
Chapter 4

All at once she wanted to feel like a woman again, a complete, sexy and desirable woman. Tom’s intense gaze was beginning to stir those feelings. He pushed the striped denim of her shirt back baring her shoulders as well as her chest.

“Damn, lady, you’re a sight for sore eyes. Just as pretty and perfect as you can be. I want to kiss you all over, starting right here.” His head swooped down and his lips closed around one nipple, straining against the fabric of her bra.

She sucked in a sharp breath as the sensation radiated through her body, setting her skin a-tingle and sparking a brushfire of heat in her pussy.

“It’s been a while,” she said, her voice emerging in a strangled croak. “I’m not sure if I remember what to do.”

“Just whatever comes naturally and feels good, sugar. I trust your instincts here. Woman with a body like yours has to have an instinct for love. It’ll come back to you. Just relax and enjoy right now.”