
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EST --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- The image is made by AI

TrueVoid45 · Fantasi
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29 Chs

Chapter 22 The Phoenix’s Cry

{A/N} I thought about it, when i wrote the first few fight scene when i mentioned a characters speed I just said the were moving incredibly fast, but that only for the students that are weaker. Like for instants Jaylen moments when fighting Miss Xirenia were indeed fast but for Miss Xirenia if she actual tried it would be like he moves in slow motion.


Wanting to practice his techniques in a larger area, Jaylen decided to spend his free period in the outdoor General Training Field, where students from all classes could gather. He was currently at the section designated for first years.

The General Training Field was different from the exclusive class-specific complexes. Here, students had the opportunity to observe techniques from various classes and mingle with peers they wouldn't normally interact with. This was a rare chance, as most students rarely ventured outside their specialized complexes, which were fully equipped for their particular training needs.

Another advantage of the General Training Field was its vast space, accommodating any technique one could think of. Jaylen was positioned near one of the far edges of the field, having just finished an intense training session. The sun beamed down on him, and sweat trickled down his face. His breathing was a bit uneven, but he was gradually regaining his rhythm.

As he stood there, catching his breath, he heard the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. He looked up to see Yuki heading straight toward him. Assuming she was merely passing by to the area behind him, he paid her no mind. After all, she had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him.

Turning back to resume his training, Jaylen suddenly heard a whistling sound as something zipped past his ear. He whipped around to see a shard of ice embedded in the ground behind him. Following the trajectory, he saw Yuki standing with her hand outstretched, clearly the one who had launched the ice.

"What the hell, Yuki?" Jaylen demanded, his voice sharp with irritation and confusion. "What was that for?"

Yuki didn't respond, instead firing another ice shard straight at Jaylen's chest. In the split second before it hit, Jaylen leaned to the side, the shard whizzing past him.

"Yu—" Jaylen started, but he barely got out a syllable before the next shard flew at him. He jumped, letting it pass under his legs.

Yuki showed no signs of letting up, continuously launching ice shards. Jaylen dodged them with acrobatic precision—jumping left, backflipping, doing cartwheels—whatever was necessary to avoid being hit.

But Jaylen soon tired of dodging like a leprechaun. After sidestepping another shard with a quick flip, he landed and dashed forward, shouting, "Grr, alright, you asked for it!"

He closed the distance between them swiftly, raising his right arm to throw a punch. Yuki, anticipating his move, weaved under his arm and immediately followed up by lifting her left leg and kicking towards Jaylen's head.

"Arrgh!" Jaylen groaned in pain as the impact connected. Not giving him a moment to recover, Yuki placed her other leg on his back, using it to spring away and push Jaylen to the ground.

With a graceful twirl, she landed smoothly, standing tall as she looked down at Jaylen. She let out a huff, then mumbled just loud enough for him to hear, "Hmph, still think I can't beat you?"

Hearing Yuki's voice dripping with arrogance after just one bout, Jaylen let out a chuckle as he pushed off the ground, flipping to face her. "You think this is over? Heh, we're just getting started."

He moved forward again, targeting Yuki's right leg to disrupt her stance. Yuki, as if anticipating this, prepared to block it. But Jaylen feinted, slamming his foot into the ground and switching legs to throw a kick at her right side instead. The force of the kick made Yuki's face scrunch up in pain as she was propelled to the left.

She rotated herself mid-air and landed with her feet skidding across the ground until she came to a stop. "That's it? I know girls that hit harder than that," she taunted.

Ignoring the provocation, Jaylen dashed at her, initiating the next bout. He spun around, jumping up and swinging his right leg toward Yuki's head. Yuki moved impeccably, turning her head just in time to dodge, leaving only centimeters between her face and his foot.

Seizing the opportunity with Jaylen's back turned, she swiftly kicked the back of his left knee, forcing him to kneel. Standing before him, she couldn't resist a snarky comment, "Hah, are you proposing to me mid-fight? How sweet of you, but sorry, I only date men stronger than me."

Angered, Jaylen stood up and sent a straight jab with his right hand at Yuki, who ducked under it slightly. She twisted her torso and struck his right side with her left hand, following up with a right hook to his stomach, stunning him. While he was reeling, she grabbed his head and brought it down as she lifted her knee to collide with it.

Jaylen reacted just in time, barely blocking to protect his nose from serious damage. As she released him and backed up, Yuki summoned a bow, clearly done playing around and aiming to do more than just leave him with a concussion.

Yuki's bow, with its gracefully curved limbs, appeared to be forged from pure, enchanted ice. The translucent blue hue caught the light in dazzling ways, and white, frost-like patterns traced along its length, giving the impression that the bow was perpetually encased in a thin layer of snow. The handle, wrapped in supple white leather, was adorned with silver filigree that resembled creeping frost.

When the bowstring, a thread of shimmering white, was pulled back, a faint glow emanated, capturing the essence of the bow's icy magic. Small ice crystals formed and melted along the bow's surface, and a cold mist swirled around it, intensifying with each drawn shot. Ancient runes etched into the limbs pulsed with a frosty blue light, hinting at the ancient magic contained within.

Jaylen, upon recovering, noticed the bow in her hands and was shocked. He couldn't believe she had brought out her actual weapon. 'Why the hell did she bring out her bow? If she's fully intent on causing harm, then I will be too!'

