
Trials of the Worthy 2

Chapter 16

"Sa pagsubang sa adlaw, mawala na ang kangit-ngit!"


The loud voice flashed like a sudden thunder, Isog jerked a little bit. He opened his eyes and drawn a large, deep breath into his lungs.

Isog was standing again before the Giant statue. And there it is the old man too, Gama Zen.

"Why am I here again?", Isog inquire immediately, he still haven't thoroughly understand what is the requirement of being able to come into this place.

Was it a random event, any moment you can be taken to this place? Or there is something a pre requisite events to be able to come here?

Was I been coming here on my own or I keep getting dragged into this place?

The old man just give a smile to Isog who was popping questions into his mind.

"This place, as I tell you again, was the Universe' Nirvana. It is the plain of existence for the higher consciousness. There is no physical location in this world, it only was able to exist inside your mind but it is an existence that is true. Every time you push your will to a limit, this place activates into an existence. Once you have opened your door to this place, it cannot be closed again. This will forever exist, for the first few times of coming to this place, you may not remember this Nirvana. Only repeated exercise of yourself then you will be able to remember it. Come, let me guide you as to ascension."

Isog has no control of his body in this place, but he find himself moving after the old man.

There it is the statue, having a cloak the covers his head. But it was looking upward into the sky. Isog can't see its face. This place is illuminated by varying shades of blue and red color. There were even streaks in the cloudless sky of violet, the combination of two color.

As Isog was about to step into the inside through the space between the statue's feet, a light from something like a star suddenly shone with explosive brightness. Gama Zen, the old man, who was indifferent whether Isog follows him or not, stopped himself and looked into the sky.

Gama Zen, was feeling surprised himself.

A connection between two plain of higher consciousness has been created.


Isog ascend the stairway leading upwards. He can't see where it is going for darkness was before him a hundred steps in front of his eyes. He just keep on walking upward toward the darkness and then he felt nothing more.

Isog opened his eyes as he felt the cold air in his feet. There is darkness again. Where am I right now?

He tried to focus his eyes but all he see is a faint orange and yellow light before him. It was now almost dying, flickering in the cold air.

It is dawn already, as Isog was familiar with the cold blowing wind.

He tried moving his body as his back was feeling a bit itchy, but it felt so heavy. Only now that his muscle in every part of his body was silently aching. His limbs felt dead exhausted. He closed his eyes again, taking a deep breath. The tiredness like a weights tied on his eyelids dragging him down to sleep again.

"Open your eyes you lazy bunches, get up and take your ass off here! Now! Get up!", a loud voice filled the tent. Sounds piercing into the ears of sleeping instantly awaken them, they raised themselves immediately.

Today is the first the of training!

Isog opened his left eye first with extreme difficulty, he take a deep breath then the soreness and the heaviness of his whole body registered into his mind.

"After I count to 5, anyone who isn't standing before me is running 5 laps of warrior's run!"


Isog felt the terror inside him upon hearing the word 'warrior' and 'run'! He have just woken up but he can clearly feel the hellish exhaustion yesterday.


He is now panicking and he shoot himself out of the hard bed.


A shadow was a blur that flashed first before his eyes! It too was wobbling but it was running outside too.


Isog run himself after the silhouette, it has a long hair and skinny limbs, definitely a girl. Oh he remembered now, Anindot!


They both shoot out the door in the highest speed but there was a puddle of rain water and mud right before the door of the tent. Anindot was able to stop herself immediately, barely avoiding the fall. She was balancing herself when a thud bumped into her back. It was Isog. They both freeze in the mid air as their body was falling in slow motion toward the puddle.

There was a splash that erupted in the fresh morning. Both kids have their faces buried in the mud.

It was a fresh jolt that both awaken them and anger was immediately rising inside.

"Have the two pigs got a little too much sleep?", it was the older warrior, Makadaug standing before them. There was a huge grin plastered on his face but his eyes were so commanding, it was definitely not smiling.

The other trainees who were already assemble before them were trying their best not to laugh at the hilarious sight. They were on the verge of failing not to laugh. Their stomach already hurts and their faces red holding the laughter in.

Then there was that boy who had not covered himself with blanket while he was sleeping. He kicked it during the middle of the night and his stomach was filled with cold air. He had a stomach ache since waking up this morning. He also have the reddest face among them all. He was doing his best to control himself, double than the others had to. His face is contorted in weird shape and he was already out of breath. As he was about to collapse from being out of breath, he take a deep breath but it was a wrong move. Before he was able to inhale, the bad air he was holding on inside was able to escape first.


It was loud, long and smelly release of air.

The others burst themselves into laughter, their eyes were watering and now they are howling. Makadaug was infuriated, this kids needs to be taught discipline! As he faced the boys who were howling with laughter, they were able to immediately stop. Though their faces was deep red holding in their breath to stop their laughter, their knees shaking and their stomach hurts.

'We have to hold this laugh, I can't get punished!', they all thought to themselves.

Including the boy who was farted too. The premature release of air did not in any way brought relief to him, instead it doubled the pain he is feeling right now!

Makadaug was glaring at him now. So he steeled himself and glared eye to eye too. To the observers, they could say that the boy was very brave to stare right into the older warrior. He was sporting such a fierce look, his eyes was like an injured predator in sharpness. And sweat pouring from his forehead were like blood from a deep wound.

But the boy wasn't feeling that actually. His vision is actually blurring that's why he had to glare fiercely. The stomach ache have increased in intensity and he was sweating buckets.

Hold it in! He commanded to himself with all he can do.

But he failed.

A small amount of air was able to escape, leading all the rest to be able to escape too.


The rest erupted in laughter. Some even were rolling on the ground.






Stop it! Ahahahaha!

Makadaug himself erupted in anger.

" You all goddamn kids! Let's see who rules over you damn brats!".

Makadaug was erupting with cursing early in the morning, he was blowing with anger, especially at the kid who farted. He is an older warrior, a veteran of battles yet this damn brats dared to laugh at his face? Punish them all!

It was the 20th lap around the warrior's camp, it was equivalent to a whole morning of running. The new trainees were begging for forgiveness, tears running down their faces as they bow never to do it again. They were sending death glare at the kid who farted. If it wasn't for him, they won't be punished like this.

"Just wait you stupid pig!"

"We will make you suffer the gruesome fate for that goddamn fart!"

"You fuck@r!"

But as they remember the farting part, they felt exploding with laughter inside. So they immediately thought about being angry at it instead of being amused. The warrior who is training them for today is still watching at them.

Makadaug was watching over the kids with such an angry face. He can still remember their ringing laughter and that disgusting sound of fart. How dare they!

"Run faster! You still have ten more laps to go! Go! Go! Go! Move that damn ass kid! Faster!", Makadaug felt like that only watching this kids to exhaustion can bring the relief to his anger.

In that nineteen kids running in the field, one have his face contorted with the stinging pain of stomach ache, two have mud that dried like a black mask and the rest were sending threatening glares at them.