
Malevolence Stirs

Jeremiah tensed, sword gripped in both hands as he watched the darkness beyond the walls. With the fires dying out and the smoke still blotting out what few stars shone, it was pitch black. But something was moving out there, he could feel it. Squinting against the gloom he saw movement coming into his limited field of vision. "Damn, we need to replace all the torches now." He breathed out in a whisper. Finally, the figure emerged and he felt the tension flow out of his body.

"D! You made it back. Let me get the door." He rushed down the stairs from the platform ignoring the pain in his stiff joints. Cranking the wheel he soon had the door open enough for D to slip in.

"What happened to your clothes boy?" Jeremiah was eying the boy. He was painted with fresh blood, thick orangish brown blood at least. On top of that his shirt hung in tatters from his belt. D didn't bother to respond, just walking over to the trough. The filthy water had settled some but soon he added a mix of orangish brown to the blueish green from earlier.

Jeremiah wasn't sure if he should worry about the boy's silence. He wasn't a chatterbox to start with. Caulking it up to exhaustion and battle fatigue he just waited for the boy to finish cleaning up. While he waited he went in to fetch some fresh clothes for them to wear and found Dorothy passed out leaning over the table. He took time to carry his exhausted daughter to bed. Muttering to her promises that everything would be better soon enough.

When he returned to the trough he found D with his head lolled back but his eyes open staring up at the blank sky. "Here boy. Come on out and dress in this. You need to get some rest. I'll keep watch until dawn just incase but…" He glanced to the gate and the silence beyond. "I don't think there are anymore left to attack us."

D stood up form the trough and Jeremiah couldn't help but think he looked taller than earlier. Without the mask of filth the old man saw the truth of D's lean frame, heavily muscled with out a drop of fat on him. Instead of taking the clothes as Jeremiah expected D stepped over near the trough. A whooshing sound filled the small yard and D's wild mess of hair rose up as if a stiff breeze was blowing upwards against him. In short time he stepped over to take the clothes from Jeremiah, completely dry.

D started to head towards the little tent and Jeremiah grunted. "Sleep in the house boy." D said nothing and just diverted towards the house as Jeremiah climbed up to take his watch post. Not even the bugs buzzed making his ears ring. It was going to be a long night, hopefully a long boring night.


Eirlog uncurled from their slumber as dawn broke. Today would be a better day, last time he awoke it was to news his minions had failed in their task. Though the mage that dared seal him within his own lair might be dead. His decendents remained. He couldn't wait until the ward binding him finished failing for his revenge. Nor did he deem these magicless humans worthy of death by his hands. No, the pathetic Bunyips that worshiped him as a god would be enough for them.

Yet, when he awoke on the first dawn after the new moon began it was to news that the invasion of bunyips had failed. They might be worthless insignificant creatures but they were fanaticlly loyal to him and their numbers should have been enough to crush a handful of mortals. Eirlog swayed his horned head on a serpentine neck. His forked tongue slithered out from their narrow maw to taste the air. Their lair was empty. "Kolme." Their voice was a long harsh hiss as they spread their mind outwards seeking their chosen apostate.

Eirlog uncoiled their hundred foot body and lashed out their tail. The huge dark rattle making a racket. They were unable to connect to any of the three minds occupying the two headed giant. No longer calling on a specific entity they spread their mind and will to encompass the swamps they ruled as their domain. The rattle of their tail grew louder as it shook away at what they felt. Their swamp was… empty. Not completely but the countless minds of the horde of bunyips were down to a meager amount, mostly the old, young, or breeding females. None of the trolls they had bowed to their will were about. Nor was Kolme the three minded ettin.

But what was most disturbing was a presence they felt within the walled hovel his forces were meant to capture. Something stirred there as it felt Eirlog's will and presence wash over it. Eirlog the Malevolent. Survivor of the Divine War. Who had feasted on the flesh of angels and demons alike. Recoiled in pain as his mind touched that presence. Hissing in rage he coiled tightly in a ball still writhing around itself as if trying to shed the pain of that touch. What was there? Whatever it was had to be behind the loss of his troops from before.

For a moment a shiver ran down the dragon's lengthy spine, a shiver of fear. That quickly morphed into rage. How dare anything make him feel fear. He spread their mind and will across the swamp, though despite their rage and arrogance they stayed clear of Lender's Mire. "I do not care if every last monster in this swamp must sacrifice itself. I will be free of this enchantment. Then you. Whatever YOU are, I will feast on your body, mind, and spirit!"


Jane jabbed Pena who was still huddled under her blanket. "It is your turn to help with breakfast." The bundle moved but didn't say anything.