Not wasting a second, fearing she would fire an arrow, Jaylen also retrieved his own weapon. Instead of summoning it like Yuki, he pulled his out from the space next to him. In his hand was a katana. The handle was wrapped in black and gray leather, providing a comfortable and firm grip, while the dark metal tsuba featured subtle, shifting patterns that hinted at the weapon's connection to shadowy realms. The sheath, crafted from reinforced black leather, complemented the katana's stealthy design, allowing it to be drawn in silence.

When Jaylen unsheathed it, the blade appeared as a void, a pitch-black absence of light. Along its razor-sharp edge, a mystical white flame flickered, casting an eerie, ghostly light that revealed ancient runes etched into the metal. The katana emanated a cold shadow fire and an aura of deep solitude, instilling a sense of dread and isolation in all who stood near. This weapon was not just a tool of war but a symbol of the darkest recesses of the soul.

Hearing a high-pitched whistling sound, Jaylen turned his gaze toward the arrow flying at him. With a swift motion, he lifted his katana and sliced the arrow cleanly in half. The two halves spun away harmlessly, and Jaylen resheathed his blade with a determined look. 

He barely had a moment to rest before noticing a volley of around twenty arrows mid-flight, all heading straight for him. Preparing to cut them all, Jaylen shifted his left leg back, centering his weight on his right. His grip on the handle tightened, his knuckles whitening.

Even though it seemed impossible to cut all the arrows with his current level of skill, Jaylen believed he could do it—or at least cut more than half. As the arrows approached, he dashed forward, slicing the first arrow with a precise swing. The first cut gave him a surge of confidence, but as more arrows came, he realized the futility of his endeavor, especially with Yuki continuing to send more his way.

Switching to a more defensive stance, Jaylen stayed on the move, his katana a blur as he cut through as many arrows as he could. Each swing was a testament to his skill and determination, but it was clear that he couldn't intercept them all. The relentless barrage forced him to retreat and dodge while striking at the incoming arrows.

The sound of Jaylen and Yuki's clash echoed throughout the training field. Each clash of Jaylen's katana meeting the tips of Yuki's icy arrows created a sharp, resonant sound that rang through the air. Their duel drew a crowd of onlookers, all keeping their distance to avoid being caught in the crossfire. The tension was palpable as students watched the impressive display of skill and determination from both fighters.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Jaylen continued to cut down arrows with precision and speed, his movements fluid and calculated. The intensity of the battle was written on both their faces, Yuki's fierce determination meeting Jaylen's unyielding resolve. The onlookers could only watch in awe as the two clashed, each strike and parry showcasing their prowess and the sheer force of their will.

Yuki, leisurely firing arrows, glanced at the forming crowd and spoke with a smirk, "Looks like we have an audience. Let's put on a more interesting show."

Jaylen, dodging and slicing through her barrage, responded, "Well then, I'll go first."

Silver sparks began to appear and fly off his body, growing larger until his figure blurred with speed. In a quick flash of silver lightning, all the arrows flying at him were instantly cut down. 

"Heh, heh. How do you like my new trick? I call it Speed Force," Jaylen said as he reappeared in a flurry of lightning. "It works well with my Lightning Blitz technique."

Yuki, nodding, retorted, "Yeah, it's a nice trick, but that's all it is. Allow me to show you the difference between us now so this fight can be over." As she finished speaking, the air around her became frigid, ice and frost spreading across the ground.

Jaylen's eyes widened in shock as he realized the significance of her words. "I guess among us, now you're the only one left with a bloodline in slumber. I thought you would have noticed, but I was wrong."

Her next words hit Jaylen hard, leaving him conflicted but also happy for her. Yet, there was no time to dwell on his thoughts as Yuki was already in front of him. She lifted her leg and landed a direct hit on his stomach, sending him flying.

"Gaa!" Jaylen's pained groan filled the air as he tumbled across the ground, finally stopping himself by landing on his feet, clutching his stomach in agony. But Yuki wasn't done; she was upon him again, this time landing a right hook to his face.

Jaylen tried to counter, but Yuki anticipated his move and countered instead, landing another punch. She didn't let up, delivering a relentless one-sided beating. Most of the crowd watching winced at some of the hits before cheering louder, captivated by the intense display of power and skill.

The atmosphere was electric, the tension palpable. Yuki's strikes were precise and brutal, each blow resonating with the sound of raw power. Her icy aura intensified, creating a stark contrast against Jaylen's lightning-infused defense. The ground around them cracked and froze under Yuki's assault, while Jaylen's sparks flickered and danced in defiance.

Yuki's relentless assault was a spectacle of grace and ferocity. Each movement was fluid, each strike powerful. Her eyes, now a vivid light blue, glowed with determination and fury. The crowd's cheers grew louder, a mix of awe and excitement as they watched the fierce duel.

Jaylen, struggling to keep up, felt the weight of each blow. His vision blurred slightly from the impact, but he refused to give in. The familiar thrill of the fight surged through him, driving him to push his limits. He knew he had to match Yuki's newfound strength, or he would be left in her icy wake.


Chapter End


If anyone is interested here is The list of martial arts used in todays chapter. this are all the IRL ones.

1. Taekwondo: Roundhouse Kick

2. Taekwondo: Tornado Kick

3. Jeet-Kune-Do: Lead Step Stance