
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EST --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- The image is made by AI

TrueVoid45 · Fantasi
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29 Chs

Chapter 13 The Cafeteria

In a mysterious place within the cosmic tapestry, the Origin stood as a fabled enigma, its existence a whispered secret among the highest echelons of existence. Uttered in reverent tones by those who glimpsed its significance, it remained a realm veiled in mystery, accessible only to the most enlightened and powerful beings in the multiverse.

Tales of the Origin described it as the very point of creation, the birthplace of the multiverse itself. Nestled within the void yet distinct from it, this enigmatic realm held the essence of the Creator of the multiverse

At the heart of the Origin, nestled within its enigmatic embrace, lay a marvel of architectural splendor—a fusion of cultural influences that spanned continents and epochs. The structure stood as a testament to the artistry of its creators, blending the elegant lines of Japanese pagodas, the intricate designs of Chinese palaces, and the grandeur of European castles into a harmonious whole.

Radiating an aura of serene beauty, the outer gardens unfolded in a breathtaking display of nature's bounty. Crystal-clear waterways meandered through lush greenery, cascading gently down each tier before converging into tranquil lakes below. Stone staircases, adorned with ornate torii gates, wound their way gracefully through the verdant landscape, inviting visitors on a journey of discovery.

As one ventured deeper into the inner sanctum, the towering pagodas on the eastern and western flanks stood sentinel, their majestic silhouettes framing the path ahead. Along the winding trails, buildings of diverse functions dotted the landscape, each bearing the mark of exquisite craftsmanship and purposeful design. A path veered off towards a colossal colosseum, promising the thrill of epic contests and spirited competition.

Yet, it was the central focal point that commanded attention—a sprawling castle perched atop a towering mountain, its magnificence a testament to the power and majesty of the realm. Enigmatic and awe-inspiring, the castle beckoned with an air of sacredness, its secrets shrouded in mystery, waiting to be unveiled by those deemed worthy.

In the heart of the castle, the hallowed halls reverberated with the steady cadence of footsteps, each echoing against the polished marble floors. A figure, radiant and ethereal, swept through the corridors with purposeful grace. Her hair, a cascade of light pink, danced with every step, framing her delicate features like a halo.

Clad in the attire of a maid, her uniform pristine and immaculate, she moved with a sense of urgency tempered by a hint of anticipation. Anxious yet resolute, her expression betrayed a mixture of emotions, yet her eyes sparkled with an inner light that belied her apprehension.

With each passing moment, she ventured deeper into the labyrinthine passages of the castle, her destination known only to her.

Upon reaching a formidable set of doors, she paused, her delicate hand hovering over the polished surface. With a composed demeanor, she rapped on the door, the sound echoing faintly through the corridor.

Moments passed, each one pregnant with anticipation, until a voice from within pierced the silence, inviting her forth with a gentle yet commanding tone. With a steady breath, she pushed open the doors, stepping into the chamber beyond.

As the doors swung open with a gentle creek, she stepped into the room, her presence bringing with it a sense of calm that permeated the air. The serene atmosphere enveloped her like a comforting embrace, drawing her deeper into the sanctum.

Her gaze swept over the walls adorned with towering bookshelves, each laden with tomes of knowledge and wisdom. In the heart of the room, a desk stood as a focal point, where a woman sat in quiet contemplation.

The woman's appearance was nothing short of mesmerizing, her ethereal beauty transcending mortal comprehension. Long strands of black hair cascaded like midnight silk, framing features that seemed sculpted by the divine. Her amber eyes held a depth of wisdom that spoke of centuries of experience, reflecting the clarity of her intellect.

Clad in simple attire that belied her extraordinary presence, she emanated an aura of tranquility and grace. Her demeanor exuded a sense of quiet authority, tempered by a warmth that welcomed all who entered her presence.

Bowing before the woman, the maid addressed her, "Madam Nyx."

Lifting her head from within her book, Nyx looked towards the bowing maid before letting out a sigh. "Trish, you don't have to bow before me. We went over this."

With a stern look, Trish respectfully retorted, "I am sorry, Madam Nyx, but I cannot do that."

"Ugh, fine," Nyx conceded, knowing she wouldn't be able to change Trish's mind. She rolled her eyes and changed the subject. Setting her book on the desk, Nyx focused on Trish. "So, what was it that you needed, Trish?"

Trish's demeanor remained composed, but her body language betrayed her excitement. "Madam Nyx, the first Aeon has awoken. He has manifested the first ability of his soul, 'Limit Break.'"

Nyx, who had taken a sip of the tea next to her, was surprised to hear such great news. "Really?" she spoke. Soon, a breathtaking smile adorned her features. "Good, I was really worried if he was going to be alright."

"If it wasn't for some complications delaying his birth..." As she said this, a rare trace of anger appeared on her face before it disappeared with a sigh. "I'm glad he's doing alright."

