in a society where people with super natural abilities are being Ostracised, Ken Tachibana sees a wonderful opportunity for the young Yuno Lin who has taken over the responsibility of taking care of her remaining family after her parents death and her sisters disappearance. the male billionaire makes it his very mission to push her towards a dream world she has never thought possible, to defy the odds and use her gift to save lives and change the worlds outlook on those with special abilities.
Tiyo crosses the street delivering Ki and Ichika their food Roku invites him into Yuno's office since she's in the Tub room with a patient brought in by a chopper just a second ago.
"So? What's the plan that you and Himawari have?"
Tiyo sits across from him, "I don't trust her she doesn't want to help us she wants to hurt Yuno."
Roku looks up, "We all know that, are you saying we're underestimating her?"
"You're more than underestimating her you're trusting her that's the worst thing you can do for Yuno and her family, she has a good plan though if we want to split them up we don't go after them but the others around them.
"We have to put one of them in a position where they recognize that together they don't work either Ken realises he's a threat to Yuno and her family, or Yuno realises that the two of them are a bad combination for her family
"At the end of the day Yuno will always choose her family lucky for us Ken hasn't taken things to the next step with her so he doesn't count."
Roku spins in her seat, "Go on."
Tiyo stretches, "She gave me the name of one Immortal that has a really serious grudge against Ken. I looked into the person and asked around about them we definitely don't want to get that person involved in this that's a part of Ken's past we don't want to visit."
The windows in Yuno's office burst a high-pitched frequency echoes all around the place.
Everyone in the Edu-centre jumps when Saito collapses covering his ears writhing in agony. Kai looks around while Rex takes out his hidden blade.
Setsuno covers Saito's ears with the buds Kai made for him specifically for his sensitive hearing.
Izumi stands up surrounded by three shadow figures, "Oni."
The shadow creatures see his birth mark and walk out of the room towards Saito the other students get back while his friends surround him.
Rex jumps forward swiping away at the one in front but nothing happens it just walks past him.
Kai puts up a water barrier the Oni bravely keep walking getting puzzled when they cannot walk past the barrier Kai jumps back when the one in front cocks it's head to the side.
They step back lightly bowing to Kai before leaving and the loud frequency in Saito's ears stops.
His scales receding he wakes up in a cold sweat turning over before he unwillingly shifts into a full dragon.
"Xavier, Kai rush to Xavier they'll kill him." Izumi passes out.
Setsuno checks on Saito he's unconscious too.
Akali takes Izumi's keys, "I'll drive."
Xavier flies into the building the Oni following behind him.
Kai pulls Xavier in holding him protectively, "Stay the hell away from my family and especially my friends." He takes a step back as they take a step forward.
The shadows stop in their tracks bowing before leaving.
"Did they just bow to you?" Akali asks while Rex and Setsuno turn to him speaking at the same time.
Rex stands up, "They bowed twice and since Izumi is still alive I'm guessing your family has more secrets to reveal."
Kai takes a step back collapsing with Xavier in his arms who is unconscious too.
The Oni walk into the tank room startling Yuno who is helping her patient out of the tank they step forward.
Yuno takes a step back looking around the room one shadow disappears and appears behind her she turns around and Tiyo watches as the Oni touches her stomach.
"So that's what he's really trying to protect."
The Oni suddenly disappear puzzling Yuno who shrugs it off calling for the male to be taken to the ER for another doctor to finish up the job.
She groans when another patient is wheeled in.
"We have more, can you handle multiple patients at the same time?"
Yuno looks around the room and points at the largest tank, "Only if I'm in the tub with them, how many?"
Toda helps Yuno into the tank, "Family of five we're the closest hospital lucky for them."
Yuno goes under while Toda keeps the doors open. "Ready the E.R. somebody page Yukari we'll need an extra pair of hands today."
Yuno opens her eyes when Toda pulls her out of the water her eyes bright red and she's feeling very sleepy.
"Sorry, we had to bring in last minute patients and you passed out."
