
101. Nicholas's Birthday

Today also coincides with Nicholas's birthday. So, Rissa's mother had prepared a huge birthday cake. Rissa felt a little jealous because, in all her life, she had never celebrated her birthday or got a cake.

However, today is Nicholas's birthday. So, Rissa tried to smile and be cheerful when they all sang the birthday song.

Nicholas looked radiant as he blew out the candles, and then he cut the cake. He gave his first cake to Rissa's mother. Rissa could see how much Nicholas loved her mother like his own.

The party didn't stop there. Suddenly, Rissa's stepfather took out some gifts and distributed them to everyone like a Santa. Rissa was surprised because she also got a gift from her stepfather.

So, Rissa opened the gift and found a lovely and shiny gold necklace. Rissa's tears almost spilled. She felt unworthy of this gift.