in a society where people with super natural abilities are being Ostracised, Ken Tachibana sees a wonderful opportunity for the young Yuno Lin who has taken over the responsibility of taking care of her remaining family after her parents death and her sisters disappearance. the male billionaire makes it his very mission to push her towards a dream world she has never thought possible, to defy the odds and use her gift to save lives and change the worlds outlook on those with special abilities.
Saito stops outside the shrine waiting for Dasai.
"Are you seriously going to trust these people?" Chinami asks Saito looking ready to turn tail and run confusing Saito who knows Chinami as the cool as a cucumber guy not the guy with anxiety issues.
"What is going on with you?" Saito asks a little angry with Chinami because his actions are scaring the hell out of him too now he knows nothing bad will happen, but we all know that if the person next to you is acting a little angsty you will also become a little angsty.
"Well, I don't know if you've noticed but my shield isn't here."
Saito laughs feeling a little dumb about being angry with him for his anxieties, "You're worried about Akali not being here."