She follows him to see Kai and Roku still unconscious Izumi and Xavier are in her office with Ian putting things back to the way they used to be.
"Yuno, are you alright?" Izumi rushes to her side gently guiding her to take a seat and rest, "How do you feel? Are you alright? Do you need anything?"
Yuno nods glaring at Izumi making it very clear she's annoyed with him.
Rex and Saito sit next to each other on the way back to campus waiting for a call that Kai is awake. Half way back Yuno texts Rex that she'll stop by with Kai he just woke up.
"What is it with them? They're always involved in some weird shit, did you see the way Rex pulled out that knife? He doesn't even want to be a soldier, so why is he with the military?" Ava questions.
Dasai narrows his eyes, "Could be something to do with Tachibana those ghost things went after Saito and Tachibana's son, have you noticed they have the same ability?"
Rou looks in Saito's direction as if realisation has suddenly struck her, "No way, you're right I can't believe I never noticed."
Saito turns his head giving them a look that he can hear them.
"Screw you, we know you can hear us this ain't gossip." Dasai states scowling at Saito who pisses him off even more by ignoring him turning back to his friends.
Tiyo turns to Akali who startled him when he was deep in thought.
"Are you okay? You were with Roku when those things attacked, did they hurt you?"
Tiyo gives her a warm smile, "They didn't even pay any mind to me they just surrounded Roku before leaving, I'm sure someone will explain to us what's going on."
Akali faces Saito worried.
"Did you see anything?" Saito asks Tiyo wondering why they ignored Roku.
"They didn't hurt Yuno in fact they bowed to her before leaving it was strange."
Nezukou who over heard the conversation narrows her eyes at Tiyo, "They bowed to you too in fact they got on their knees when they saw you Tiyo, what exactly is your ability?"
Tiyo smirks, "I don't know what you're talking about Nezukou I never bumped into those things."
She gives him a confused look Chinami goes through the footage and catches two different Tiyo's at two different places at the same time the second Tiyo transformed into someone else before leaving.
"How do we know this is the right Tiyo?" Rex switches seats with Akali, "What were those things that attacked?"
Rex knows without a doubt the real Tiyo knows the answer and won't hesitate to tell the truth. Tiyo replies looking out the window, "Oni. Real demons probably summoned by an exorcist."
Rex cocks a brow, "Exorcist?"
Tiyo turns to him, "Yes, that's what I am, but I can't summon a demon only people from the Vatican City where Roku grew up are strong enough exorcists."
"So, you're an immortal too?"
Tiyo shakes his head, "100% human, why do you mistrust me so much?"
Rex shrugs his shoulders, "My friends should be people I trust whole heartedly and let's just say you coming in as the mystery guy who knows too much doesn't inspire a vote of confidence where you're concerned."
Tiyo chuckles, "That's why I like you, so straight forward and would do anything for his friends it's really cool."
"Well, I was never so lucky in the friendship department if you want to know."
Tiyo turns to Rex, "Is it like that for all of you?"
Rex purses his lips before looking around, "Pretty much, no one talks about it and don't even get me started on the number of cover ups on attacks still on going against Supers.
"We're not even allowed to go out on our own we always have to go out as a group with supervision people go missing and lately Roman schools have become something like a dumping site for parents who don't want their kids who were born as Supers."
Tiyo nods in understanding.
"The numbers are dwindling and eventually they won't be afraid of us anymore they'll kill us."
"You grew up under constant fear, don't you think things are better now?"
Rex shakes his head, "Not at all, I will admit it's easier now I'm not alone anymore. I've never had friends like the ones I have now, and I don't know if I ever will if I lose them.
"I can't help it when I don't trust people it's just who I am."
"Uhm, why are we driving the wrong way?" Dasai asks when the bus takes a left instead of a right at the 4 way.
"Roman requested that all third years spend the weekend at the Palace since tomorrow there's somewhere you all will go, please stay calm." The home room teacher takes her seat and the students calm down.