"I too agree with your statement, Madam," Trish concurred, also remembering the events that delayed their plans.

Thinking about something, a worried look painted Nyx's visage. "I hope he doesn't go overboard using the abilities of the 'Break Point' series."

Nodding in agreement, Trish also voiced her thoughts. "Indeed, Madam. The cost of using them is too great."

"Okay, keep an eye on him and let me know when I can go greet the first," Nyx ordered before picking up her book once again.

"As you wish, Madam," Trish replied, bowing once more before turning on her heels and leaving the room, eventually walking off in a random direction.

Turning our gaze back to Yonus, Jaylen, Brandon, and Sarah found themselves in a different area of the school—the bustling cafeteria. Having left the Libra complex behind, they entered a space teeming with life and color. Inside, the air hummed with the energy of students moving about, their vibrant uniforms reflecting the hues of their zodiac classes.

 The trio moved amidst the sea of students, their attention caught by the celestial-themed decorations adorning the walls. Constellations and galaxies seemed to dance in the soft light, casting an enchanting glow over the bustling scene. Above them, a grand domed ceiling painted with swirling nebulae stretched overhead, creating the illusion of dining beneath the vast expanse of space itself.

As they weaved through the crowded cafeteria, Jaylen, Brandon, and Sarah observed the lively dynamics of their fellow students. Some students chatted animatedly as they walked towards the glass door leading outside, eager to enjoy the fresh air and panoramic views beyond. Others opted to settle at tables on the base level, their laughter mingling with the aroma of freshly prepared meals. 

Meanwhile, a steady stream of students ascended the nearby staircases, each leading to one of three balconies. These balconies, distinguished by the colors matching the thin lines on the students' uniforms, offered a perch for students to socialize and enjoy their meals with classmates of the same year. And beyond the bustling interior, the outside balcony beckoned, connecting the first and second-year balconies and providing a serene retreat where students could bask in the warmth of the planet's sun while still immersed in the vibrant atmosphere of the cafeteria.

"Jaylen, Brandon, you guys go find a table. I'll go get us some food," Sarah suggested before adding, "What do you guys want?"

"Any meat with a high mana concentration will do the trick for me," Jaylen answered first, asking for a dragon's favorite type of thing to eat, food with a lot of mana.

"I'll have infernal soup," Brandon followed up, preferring spicy food.

"Alright, I'll be right back," Sarah said as she disappeared into the crowd of students.

Navigating through the sea of students, Jaylen and Brandon made a strategic decision to settle on the ground floor, making it easier for Sarah to spot them amidst the bustling crowd. Weaving through the colorful array of tables and chairs, they finally found a vacant spot near the glass door leading outside. With a sense of relief, they claimed their seats, the cool breeze from the doorway offering a refreshing respite from the warmth of the cafeteria.

As they settled in, Brandon took the opportunity to fill Jaylen in on the events he had missed during his unconscious state. Leaning in close, he spoke in hushed tones, "Jaylen, they announced the normal class schedule starts on Monday, so we'll be here from 6:30 A.M to 4:00 P.M."

Jaylen, knowing that normal class would start sooner or later, wasn't all too surprised. His tone was more disappointed, as more class time meant less time to train. "Then I guess we'll be busy for a while."

Rolling his eyes, Brandon retorted, "It won't be that bad. Plus, the Solaris Festival is next month, so I don't think we'll be too busy until after it."

"Yeah you're right, It's only the 5th after all" Jaylen nodded in agreement

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, but yesterday I was doing some research in the library with the idiot vampire, and came across a book that might interest you. It was about all the types of energy found on Yonus, such as Mana or Ki. It might have an answer for your situation. You should check it out. It's titled 'The World of Yonus and Its Magical Energies,''' Brandon suggested

"Really? Thanks, Brandon. I'll be sure to check it out," Jaylen replied gratefully.

Keeping his stoic expression, Brandon nods before changing the subject. "Hey, isn't it taking Sarah a bit too long to get here?"

"Yeah, you're right. It shouldn't take too long, especially for her," Jaylen agreed, a hint of concern in his voice.

As a sudden clamor erupted in the bustling cafeteria, Jaylen and Brandon's instincts immediately honed in on the source, their hearts skipping a beat in unison as they shared a silent exchange of concern. 'Sarah,' their thoughts echoed in perfect synchrony as they exchanged a knowing glance, a silent agreement passing between them.

Without hesitation, they rose from their seats in unison, a determined resolve etched into their expressions as they navigated through the throng of students. Shoulders brushing against fellow classmates, they pushed forward with single-minded determination, their focus unwavering amidst the chaos.

Finally reaching the epicenter of the commotion, they found Sarah surrounded by a flurry of activity.

Amidst the chaos Jaylen Jumped in without hesitation, his instinctive shout cut through the noise like a clarion call, his voice ringing out with urgency as he directed Sarah's actions. "DUCK!" he bellowed, his words a command tinged with concern. Without hesitation, Sarah obeyed, her unwavering trust in Jaylen evident as she instinctively dropped to the ground, sheltered by the shield of their unbreakable bond.

