
Trials of the Worthy

Chapter 15

"Ang bukid mo-atang sa baha apan makut-kut sa baha ang bukid."

The sun have almost set in the sky and only then that Isog and Anindot have taken the last step the complete the welcoming task as well as punishment. They were both tired as dead that they dropped to the ground upon reaching the clearing they have started.

Many times earlier that they have both thought about giving up but seeing that the other is still going, they ended decided to keep on going. Thinking that the other should quit before the other, they were both watching for each others action.

But no one seems ready to quit right under the eye of the other. And now they both ended up finishing the Warrior's Welcoming run together.

They started the run with burning hatred in each others eyes. If it weren't for that one, would the other have acted up which ended having both of them punished this way?

During the first two laps, they were trying to outrun each other. Surely, the victor will conquer the spirit of those who lose.

On the third to sixth lap, they were just running and trying to complete the run as soon as possible. The competitive spirit between the two focuses more on finishing rather than competing with each other.

On the seventh to ninth lap, they were just able to achieve the speed of walking no matter how much they tried to will themselves to run. They are now feeling more exhausted and every step feels so heavy. They give each one another a look when they thought that one of them isn't looking. In their mind, even though no matter how much they refuse to accept it, one is grateful for the presence of the other.

The presence of an unwilling and unwanted companion have both keep them going forward.

On the tenth, the final lap, they were barely able to lift their heavy feet halfway to the finish. Isog and Anindot were practically dragging their heavy self full of exhaustion. But still, keep on going, they commanded to themselves.

One were giving the look of 'I shall see you at the finish, we'll vent the hatred for each other there!'.

The day was shining with bright sun and the cloud was scarce in the wide, blue sky. They have both sweated rivers and soak themselves and the sweat was died by the heat of the sun and the air. Then they have soak it again.

At first, lot of curious villagers were gathered to witness them run. There was the Chief of the village, Isog's mother, Anindot's mother and every other curious what is going on. Then later on, it was only their family that remained, handing them water and food as they run the long punishment and trial.

On the end of the day, people of the village were surprised to see them still running, so everyone gathered again.

There were cheers of encouragement, people were clapping and shouting, willing them to go on and finish the run.

On the last step to finish back to where they started, they were exhausted mentally and physically there last remaining strength and consciousness were still flickering with hate. But it was so weak and threatening to die any moment.

On the last step, they turned to face each other.

The crowd following them erupted to cheers. Even the battle-hardened warriors were feeling a flashback to their finishing run before.

Everyone was surprised when they raised their fist and released a punch toward each others faces. The strength of the punch which landed on each others faces was no more than a light tap but both collapsed with extreme exhaustion and laid snoring on the ground the opposite each other.

Two of the warriors picked up the collapsed body of young trainees. They are now officially gain the status of trainees to become warriors the moment they completed the welcoming run. From now on until achieving the status of full warrior, they will be living in the camp, everyday a routine to train their body, mind and spirit to become a warrior.

"Why did you give them such long run?"

"It wasn't really a punishment for the them but a trial to test both their spirit and both have surpassed my expectation."

"Spirit again?"

"You know me, I may talk much but I only do when I see their that something in their eyes is ignited."

"But why do you still talk too much even if you 'see in their eyes that nothing was ignited', huh?"

The voice was mocking in tone, returning the reason used in the words.

"I am trying to ignite something in them. That's the reason I keep on talking. The intensity of my words never failed to ignite the interest of those who listen to me, that is my spirit fueling the fire inside the one I'm talking to."

"What spirit? The spirit of talking?"

"Yeah, that's my spirit and I'm even starting to awaken the one inside you! Most of you possess the manifest the spirit in your eyes, me, I love showing the great spirit I had with my mouth!"

"Oh shut up will you?"

"Haha! My spirit is unconquerable, nothing you do will ever doused it burning flame."

"So does that means you won't ever shut your mouth up, won't you?"

"Yes, nothing can ever shut me down, I will continue to soar high even when others threaten me to. My spirit is my life, I will never ever close my wings just because of one's simple threat, nothing can ever will!"

"So you will never shut up, really Makadaug?"

"Oh so you dare to say my name now, Taghoy? Back then you tremble in my mere presence and now you are even talking back to me?"

"Stop manifesting your spirit on me, and also look at these two, you'll wake them up with the noise generated from your mouth."

"It is not a noise, it is the manifestation of my spirit. And these two won't even wake up with all the whole day running, nothing can disturb the sleep of these two. The same spirit that carried these two earlier to finish the run. The will that refused to give up is the spirit that has taken over them. Someday, that same spirit will take them high up. I can see it. Strange that I don't usually talk about things I'm not sure of but I can clearly see that these two are destined for something bigger."

"You mean that all the things you've been saying, it's not bullshit or made up craps?"

"Idiot! All the tales I've been reciting is true, I have done it you fool. My mouth shall not utter any trash as my spirit is pure! You idiot, all this time you dare to actually doubt me?". The voice was now raised and serious smoke was rising in the air.

"Hey, relax! It's just that all the things you've telling me is unbelievable and -"

And then a heated voice interrupted.

"Just because it is unbelievable, you idiot, doesn't mean it's not true. I am a great talker not a liar, there is a difference between two, you tiny piece of crap!"

Now, the older warrior was genuinely starting to get angry. He just can't believe that this one, many years his junior, were having a serious doubt about him.

"Hey, sorry man, it's just that all the things you do are so unbelievable. There were so many close scrape of life and death in your tales and it's a miracle that you are still alive with all that encounter." The younger warrior offer in his defense. He doesn't really mean to pump the older warrior into it's angry version as it would surely beat his ass with all the battle it have been to.

"Hah! You're just using words to defend yourself, come out the open and I'll clear any doubt you had inside. I'll show you all I can do, and beat you so bad so that you'll know all my tales are true!", Makadaug roared angrily.

"Hey, I really mean sorry okay. And yeah I'm using words to defend myself like how you use words to recite your courageous acts and great tales!"

"Hah! I won't be at peace if I don't ever give you a beating! Nobody shall ever defile my great spirit!"

"If that's what make you at peace, bring it on!"

The older warrior, Makadaug, throw a light punch at Taghoy, who was able to deflect it with his elbow block.

"Oh! That punch, I can feel its meaning!"

"Haha! You do? What is the meaning you've realized from it?"

"You're are getting old and slow! Haha!"

There was a pause for a while then a roar that awaken everyone. The veteran heard it but paid no attention to it while the trainees was shaken with fear.