
I hate my life...

"What's happening to me" Shedrach cried as he was terrified.

"He's a monster" one of the students spoke out pointing at him.

Shedrach was very intimidated as he ran away from the school without taking his backpack going straight home. Phillip saw him running out from the school and wondered where he was going.

Shedrach got home and shut the door behind him as he falls to the breathing profusely. At then, Mr Johnson was back as he came home with some food packages to eat together with his family.

"What's going on?" Mr Johnson asked as he saw Shedrach laying on the ground

"Is school hours over?" Mrs Johnson asked as she came behind Mr Johnson.

"I don't know what's going on" Shedrach cried

"You can tell me what's happening, is someone chasing you?" Mrs Johnson said as she went to Shedrach

" Is anything happening in the school?" Mr Johnson asked but Shedrach was quiet

"Tell us what happened " Mrs Johnson said as she led Shedrach to the dining room and sat with him.

" Are there people with arms in the school " Mr Johnson asked but Shedrach still remained silent as he was fidgeting.

"Boy say something!!!!!" Mr Johnson got annoyed

" Calm down honey, you can't get him to say anything that way" Mrs Johnson said

" well he should at least say something, is he suffering from trauma?" Mr Johnson got really annoyed

"Don't say that to your son" Mrs Johnson spoke back

" I'm a monster " Shedrach said softly as tears drip from his eyes. He was lost of thought as he said so.

"What do you mean?" Mrs Johnson asked

" I didn't mean to" Shedrach cried

"Did you do something bad?, you can tell us" Mr Johnson said trying to console Shedrach.

Immediately, they heard someone knocking on the door.

"Who's that?" Mrs Johnson called out

"We are the police, please is your son home?" one of the cops asked

" They are here to take me" Shedrach said as stood up and stepped back

" Nobody is taking you" Mrs Johnson ensures Shedrach

"Stay here , let me get the door " Mr Johnson said as he went to open the door

"Is your son home?" The cop asked as Mr Johnson opened the door

" Why are you looking for my son?" Mr Johnson asked

" when he gets to the station, you can ask any question" the cop said

" You have to tell me what he did before I'll let you in" Mr Johnson Implied

"One of the students is in coma all because of him" the cop said

" What?!" Mr Johnson exclaimed

" Your child is not a kid , you have to bring him out now" the cop said

Mr Johnson was stalling the cops as he gave a signal by snapping his fingers at his back telling Shedrach to leave.

" Okay you have to leave now" Mrs Johnson said as she led Shedrach to the back door.

" I have nowhere to go" Shedrach said

" Just go where your leg could take you, I promise I'll look for you" Mrs Johnson said as she held Shedrach's hands.

"Mum I didn't mean to " Shedrach said as he cried

" I know, I always believe in you, now go" Mrs Johnson said as tears drip from her eyes .

They hugged and bid each other 'goodbye' as Shedrach ran as fast he could from the back door going from next street to another. He kept running as he cried and hated himself. (Music playing 🎵runaway by Aurora).

It's been two days since Shedrach left home, Mr and Mrs Johnson were taken to custody as they are the parents of a monster.

They were locked in jail until a lawyer is provided for them .

" I wonder where my son is?" Mrs Johnson said as she stood close to the cage.

"He will be fine" Mr Johnson assured

"Do you think our son is a monster?" Mrs Johnson asked

"Do you believe he is a monster?, he is our son" Mr Johnson said

"I've always feel something odd about him ever since " Mrs Johnson said

" What are you trying to say?" Mr Johnson asked

"Do you remember what happened last year during Christmas Eve " Mrs Johnson said

" You mean the shock wave that happened that night" Mr Johnson said

"Yes , I'm pretty sure Shedrach caused it" Mrs Johnson said

"What makes you say so?" Mr Johnson asked

"The failed fire cracker that you set and went to his direction but exploded half way, Shedrach made it happen " Mrs Johnson said

"That was when the shock wave happened" Mr Johnson said

"Yes , I was beside him that night, all the veins in his body popped up and his eyes changed to something creepy, I wasn't sure of what I saw that night so I believed it to be an hallucination" Mrs Johnson expressed

" It wasn't an hallucination?" Mr Johnson was shocked

"Yes it wasn't ,now I think of it, I hope that wherever he is , I pray he's alright " Mrs Johnson cried.

A man dressed in black suit walked in through the jail stall as he stopped by the jail ward where the Johnsons were.

"I'm Inspector Frank And I was informed about your case" He said

"We are not a criminal, let us out" Mr Johnson got furious

"But your son is" the inspector said

"Don't you ever call my son a criminal " Mrs Johnson warned him

"Or should I say your son is a monster "

The inspector said

"How dare you!!!!" Mrs Johnson got angry as she went towards the inspector but was blocked by the cage and she stretched her hand through the cage to get hold of him.

"I'll be investigating this case and I'll see what kind of monster he is, my men and squad are everywhere in search of him, he has no place to hide" the inspector chuckled

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my son" Mrs Johnson said as she got furious

" the government will know what to do with him" the inspector said as he left.

Mrs Johnson falls to the ground and cried louder as she hopes for the safety of her son while Mr Johnson tried to console her.