
The Start!

" I don't care where you bring it from but tomorrow is the deadline." My mom shouted inside her room.

" Where do you think i can bring it from?" My dad replies in an annoyed tone," Do you think i have money growing on trees?"

" Exactly! Money does not grows on trees. And that was the reason why i told you to stop gambling. J-Just how many times do i need to tell you to stop stealing the money and spend it on gambling. Ark needs to start going collage after a few days and here we are with no money with us at all." She starts sobbing," W-Why don't you understand? J-Just how hard it is to earn even a few dollars. I have to sit on the chair for the whole day and keep on stitching those clothes. My back hurts like hell when i get back home. And here all you do is laze around, won't break a stick and gamble away every penny you find in your pocket."

My dad lefts the room as he bangs on the door. My mom slowly places herself on the bed right next to her.

While everything was unfolding i was inside my room along with my little brother convincing him that everything is fine and we will go back to how we were in a few days.

His innocent mind believes everything i say.

But only i know that things will never go to how it was. Not tomorrow, Not ever again that is if things are left as they are.

It's time for me to do something. Something to help my family revert to how it was. Happy, Peaceful and warm.

Everything started a few months ago when the real state market of our country started to decline. And it hit us hard. My dad is a real state agent or broker in simpler terms.

He used to act as a medium between the buyers and sellers. And if the transaction was a success he would get a small cut from both the parties; Buyers and Sellers. As the transaction was a win-win for both the parties.

And the commission would usually range from 5%-15% depending on the plot's worth.

Until few months ago, Everything was fine. Dad used to occasionally bring home huge sums of money.

But after sometime it stopped. And after few days He started complaining how the new housing agencies were creating huge problem for them.

At that time both mom and me though it was nothing as many things tend to happen in the real state business.

But when dad completely stopped bringing home those sums of money the tension started to arise.

As the money earned from the real state wasn't consistent my parents used to take huge loans for our school and daily life. Which they used to pay after dad got the money.

It was working that way since before i was born. And it was working fine till few months ago but now it's in chaos. Everything is utter chaos.

The loan we took just before the real state business went dry is now our nightmare or my parents nightmare.

When my mom realized how dire the situation has become she decided to start working for a clothing factory.

Whilst our dad couldn't let go of his gambling habits and kept on doing so until he ran out of probably his last few dollars.

After which he started stealing from our mom's salary which she earned from working all day in order to pay the interest of the loan and help us prevent from getting hungry.

The situation we are in today. I don't blame them. I don't blame my parents for taking such risks while getting a loan as they had did it for so long this might be the first time they have faced any problems regarding it.

Anyways, since what was to happen has happened now it's all up to what we do from here.

I am of 17 this year and although i am not of legal age yet. I can freely work in nearly any place.

So, it's been a week since i have started working at this coffee shop as a waiter. And i have to work for two more weeks in order to earn my first salary. My first, but it is like the tip of the iceberg when compared to how much we have to pay in order to completely pay off the dept we are in.

But it's okay. Although i have started it off as a waiter i have a huge ambition i want to achieve when i gey older.

So, taking slow and small steps towards my huge dream of becoming the modern emperor. I will start off as a waiter in a small cafe of unknown name of an unknown origin.