it paused and went back immediately, two times faster than before as the waves blew the piece of wood away also pushing Dr Gabriel into a pile of furnitures as he broke his leg and having severe headache. The walls were cracked by the waves as glasses and ceramics were shattered.