
I am a monster....

On a rainy Wednesday afternoon, when all the students and passengers are all in their various houses, Shedrach walked into a supermarket as he approached a lady at the counter. He was still on his uniform as he hasn't changed and barely eat for two days.

"Excuse me madam, please it's there anything you can offer me something to eat" Shedrach begged

The lady looked closely at Shedrach and observed that he was a student at Queens College.

"Where are your parents?" She asked

"They are not with me for now" Shedrach said

"What do you mean?, Aren't you old enough to start working?" The lady asked

"I am, I can start working for you, if you want me to" Shedrach implied

"Are your parents dead?" She asked

"No they are not" Shedrach answered

"So where are they?" She asked

"I really don't know, I just hope they are fine" Shedrach said

" Sorry I can't help you, please leave "

She requested

"Madam please, just anything you can offer me, I'll take it" Shedrach pleaded as he knelt down and cried.

The middle aged lady took pity of him at that moment and went to him.

"Okay stop crying, you're making me seem like a bad person" The lady helped him to his feet and gave him some biscuits with little cash. Shedrach was really grateful for her gesture as he thanked her so many times and left.

Shedrach was heading to an incomplete building that he found several hours ago before he went to the supermarket. He went through a secret dark passage beside the street which was shortcut to where he was going. He went further and he realized that there are hooligans standing at the exit of the passage. He put the cash he was holding into his pocket and covered his biscuits by crossing his arms around his chest.

"Hey!! You!! Stop there" one of the hooligans said as he saw Shedrach coming.

He kept going and didn't stop hoping they will let him be.

"I'm talking to you, are you deaf?!!" The hooligan said as he went to him and pushed him to the floor. His biscuits fell on the floor as Shedrach stood up to pick it up but the hooligans pushed him to the floor again and stepped on his biscuits, crushing it with his shoe as he kept stepping on it. The other hooligans made fun of him as they tossed him around and took the little cash from his pocket.

"Leave me alone!!!" Shedrach screamed as one of the hooligans slapped him to shut him up. This time, Shedrach really got furious as he faced the hooligan that slapped him, his eyes changed as all the veins in his body popped up and his arms started vibrating. The hooligans were confused of what was going on as they stepped back a little, Shedrach raised his both hands towards the hooligan who slapped him, and he screamed releasing massive wave from his hands and body. The waves flew the hooligan to the other end of the street crashing onto a moving car as the car rotated 360 degrees through a building leaving the hooligan with many wounds and all his bones were crushed to pieces which made him to die at that instant.

As the wave blew out, the buildings around got cracks as some poorly constructed building crumbled to the ground and there was an earthquake from the direction of the wave causing a street light to fall to the ground. People around were panicking as they run around to seek for refuge.

Shedrach turned around to do the same thing to the other two hooligans but they ran away without hesitating. He was a bit shock of what he did as he looks at his hands as it kept vibrating . He stretched his right hand towards a fully loaded dustbin, he exact a little pressure to his hand and immediately, waves pulled out and blew the dustbin as it exploded in the street littering wastes all around the street.

Shedrach looked at himself again as he rhetorical asked himself "who am I?". Shedrach picked his little cash on the as he ran to the building he was heading previously.

Back at the station, In the jail room, Mrs Johnson was squatting with her head down as Mr Johnson laid on the floor sleeping. Inspector Frank walked into the jailhouse as he hit the cage with a rod trying to alert the both of them.

"Sleepy heads, I have some news for you" The inspector said as Mrs Johnson raised her head up and Mr Johnson got up immediately acting he wasn't asleep.

"There was a big occurrence at wenby town , I heard buildings crumbled and there was an earthquake and I believe the cause is your son"

"What made you think it's my son?" Mrs Johnson asked

"People said it was caused by a shockwave and it happened from nowhere but I believe it's your son, I never believed your son will run that far "The inspector answered

"Well I don't believe he's the one" Mrs Johnson implied

" I don't crave for your opinion, a person was found dead with all his bones broken and there many casualties" the inspector Frank said

"No I don't believe you" Mrs Johnson cried

"When will you realize your son is a monster, you gave birth to a monster" The inspector said

"Enough!!!!!!!" Mr Johnson got pissed off as Inspector Frank stayed silent looking at him.

"Don't you ever call my son a monster" Mr Johnson said

"I'm only saying the fact and if I'm right, both of you can also be monsters" The inspector teases. This time, Mr Johnson went towards him but he was blocked by the cage, he stretched his hand forward trying to get hold of him but the inspector stepped back to avoid him.

"I love that rage" the inspector chuckled

"Well there's someone here that will like to see the both of you" he continued

" You can come in" the inspector called out. A middle aged woman dressed in black gown with a black scarf tied on her head came in as Mrs Johnson stood up to see who it really was. The woman came to where the inspector was as she looks like she was going through a lot of stress and tough time.

"I'm John's mother " she said as Mrs Johnson and Mr Johnson were shocked.