
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

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Chapter 2: Reverse Flash troubled. Who is Tachyon?

Chapter 2: Reverse Flash troubled. Who is Tachyon?

Barry and the team were in the lab, analyzing the latest lead on the whereabouts of Clyde Mardon, when an alarm blared throughout the building.

"What's that?" Barry asked, looking towards the computer screens.

"It's the fire alarm, there's a fire in Central City," Caitlin answered, quickly checking the location on her computer.

"I'm on it," Barry said, and with a whoosh, he was gone.

He arrived at the scene of the fire and found a crowd of people standing outside, watching the flames lick at the sides of the building. Barry frowned, knowing that there were people still trapped inside.

He zoomed inside and found Tachyon, already carrying three people out of the building. Barry's eyes widened in surprise as he watched Tachyon move quickly and efficiently, putting out the flames with his super speed.

"Tachyon, what are you doing here?" Barry asked, catching up to him.

"Saving people, what does it look like?" Tachyon replied, smirking.

Barry was momentarily taken aback by the nonchalant tone in Tachyon's voice. He had expected the villain to be more evasive, but instead, he seemed almost eager to help.

Together, they worked to rescue the remaining people from the building, putting out the flames and carrying them to safety. The crowd cheered and applauded as they emerged, and Barry felt a twinge of confusion as he looked at Tachyon.

"Why did you help, Tachyon?" Barry asked as they stepped back from the burning building.

"I don't know. I guess I just felt like it," Tachyon replied, shrugging.

Barry was about to press further when he noticed that Tachyon's hand was in his pocket. He frowned and reached for his wallet, only to find it was gone.

"Hey, where's my wallet?" Barry demanded, taking a step towards Tachyon.

"Oops, I guess I took it," Tachyon said, smirking again.

"What? You stole from me?" Barry exclaimed, disbelief written all over his face.

"Well, technically, I stole from the firefighters and then you, but I figured you wouldn't mind," Tachyon replied, still smiling. "Nos vemos más tarde, velocista lento."

Barry's eyes narrowed, and he took off after Tachyon, determined to get his wallet back. He chased the villain through the city, dodging cars and pedestrians until they reached a quiet alleyway.

"All right, give it back," Barry demanded, stopping in front of Tachyon.

"What's the matter, Flash? Can't keep up with me?" Tachyon taunted, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Just give me my wallet," Barry said, holding out his hand.

Tachyon handed over the wallet with a smirk, and Barry took it, still eyeing the villain suspiciously.

"Why did you steal it?" he asked.

"I don't know, I just felt like it," Tachyon replied, shrugging.

Barry was about to press further when he heard the sound of sirens in the distance. He turned, realizing that the police were closing in on their location.

"I'll see you later, Flash," Tachyon said, and with a smile, he was gone.

Barry sighed, feeling more confused than ever as he looked down in annoyance.

Barry Allen then went back to Star Labs with a sigh. He reached into his pocket to grab his wallet, only to find it empty. He groaned and pulled out Tachyon's motif card.

"What's the matter, Barry?" Cisco asked as he approached.

"Tachyon stole my wallet," Barry said, handing the card over to Cisco. . "I don't understand. Why would a villain like him steal my wallet?"

"What? That guy stole your wallet?" Caitlin asked, shocked.

"Apparently," Barry replied, still confused about Tachyon's motives. "But why would he save those people in the burning building if he's a bad guy?"

"Maybe he's not that much of a villain," said Caitlin.

Barry shook his head. "But he's clearly not a hero, either. I don't know what to make of him."

Harrison Wells rolled over to the group in his wheelchair. "What's going on here?"

"Barry just told us about Tachyon stealing his wallet and saving people from the fire," Caitlin explained.

"Interesting," Wells said before wheeling away from the group without saying another word.

Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin looked at each other, confused. Wells had always been a little mysterious, but this was starting to feel a little strange.

Once Wells was gone, the team started to discuss Tachyon.

"I'll see what I can find out about this Tachyon guy," Cisco said, heading to the computer.

"I'll start working on something that can help us catch him if he decides to steal again," Caitlin said, heading to her lab.

Barry sat at the table, deep in thought. He was still trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Meanwhile, Wells had retreated to a secret room in the lab. He quickly changed out of his disguise and stood tall. He was revealed to be Eobard Thawn, the Reverse Flash.

He approached the AI system, Gideon, and asked, "Gideon, what do you know about Tachyon? Is he like me?"

"Tachyon, the fastest thief alive," said Gideon. "He is not a time traveller, but a complicated ally to the flash. I must warn you, Tachyon is not an ordinary speedster."

Images of Tachyon appeared on the screen in front of Thawn. Tachyon was shown fighting against some villains and heroes, or both at the same time, with a big smile on his face. Thawn frowned at the screen.

"What do you mean, he's not an ordinary speedster?" asked Thawn.

"Tachyon's connection to the speedforce differs from any other speedster we've seen. His lightning trail is black and white, chaotic, and unpredictable," explained Gideon.

Thawn's frown deepened. "I see. Keep monitoring Tachyon. I need to know more about him."

Reverse Flash scowled at the images of Tachyon displayed on the screen. "This guy could cause trouble for my plans," he muttered.

Gideon warned, "You should be careful, Eobard. Tachyon is not to be underestimated."