Yuno's car drives past the bus Ava looks surprised when Kai is in the driver seat with Yuno in the passenger seat her hands covering her face.
"Kai you'll get us killed you learned how to drive from a video game."
Kai chuckles, "Chill sis Roku taught me how to drive."
"Hurry up, if Ken finds out he'll kill me."
"You're deader than dead, he just drove past us."
Yuno covers her face looking out the window, "I am so dead."
"Rest in peace Yuno."
"Shut up Kai."
Ken walks into the Palace holding Tori looking for Mitsuko, "Hey boss, the rooms for the students are ready, shouldn't you be on a flight to Heshan?"
Ken shakes his head, "I can't just leave knowing my family is in danger I need to sort out that mess before wondering off and Yuno doesn't want me leaving with Hitori anymore."
Yuno walks into the Palace getting annoyed by Kai singing a funeral song holding Xavier who's fast asleep.
"Where's Roku?" Ken asks expecting to see him with Yuno and Kai.
"Still unconscious Setsuno will drive him back when he wakes up."
Roku opens his eyes waking up in his old room in the Vatican wondering the secret passages in the church. He was not allowed to leave or let himself be seen.
People were told to be weary of immortals, products of the devils work, that's what immortals are called in the city.
"Hey Hero."
He turns around hearing the voice of Madeline echo in the hall way, "Madeline?" Roku turns around seeing an Oni in the next room up ahead.
"Who are you? Hey!" He looks around for Madeline following the Oni and stops in his tracks when it goes outside he's not allowed to go outside.
"Oi, you coming?" Rex bounces a ball off of the side of his head.
"Kazama." Roku says confused.
Saito takes the ball from Rex hitting him in the face on purpose, "Do you really see him alone? Let's go."
Roku follows the two of them inside walking through the doors of the secret garden hidden under the church it's dried out and dusty.
Smells awful it's so quiet the only sound you can hear is the sound of a single drop of water every 10 seconds into the wishing well with the statue of Eve holding her first born son.
"The Son of Eve, remember that story?" Madeline asks tossing a coin into the fountain.
"Yeah I remember, Eve's first born child was not Cain it was Tenshi the son God took pity upon and turned into a Cherub guarding the gates of hell and hidden away until one day he sort out to know his real father and came to the earth.
"It is said he came through this very well that leads directly to hell the son having been blessed with the gift of angels and immortality made a friend that he shared his immortality with before he left under God's command to never abandon his post.
"Due to his obedience and unquestionable loyalty God gave him the gift of coming back every once in a while to see his friend, but that's as far as the story goes old texts were rumoured to have been mistranslated and that might not be the real story, why are you showing me this?"
"I don't know, it's been a while since I was let out of the chamber, when I was told you left and I had to bring you back I was really surprised never thought you'd leave me behind."
Roku throws a coin into the well, "I was told you were dead I looked everywhere and I couldn't find anything. No one could find you, so how are you still alive?"
Madeline shrugs her shoulders, "Wasn't aware I died, you going back?"
Roku shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know, I like it here I'm not a caged bird and no one makes me feel like a freak," He chuckles, "I'm actually valued and everyone thinks I'm special no one calls me a devils child, or a demon, or I don't know anything like that."
Madeline chuckles, "You know I don't care about any of that, but you know I want out of whatever pit I'm in more and the price for my freedom is too bring you back. I love you I hope you know that, but I'll be taking you back with me by any means necessary."
Roku intertwines their fingers, "Why did they have to pick you? I don't want to be your enemy you know I can find a solution for you. 300 years together, when did I ever let you down?"
She smiles, "Never."
Roku pecks her forehead, "Do what you have to, but just know that I'll stop at nothing to come get you and be with you again, I really missed you."
Kai taps him on the shoulder Roku looks at him confused, "Setsuno's been calling all day, what the hell are you doing? Let's go."
"Time for you to wake up Roku, I'll wait I promise." Madeline lets go.
Roku smiles following Kai back to his room lying down on his bed waking up in his room at the Palace Melody resting her head on the side of the bed, "Melody?"
