
Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

That year, The first time Jiang Xu saw Zhou Qingyue, he instantly fell for this girl with twin ponytails who had the sweetest smile. For her sake, Jiang Xu did a lot. He knew she liked bubble tea, so he saved his breakfast money to buy it for her. She loved small trinkets, so he tricked his parents into giving him extra money under the pretext of buying textbooks. Alternatively, he used the money he saved up during New Year. Whenever Zhou Qingyue was on cleaning duty, he would help her clean up. If she struggled with homework, Jiang Xu would stay up late, devising the best study methods for her. She wanted the latest phone. So Jiang Xu would spend weekends playing online games at the internet cafe, leveraging his skills to farm gold. After a while, he had made more than two thousand yuan and bought her a new phone with it. All he got in return was a lukewarm thank you. Countless confessions were rejected with the excuse that she wanted to focus on her studies. He believed that if he showered her with enough sincerity, he would eventually touch her heart. After they graduated from university, she said she wanted to start a business. So Jiang Xu gave her the two million yuan his parents had given him for a house, in secret. She became successful, only for him to see her nestled in the arms of another man. Devastated, Jiang Xu experienced reincarnation. This time, he swore not to make the same mistakes. He only then discovered, there was a treasure girl in his class. Her father was destined to become the richest man in China. But currently, her family is quite poor. Jiang Xu to her father: "Father-in-law, as you know, I've been without a spouse since childhood."

Peace every year · perkotaan
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522 Chs

Chapter 89: Girl, Your Show Off Gives Me Goosebumps

Penerjemah: 549690339

Jiang Xu instantly had a bad feeling.

He sprinted to the second floor at a hundred meters speed, to his own bedroom.

Upon seeing the thing on his bed, he almost coughed blood.

It was actually a very sexy lace pajama.

He couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

Thank goodness his parents did not enter the room earlier.

Otherwise, even if he had mouths all over his body, he would not be able to explain.

Jiang Xiaoyan was absolutely terrible.

She needed to be taught a good lesson.

Jiang Xu turned around in anger.

Only to see Jiang Xiaoyan, already standing behind him.

She was holding a slim bamboo stick in her hand.

Holding it with both hands, she pouted and said pitifully, "I was wrong, please punish me."

Her eyes went red, and tears fell spontaneously.

Although he knew she was pretending, Jiang Xu's anger instantly vanished.

This sister, she was very good at manipulating emotions.

He hoped there was no hidden agenda here.

Jiang Xu: "6!"

Jiang Xiaoyan instantly laughed, "So, you like me too."

"What?" Jiang Xu was confused.

Jiang Xiaoyan raised her fingers and explained, "Because 6 equals 5+2+0-1+3+1-4.

Doesn't this mean you love me and want to be with me forever?"

Are you also some love-obsessed brainiac?

Jiang Xu was at a loss for words.

He couldn't help but pinch her face.

Jiang Xiaoyan's face was not as chubby as An Nuonuo's, lacking a bit in touch.

"Don't do this anymore, quickly remove that clothing."

"Alright then." Jiang Xiaoyan stopped at the right moment.

She walked into the bedroom, took out the pajama, and hugged it in her arms.

She blinked, "Won't you really take this? I just wore it last night, and haven't washed it."

Jiang Xu felt sick, he waved his hand, "Miss, can you please stop showing off your dramatic tricks?"

He really couldn't stand it.

Jiang Xiaoyan laughed happily, continuing to tease Jiang Xu, "In reality, I'm older than you, I'm already eighteen.

It's just that I started school two years later than others."

After saying that, she even waved her ID card in front of Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu's eyes widened, "Then why did you call me brother?"

He was just seventeen.

Jiang Xiaoyan was nonchalant, "Isn't it normal? There are even girls who like calling their boyfriends daddy."

Jiang Xiaoyan was so willful that Jiang Xu felt a shiver down his spine.

He didn't want to discuss these topics with her anymore.

Jiang Xu said, "I need to go out of town for a couple of days, I'll leave you in charge here."

"Ah, so I won't see my brother, I'll miss you." Jiang Xiaoyan blinked, looking deep and helpless.

Jiang Xu left with an expressionless face.

Among this woman's words, it was good if even one statement out of a hundred was true.

Watching Jiang Xu's retreating figure, Jiang Xiaoyan giggled.