"Stop laying about. We all have to pitch in. D is out getting us money, the least you can do is your chores." Jane huffed her hands on her hips. Still, there was a faint smile on her lips. She still didn't like Pena. She claimed that she only drink D's blood because she had to. But Jane was sure the monster girl had other ideas. But Jane hadn't gotten as far as she had because she was slow. No Jane knew how to take advantage of a situation, blackmailing and exploiting people were her specialty.

She couldn't just tell Dean about Pena being a monster. The entire group had more or less come to a silent agreement. Besides, it might cause trouble for D. Though the ranger had accepted the truth about D easily enough.

She had watched the monster girl as she grew more and more desperate each day. She was certain the girl was on the verge of attacking one of them. So now was the perfect time to make her move. If she could get Pena to help her while actually getting her away from D without doing anything that might make him upset. Well…

She jabbed Pena harder and the bundle hissed at her like an angry cat. "Go away. I don't take orders from someone's Pet."

Jane snorted. "Like you are one to talk." The blanket finally came off and a pale, sweaty Pena glared at the girl daring her to say more.

"Wow. You look like shit." Jane snickered.

Pena's gaze narrowed and her eyes locked on the girl's throat. She almost lunged then but then the side of her chest hurt. "Go away before I do something you will regret."

Jane didn't back down but looked down her small nose at the girl. "Gonna bite me and drink my blood? Wonder what Dean will do. D won't be happy either you know. He even promised to come back to ME." She emphasized that it was her not the group he had promised to return to.

Pena glared at her but couldn't deny that D had always treated the girl differently than most. Most people D didn't even notice. Maybe she should leave the group after all? Was there even a point to staying with them? She thought of what it would be like to return to living alone on the streets. Always moving and fleeing hunters. She had taken for grant having an easy willing source of blood.

"How about we make a deal." Jane broke her from her thoughts.

"I let you have a little of my blood. Then in turn you help me with something I want." Jane continued when Pena's gaze focused on her.

"Deal." Pena agreed instantly and was already moving to get out of the bed.

"Don't you want to know what I want?" Jane took a hesitant step back.

"Fine, what do you want?" Pena asked but her gaze was locked on the girl's neck. Even despite the heavy scarring, she could see the vein ticking with her rapid heartbeat.

"Stop hanging on D so much." Jane answered instantly.

"No. I have to feed and unlike D you wouldn't last long if used regularly." Pena almost lied but knew the kind of drama the girl would cause her in the future.

"Fine." Jane snapped back but seemed to have already figured that as much. "Then... I want you to help me…" Pena made hand motions for her to hurry up, a little bit of drool running down the side of her mouth. "I want D to kiss me!" Jane flushed as she said it quickly.

"Just kiss him when he comes back." She left unsaid the thought that D probably wouldn't even react.

"No. I want him to kiss me…" Jane couldn't look the older girl in the eyes now.

Pena started to say that wasn't likely unless you paid him of course. Then considered just paying him to do it before she remembered she had no money. Then realized none of that mattered, she only had to agree to try and help her with her foolish fantasy. Of all the silly things she expected the girl to ask for, this was by far the silliest. "Deal."

She started to move towards the girl again and Jane again stepped back. Now she fiddled with her fingers and seemed nervous. "Ok then. No going back on your word. If you do, I'll tell Dean you are a monster. Then tell everyone you attacked me." Pena just made an exasperated sigh.

"I promise." She resisted the urge to lunge at the tense girl afraid she might scream.

"It won't hurt will it?" Jane asked timidly.

"No. That I can promise." Pena despite her frantic state managed a reassuring smile and held her hands out to the girl. Jane hesitated before slowly stepping into her reach. Pena didn't waste any time and lowered her fangs to sink into Jane's neck. The smaller girl made a squeak and then seemed to melt against her. The blood tasted bland and bitter compared to D's but it relieved the frantic hunger. She dragged the smaller girl down to the bed losing herself in the sensation of satisfying her hunger. She was close to losing control and drinking the girl dry when the door opened behind them. Pena jumped up her face flushed from feeding while Jane looked dazed sprawled out on the bed.

Rachel looked between them her eyes going wide slowly. "We need to have a talk! A serious talk! One very overdue." She looked mostly at Pena as she closed the door behind her. Her face a mask of seriousness.


Dorothy slowly pulled herself from sleep. Something had disturbed her dreamless slumber. She rolled over and bumped into something. Something that moved. Her eyes snapped open and she found herself face to face with a scowling D. His eyes were still closed. Her pounding heart lodged itself in her throat in a mix of excitement and panic. Outside her room, she heard her father's voice. "Dawn and all is clear." There was a pause. "Boy?" Then she heard footsteps coming towards her room. "Dorothy?"

Dorothy watches in panic as the door to her room opened.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Eleraancreators' thoughts