She looks up rubbing her tired eyes, "Setsuno called me when you wouldn't wake up you were in a pretty deep sleep I had to guide you back you were asleep for 2 days."
He looks up after flopping on his bed, "Met an old friend in a dream, they want me back and they won't stop at nothing to take me back."
Melody stands up, "Worry about that after you tell your friends you're awake they've been worried sick about you."
Setsuno walks into the room sitting on the side of the bed, "What the hell man? What's with the slumber party?"
Roku laughs, "Sorry, is Yuno okay?"
"Yeah, Ken never told her about you she's convinced you're helping me look for a rare herb of sorts, Izumi made it up."
Roku gets up giving Mel a hug, "Thank you, your help and kindness is highly appreciated."
She smiles, "I should get going, Kudesai thinks I'm grocery shopping and last I checked it doesn't take two days." She leaves waving at Yuno walking in with Tori and Xavier holding shopping bags.
"What do we have here?" Yuno hits Roku with the bag of shoes, "You're fired I'll hire a PA that will actually assist me."
Roku carries her bags to her room looking at the three dresses she bought, "Is this for Izumi's coronation?"
She nods flopping on the bed closing her eyes, "None of these dresses are right for you I'll get you a better one."
"I knew you'd say that, Kai is with Izumi at the President's office getting mentored to be the next King apparently Izumi isn't interested in being the actual King he just wants the throne to return to the rightful owners."
Roku brushes Xavier's hair before Heaven gives him a cut. "Will Izumi tell Kai the truth about himself and this whole immortality thing?"
Yuno sits up, "I don't know, maybe."
Setsuno walks into Yuno's room flopping on top of her burying his face in the side of her neck, "Ken says he just arrived in China pick up your phone."
"Shit! I don't know where it is, Roku."
He stands up and finds it in the car walking back into Yuno's room tossing it at her. "Was I really out for 2 days?"
Yuno furrows her brows, "What? You were out for 2 days? Where did you go?"
Setsuno stands behind Yuno glaring at Roku, "He's still half asleep ignore him he always does this he hasn't gotten enough sleep in the last few days."
Yuno brushes it off showing Setsuno her dresses he shakes his head putting them back in the bag.
"You have terrible taste in fashion you're lucky your body looks good even in trash outfits because I'll be honest sometimes I think you let Tori pick your outfits out for you with his eyes closed might I add. We'll go back tomorrow and do actual shopping."
Yuno crosses her arms, "I thought I looked great."
Setsuno pulls on her cheeks playing around with her face, "Yes it does, but you can look even better try to keep in mind you'll be on TV and you don't want to look boring."
Her face scrunches up, "That's exactly what I want to look like."
Setsuno covers her mouth pointing to the sleeping Tori on the floor cuddled up to Snow, "That's the problem sweetheart, can you at least look like you with some actual effort put into what you look like."
She elbows Setsuno walking away.
"Real smooth, go on and piss of the Momma Bear it's not like you'll be skinned alive by Izumi when he finds out."
Setsuno glares, "It's not like I'm being a dick lying to her she really needs to not show up as Yuno. You know who's doing last minute shopping when Ken sees the outfits he hates it when she wears low cut dresses and honestly it's distracting. I'm thinking an 80s look should do the trick."
"I honesty have no idea what you're talking about, what's a low-cut dress?"
Setsuno rolls his eyes shoving him out of the room, "Don't mind that, let's go get her a replacement dress."
"Whatever you say."
Tiyo walks into the dark room looking around checking his watch every 3 seconds he doesn't have much time to give a report and being in here alone is too sketchy
"Well? Has there been any strange occurrences with the Lin's?"
Tiyo shakes his head, "No, nothing since the Oni came into the picture. Things have been quiet."
"Found anything out about the Exorcists?"
"All I know is that they want their Luxar back and he doesn't plan to go back he always dodges questions about his past. With time we'll see if he talks."
"Alright, keep digging we're bound to strike gold eventually."