
Take Me Home, Love

Jade Maureen Saavedra was enjoying her calm existence and doing what she pleased. She didn't begin to consider placing the blame on herself until her sister tragically passed away. With all the trouble she kept getting into, she started to develop into a rebellious daughter for her parents. Her parents decide to send her to a school full of troublemakers when they can no longer handle her. The cause of her sister's death was then reintroduced to her there. Can she manage this circumstance? Or will she lose her cool the moment she realizes he'll be her classmate? Will you allow him in? If they have a lot of secrets, will you still be friends with them? A well-kept secret that might endanger you? Friendships, family issues, betrayal, intrigue, and a lot of secrets all play a part in this novel. Are you ready to fall if he's eager to take you home, baby? AGAIN?

luculentuskaii · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 4: Flashback


"Hey, Jade. Let's go!" shouted Zeph from below.


I quickly got dressed. I just wore a crop top and pants. We are with our friends; they are waiting for me.


"Wait a minute! It's over!" I just put on minimal makeup. A cheek and lip tint will do.


After I checked myself, I quickly left the room and went down the stairs. And there, I saw the frowning faces of Zephanie and Janeth. While the boys were waiting silently.


Kalix, who smiled at me when our eyes met, Hanz, who just nodded and went back to fiddling with his CP, and Paolo, who smiled too wide and waited on the other side of the stairs as if a princess will go down.


'Well, I really am a princess. Because I'm so beautiful and sexy! '


And last, Theo Zen Montemayor, who was quietly reading a book while sitting with a serious face. I couldn't even close my eyes.


'Just thank me that you are handsome, and I have a crush on you. But yes! I can't forgive you for not looking at my beautiful face. Well, it's free for him! '


We're a squad. Zeph is Kalix's boyfriend, while Janeth is Hanz's boyfriend. While Paolo, Theo, and I are a trio, it's like we've been a trio since we were single.


"It took you a long time," Zeph complained when I got off.


"It's obvious that you've gotten more beautiful. Who is your crush?" Janeth was curious.


'How gossipy, oh,'


"Hi Jade! You're really beautiful; did you make yourself beautiful for me? They said you have a crush on me," said Paolo with a thick face.


"Your face is really thick, Pao; we can't reach it," Zeph interrupted, and we laughed at him.


"First of all, I don't need to beautify myself because I'm naturally beautiful. Second, your face is thick, Paolo; I'm not crushing on you. And lastly, my crush is a secret. Let's go!"


I pulled them both out of the house.


"Mommy! We're leaving! Bye, I love you!" I shouted.


We went to the mall to wander around, eat, and watch a movie.




"What the hell, Pao, let go. You're like a leech," I growled as I removed his hand that was clinging to mine.


"I don't want to; boys are always looking at you; oh, you have a crush." His face is frowning, but he still doesn't release his grip on my hand.


"Because I'm beautiful, if you don't remove your hand, I'll break it." He immediately let it go, even against his will. He knows as well as I can do it if he disobeys me.


"Oh wow, that's how we are. The squad is said to be bonding, but the four of them are having their own quality time. The hell, where is justice?" I growled when I saw that Janeth and Hanz were lying on the right while Zeph and Kalix were on the left.


"We can also cuddle Jade if you want—oh no! Why do you have to do that?" he complained while rubbing the one I hit.


'It's as cool as it sounds.'


"Where's our next destination?" For the first time, Theo also spoke. I thought he intended to notice his saliva because it was so quiet.


"Cinema!" We shouted at the same time.


"Alright." We were about to walk when Paolo's cell phone suddenly rang, so he said goodbye to answer it.


"Badtrip, I need to go home now. I'll be with you next time; it's just an emergency." We nodded to what he said, and he left again.


I was about to go straight to the cinema when Zeph stopped us.


"What... hehe... since we're not complete anymore, can Kalix and I go? We were supposed to date."


"Hanz and I would have been together, because he's busy. That's why he wants to make it up to me."


I want to scream because the love lives of these two are so poor.


"Alright, I'll just go home."


"Oh no, don't you like the movie now? Go ahead, take Theo with you. Is it okay with you, Theo?" I was about to say no since it was embarrassing for him, but he suddenly spoke.


"Yeah, you can go. I'll take care of going with Jade. Enjoy your date." I had no choice but to agree with them. I would like to, if...


'Maybe I'll do something stupid! She's less beautiful than she is, 'that's what!! '


"It's okay to leave me alone; I'm okay here. Maybe it's because I'm bothering you and you're going somewhere else." I couldn't finish what I was going to say when he interjected.


"It's alright, and besides, I want to talk to you. I have something important to say." I was surprised by what he said.


'Is this it? Will he admit that he likes me? Omg! Will he ask if he can be my girlfriend? Kyahh! '


I stopped thinking when he suddenly laughed. Forced not to be loud because we might disturb other viewers.


"What are you laughing at?"


"You have a wide imagination, huh? Pft."


'The fuck, what I said was too loud. It should only be in the mind. Earth, eat me now!'


He still didn't stop laughing, so I was even more embarrassed.


"T-Theo, what the hell, why did I say that?" I'm crying, what the hell?


"Alright, I'm sorry pft. And ahh, yeah... I like you. Since the day we first met. I don't have enough courage to tell you because I know Paolo likes you too. I always get jealous whenever you're with him."


I was just amazed at his confession. I don't know what I know!


"Don't look at me like that, tsk," he whined, because I just stared at him gaping.


Wow, that was fast. From shy to grumpy.


"I just can't believe that my crush has a crush on me too! You're not drunk, are you? I'm not dreaming right? Tell me it's true, please, please!" I pleaded while holding onto his arm.


"How could I get drunk if I was with you all afternoon? And yeah, you're not dreaming. Do you want me to kiss you now as proof?" He smirked and slowly brought his face closer, so I quickly moved away before covering my mouth.


He laughed at my reaction and sat down.


Awkward silence...


"Ahh... Just to inform you, I'll court you."


"Why do you want to court me when we can go right away?" He laughed out loud at what I said. We couldn't stop the ending, and other viewers scolded us.


It seems silly. Does what I'm saying seem funny? '


"You're really unbelievable. That's why I love you," he laughed.


But I was stunned by what he said.


'Kyahh, I'm thrilled! Earth, eat me now! '


"I want to court you so I can prove myself that I'm worth it. You're so precious, and I'll do anything just to make you happy," he said seriously while looking directly into my eyes.


He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I am very happy today. Until I went home, the smile didn't disappear from my lips.


End of Flashback:


"What the fuck, our leader is shy type, Russel." Oscar laughed after I told the story.


"Yes, yes. But Jadey, you were stupid in the part where you said what was on your mind, hehe."


'Oh my god, if this guy wasn't cute, I would have hit him.'


"Then? What happened next?" Oscar was curious.


My smile suddenly disappeared as I remembered what happened before.


"My twin sister came back from the US. She joined our squad, and she liked Theo. That's the start of my nightmare."


I don't know if I will continue because every time I think about what happened before, I can't be happy. As if everything that happened was my fault.


I really want to forget it, but I can't. My past visits me every night. It's like he's reminding me that I

shouldn't be happy. I don't deserve to be happy.


"He's the reason why my sister died."


'He killed my sister.'


'He makes my life miserable.'