She went back home and continued to write.

At more than nine o'clock in the evening, An Feng called again.

He said Li Yuanjuan and An Nuonuo had agreed to go on vacation.

They also agreed to let Jiang Xu go along.

They would gather at his house's entrance at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

The next day, Jiang Xu woke up early.

He hurriedly freshened up, ate breakfast, and wrote until nine-thirty.

He locked the door and set out.

He also had to bring the computer.

As a qualified author, wherever he went, he should never forget to write.

He arrived at Nuonuo's house.

The three of them had already prepared everything.

When An Nuonuo saw Jiang Xu, she turned her head away.

Obviously, she was still mad at him.

But it didn't matter, the journey was long, there was plenty of time to appease her.

Li Yuanjuan said shyly, "I'm sorry for the trouble, Xiao Xu."

"Not at all." Jiang Xu said seriously, "To be able to travel with Auntie is my honor."

Li Yuanjuan laughed happily.

I love Jiang Xu's sweet talk.

An Feng chuckled, "I have to go to the factory, so I can't accompany you.

Next time, I'll take you guys abroad."

Li Yuanjuan gently adjusted An Feng's clothes, "Mmm, make sure you rest well and eat on time."

"Okay, I know."

The taxi they called arrived.

Jiang Xu moved the mother and daughter's suitcases to the trunk.

Li Yuanjuan graciously sat up front, leaving the backseat for the young couple.

"Nuonuo, you look so pretty today."

Getting into the car, Jiang Xu immediately began to gush.

"Mmm." An Nuonuo responded lightly, then stopped talking.

Pretty feisty, this girl.

Li Yuanjuan, sitting in the passenger seat, seemed to be concentrating on the scenery, but was actually all ears.

The youngsters were fighting?


No matter the age, people inherently love gossip.

And it's even more fun when it's about your own daughter.

With Li Yuanjuan around, Jiang Xu could not act freely.

He took out his mobile phone and sent her a message.

An Nuonuo's phone buzzed. She picked it up to look and almost burst into laughter.

She held it in by force.

Super Invincibly Handsome and Good Brother: I was staring at you the entire time. You're really good-looking.

Although good looks can't be eaten, they can make the food taste better.

An Nuonuo turned her head to the window, pretending to look at the scenery.

These cheesy pickup lines were not common nowadays.

The ones Jiang Xu threw at her worked wonders.

Although, when he typed them out, he got goosebumps all over.

But judging from An Nuonuo's reaction, his strategy was effective.

Let's do it again.

His thumbs flew across the screen, typing rapidly, and he pressed send.

An Nuonuo's phone vibrated again.

She didn't want to read more.

But she couldn't resist.

After a while, she reluctantly opened the message.

Super Invincibly Handsome and Good Brother: Ever since I first saw you, I can only sleep in the middle of the bed; no longer on the sides.

Do you know why?

Because then, I would be thinking of you from left to right.

An Nuonuo couldn't hold it back anymore and let out a giggle.

Jiang Xu laughed as well.

Mission accomplished.

Their travel destination was Hua City next door.

There was a lot to do there.

There was a large zoo, a large amusement park, and the largest clothing wholesale market in the country.

Of course, there was also plenty of food.

High-speed rail service had been available there since 2007.

So this time they took the high-speed train, and it only took two hours.

The taxi arrived at the high-speed rail station.

Jiang Xu took the ID cards of the mother and daughter to buy the tickets.

They had tickets for half past twelve.

After buying the tickets, they had to wait a while.

Jiang Xu said to Li Yuanjuan, "Auntie, why don't you sit here for a bit and I'll go get some food with Nuonuo?"

Li Yuanjuan smiled and nodded, "Okay, you guys go ahead."

"Nuonuo, you are so pretty."

Jiang Xu began to lavish praise the moment they left Li Yuanjuan.

Little girls are suckers for such gestures.

An Nuonuo wrinkled her nose, baring her small canines, "I'll forgive you this time, but if there's a next time, I'll never talk to you again."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Xu nodded, "Unless we get married someday, on our wedding night."

The young girl's face flushed again, she stomped her foot hard, "You're so annoying."

Jiang Xu seriously warned, "Nuonuo, you must never stomp your foot in public in the future."

An Nuonuo, "Why?"

Jiang Xu, "It's bad for the eyes and heart."

An Nuonuo, "???"