Reverse Flash nodded, deep in thought. He would have to be cautious around Tachyon and make sure he didn't interfere with his plans. Thawn turned to leave the room, his mind racing with thoughts about Tachyon and what his presence could mean for his plan. He couldn't afford to let anything stand in his way, not even the fastest thief alive.

Myles, also known as Tachyon, was walking around Central City, munching on a donut and sipping his hot chocolate. He looked content and carefree, but deep down he was pondering on whether he should help the Flash catch Clyde Mardon. He was aware that the weather wizard was a dangerous man and that leaving him alone could bring harm to the citizens of Central City.

Myles took a seat on a nearby bench and noticed that Barry Allen was sitting beside him. Barry looked tired and hungry, and Myles offered him some of his donuts. Barry accepted the offer, and they started to chat.

"Hey, I'm Myles," Tachyon said, introducing himself.

"Barry Allen," Flash replied.

"So, what brings you here to this part of the city?" asked Myles

"I work at the Central City Police Department as a forensic scientist," replied Barry..

"Oh, that's interesting," Myles said. "That's really cool. What's the most interesting case you've worked on?"

Barry thought for a moment, "Well, I haven't had any interesting cases recently. It's been quiet lately."

"And you, what do you do?" Barry asked.

"Well, currently, I'm unemployed," Myles admitted. He then revealed his knowledge about forensics, impressing Barry.

"Wow, you seem to know a lot about forensics," said Barry, "If you're looking for a job, I know some people who might hire you."

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested," Myles declined. "I prefer to work alone. I want to be in control of my own life."

Barry understood where Myles was coming from, and the two continued to chat, discussing various topics and sharing their thoughts. They talked about their interests, life experiences, and current events. As they continued their conversation, they bonded over their love for the city and their shared passion for helping others.

As the sun began to set, they realized it was almost night. The two said their goodbyes, but as Barry turned to leave, Myles shocked him by saying, "I'll see ya real soon, FLASH."

Barry realized that Myles was Tachyon, the fastest thief in Central City. He now knew that Tachyon was aware of his secret identity as the Flash. Barry had a feeling that this was only the beginning of a long and complicated relationship with Tachyon.

Barry runs back to STAR LABS, still feeling shaken from his encounter with Tachyon. As he burst into the lab, his team members, Cisco and Caitlin, looked up at him, eager to hear what he had to say.

"Guys, guys, you won't believe what just happened to me!" Flash exclaimed.

"What happened?" asked Cisco, curious about what could have him so worked up.

"I just ran into Tachyon. I mean, I actually talked to him," Flash said, still trying to catch his breath.

Caitlyn and Cisco looked at each other in shock. "What do you mean you talked to him? Did he find out about you?" Caitlyn asked.

Barry nodded and recounts his story to the rest of the team. "He knew my name, he knew I was the Flash, I don't know how," Flash says, struggling to understand how Tachyon figured out his secret identity. "He offered me a donut and we talked for a while. It was weird like he already knew who I was."

Cisco and Caitlin are shocked by this revelation and ask Barry how Tachyon could have possibly found out. "I don't know," Barry replies, looking just as puzzled as the rest of the team.

Just then, Harrison Wells approached them, his wheelchair rolling silently across the floor. "What's this about Tachyon knowing who you are, Barry?" he asked.

Barry repeated the story of his encounter with Tachyon and how he seemed to know he was the Flash.

Harrison Wells, or Eobard Thawne, who is secretly the Reverse Flash, interrupts the conversation. "What else did you find out about Tachyon, Mr. Allen?" he asks, his tone serious.

Barry sighs in frustration. "Not much, just his name," he says. "Tachyons real name is Myles Walley."

Caitlin's eyes went wide with surprise. "Myles Walley? That name sounds familiar."

"Let me see if I can find anything on him," he said. Cisco quickly gets to work, trying to find any information he can on Myles Walley. After a few minutes of searching, he finds something and brings it up on the screen. "I found a, Myles Walley, but he's an international thief who's been robbing museums and selling the items to the highest bidder," he said

Caitlyn looked over his shoulder. "It says here that he went missing the same day Barry fell into a coma after being struck by lightning."

Everyone in the room was confused. They all looked at a picture of Myles Walley on the computer screen, but it showed an old man in his fifties.

The team fell into stunned silence, looking at the picture of Myles Walley on the screen. It was difficult to reconcile the smiling young man in the picture Barry described with the ruthless criminal known as Tachyon.

"How could this be the same guy that Barry talked to?" Cisco asked.

"Maybe his metahuman powers deaged him, and he lost some of his memories in the process," Caitlyn suggested.

Harrison stared at the picture for a long time, deep in thought. "There's more to this than meets the eye," he said finally.

Cisco couldn't resist making a reference. "It's like something out of a time travel movie," he said

Caitlin was the first to break the silence. "What are we going to do?"

"We'll have to track him down and stop him," said Barry, determination in his voice. "But first, we need to figure out how he knows who I am and how he got his powers."

The chapter ends with Team Flash and Harrison Wells, still confused by the reveal, staring at the picture of Myles Walley on the screen. The mystery of Tachyon was far from being solved, and they knew that they had a long road ahead of them. But with the flash on their side, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Meanwhile, Myles Walley is still sitting on the edge of a building, eating his donut and enjoying the view of Central City lit up at night. "This is a good donut," he says to himself with a smile. "I should buy some for Barry when he chases after me again.