With swift and fluid movements, Jaylen leaped into action, his body a blur of motion as he propelled himself forward. With a deft maneuver, he landed a powerful flying kick on the unsuspecting second-year student, his aim true as he intercepted the threat to Sarah's safety.

Meanwhile, Brandon, ever vigilant, remained alert to the dangers lurking in the chaos. As another second-year student attempted to launch a surprise attack from behind, Brandon's keen senses detected the threat in an instant. With a decisive shove, he intercepted the assailant, his timely intervention preventing any harm from befalling his friend.

"Watch your backs," Brandon's warning reverberated through the tumult, a reminder of their shared commitment to each other's safety in the face of adversity. Together, Jaylen, Brandon, and Sarah stood united, their bond forged in the crucible of challenge and strengthened by the unwavering trust they placed in each other's hands.

As the skirmish unfolded, tensions reached a boiling point among the second-year students. One particular student, his frustration palpable in his demeanor, seethed with indignation as he watched his comrades falter against the unexpected resistance of the first years. "Grr, these damned first years don't know their place," he muttered under his breath, his frustration boiling over.

A nearby lackey, attempting to offer reassurance, inadvertently drew the ire of their leader. "Boss, don't worry, we have them outnumbered 3 to 7," he offered, his voice tinged with misplaced confidence.

With a swift reprimand, the boss silenced the lackey's misplaced optimism with a sharp blow to the back of his head. "Hmp, why would I be worried about such pieces of trash?" he retorted, his voice dripping with disdain as he corrected the lackey's misunderstanding.

As the lackey rubbed the back of his head, chastened by his leader's rebuke, he offered a hasty apology. "Sorry, Boss," he muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and regret.

Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of the fight, Sarah surged forward with a fierce determination, her movements a blur of precision and power. With a resounding punch to a second-year's stomach, she left her mark, clearing the way for Jaylen to follow up with a devastating tornado kick that sent their opponent crashing to the ground, defeated.

As another second-year fell, the boss of the group stepped forward, his expression darkening with resolve. With the cheers of the crowd fading into a tense silence, he prepared to take matters into his own hands. "I'll give it to you, you're not bad for some first years," he declared, his voice dripping with contempt. "But enough of this. It's time to teach you how to respect your seniors."

Before he could make a move, however, a voice echoed out from the crowd, cutting through the tension like a blade. "What's going on here?" The unexpected interruption cast a momentary pause over the chaotic scene, as all eyes turned towards the newcomers, their curiosity piqued by the sudden arrival.

As the crowd began to thin out, making way for the newcomer's voice, Jaylen, Brandon, and Sarah turned their attention towards the source of the interruption. Pushing through the dispersing crowd, they caught sight of two female second years approaching, their presence commanding attention amidst the lingering tension of the confrontation.

One of the girls, her hair a striking shade of dark gray, exuded an air of quiet authority as she surveyed the scene before her with keen eyes. Beside her stood another second year, her fiery red hair a stark contrast to her companion's subdued demeanor. Together, they formed a formidable duo, their presence hinting at a deeper significance within the student hierarchy.

As they drew closer, their expressions remained unreadable, their intentions shrouded in mystery. Yet there was a sense of underlying purpose in their approach, as if they held the key to unraveling the tangled web of conflict that had unfolded before them.

Upon seeing Lilith, Jaylen's surprise was evident in his tone as he exclaimed, "Lilith." His voice carried a mixture of recognition and disbelief, a testament to the unexpected reunion amidst the chaos of the cafeteria.

Lilith, her expression a mask of bemusement tinged with concern, fixed her gaze on her cousin, her words measured as she sought answers. "Jaylen, what's going on here?" Her inquiry hung in the air, laden with expectation as she awaited his response.

Caught off guard by Lilith's direct question, Jaylen found himself at a loss for words, his mind racing to formulate an explanation for their presence amidst the unfolding drama. With a subtle gesture, he signaled to Sarah, silently imploring her to take the lead in addressing Lilith's inquiries.

Sensing Jaylen's silent plea, Sarah stepped forward, her posture radiating confidence as she crossed her arms in a display of assertiveness. "These fools disrespected the proud lineage of the vampire race," she declared, her words laced with righteous indignation. "So I had to put them in their place." Her voice rang out with conviction, echoing through the now-quiet cafeteria as she asserted her authority in defense of their shared heritage.

Lilith's sigh hung in the air, a precursor to the reprimand she was about to deliver to Sarah. "Sarah, I understand where you're coming from, but you can't just—" Her words were abruptly cut off by the interruption of the girl standing beside her.

"No, Lilith, she's 100% in the right," the girl interjected, her voice resolute. "We should put these fools in their place."


Chapter End

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