

Tachibana takes Tori to his friends place, which is where he gets his hair cut, "Ready for your first hair cut?" Tori nods munching on a guava roll while Tachibana tries to figure out what cut would suit him.

He walks into the room and the blonde female turns towards him and crosses her arms.

"Your hair is a mess, where have you been? Is it your new girl?"

"Keep your cool Camellia I was on a business trip, and watch what you say about her you just might get on my bad side."

"Like you have a good one, this your boy?"

Tachibana nods looking around the place decorated with posters of different hairstyles on the walls.

He sees a section specifically for toddler cuts, Tori has wild spikey hair that just bombs out no matter what you do confusing Tachibana on which hairstyle to choose, "Hey, do you have a way to tame his wild hair?"

"Yeah, I can pull off a messy wavy hairstyle it suits him."

"Cool, I'll go with my usual cut." He takes a seat next to Tori who is still more invested in his roll than reality, while Tachibana wonders what Yuno is up to either then studying of course.

Yuno watches Ackerman reaching for his phone and snatches it from him throwing it at the watch dog. "The hell, Lin?"

"We're not calling him nor are we leaving yet I haven't found anything. So, we're going to trap that mutt in a room and keep searching."

"Remind me again what has you convinced I will let you go ahead with your stupid plan?"

"Our friendship." Yuno looks at him and he chuckles carrying her over his shoulder.

"Yeah, between our friendship and my fear of Ken Tachibana babe, our friendship ain't shit, now stay put." He runs around the place with Yuno grabbing whatever she can get her hands on as they leave. Ackerman starts the car and drives to the Palace.

The so called watch dog giggles, a silhouette on the peach coloured wall with a feminine figure and slim shape forming as the dog's shadow is now the shadow of a woman.

"A ring around the roses, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, you will all burn down." The silhouette figure sings looking around the house some more repeating the same song over and over again. 

She has a sweet voice with black alluring eyes and natural dark eye lashes, a nose piercing, phoenix tattoo on her neck and a purple charm necklace stands out as it starts to glow.

"Ashes on the water, Ashes on the sea, you will all burn down, one to three." She sings a different verse walking into Ken's room breathing in his scent. "I smell trouble." 

Yuno shudders looking back at the direction they just came from. "Something wrong?" Ackerman asks.

Yuno nods, "We left the house, but I can't remember, why?"

Ackerman turns to Yuno realising he doesn't remember why either, "We're not going back anyway." Yuno nods relaxing in her seat.

Before they get inside the Palace they go over whatever they took with them, Ackerman found a journal written by someone who goes by the name of, Hitoshi Tachibana and a photo album.

Yuno grabbed a statue, locket, keys and a hard drive which is pretty impressive considering she nearly dropped them all.

"If Ken finds out I'm blaming all this on you." Ackerman points a finger and leaves Yuno with the stuff.

She groans expecting a little help carrying her treasure inside but she's all alone for the next part. She notices Tachibana's car pulling up in the drive way and hides everything under the seats locking the doors and walking into the Palace.

"Oh, my goodness Yuno? Is that you?" She turns around and her face falls when she notices her cousin Yu.

"Hey you." Yuno laughs at her own joke and slings an arm over her cousin's shoulder, "Get to the point tinker bell, what are you doing here? What do you want?" She whispers to Yu who laughs like Yuno just told her the funniest joke in all of history.

"Get over yourself Rapunzel I didn't come here to ask you to let down your hair, where the hell is your boyfriend?" Yu asks looking around the large room.

Tachibana walks into the building and Yu smiles pulling a badge on him, "Ken Tachibana, you're under arrest for the murder of Ryu Lin."

Yuno looks confused and so does everyone else but he doesn't resist arrest. Yuno tries to convince Tori it's nothing bad or serious, but peoples reactions say either wise.

"How was your day with Tachibana? I see you came back with a new hairstyle."

Tori doesn't give a reply back in fact he barely heard what Yuno said he might be a kid, but it doesn't take much to put two and two together and realise that everything is not okay. The only thing registering in Tori's head is that Tachibana is leaving. AGAIN.

Yuno tries her best to comfort him as he starts crying and Tachibana's his eyes change when he turns around. Connor notices and rushes to Yuno's side to avoid a potential calamity, "I don't think cuddles will solve this just yet."

Tori's crying causes his four-legged friend to get riled up and throw a tantrum. No one has heard of an animal with an ability before, but now they are seeing Tori's puppy with split tails icing anything they come in contact with.

Tachibana tries to turn around to cool Hitori's temper but the cops aren't having it. They force him out of the room and into the car leaving Yuno to handle the mess.

She cools Tori down first and calls Kim for the new bracelets before she takes the puppy, yet to be named, to his place outside and leaves the Tachibana matter to Ackerman.

Ackerman calls Jet sounding very angry, "Ryu Lin, tell me exactly what you did with the girl?"

"Everything you said man, everything okay?"

"Ken just got taken for her murder. I spent days talking him out of it until he gave in and called you to deal with her, what did you do exactly?" He asks keeping his voice down looking around Ken's office for nothing in particular.

"Faked her death and sent her off to Rio." Jet replies chewing on snacks further irritating Ackerman.

"Find the bitch and bring her here. I'm starting to think we should've actually killed her." He hangs up and looks for Yuno who is sitting by the garden watching Tori chase his puppy around, "Hey, what's running through that pretty head of yours?"

Yuno snaps out of her line of thought, a wane smile is all she can manage when she turns to Ackerman, "Nothing. I know it's bullshit. I know Ryu is behind all this part of me feels guilty that he's in this mess in the first place, and I'm wracking my brain on where she could be. I'm coming up empty."

"You just had me break into our boss's house and steal journals and whatever I could find, I'm sure you can figure something out to help him."

Ackerman tries to find more words of encouragement, but he knows that even what he just said now makes no sense he doesn't know what to say to Yuno.

"I've got nothing, why is it that he can't catch a break? And why does he always act like he's okay with it? Is it part of the plan or something?"

Ackerman shrugs his shoulders and sighs, "He'd catch a break if he went fishing for one, but we all know he likes swimming with the sharks."

"He's an idiot." She walks towards Tori and smiles at the boy, his new hair cut makes him even more cute and she thought he couldn't get any cuter.

"Bath time buddy." She takes Tori inside and baths him before feeding him a light meal before bed and she does the same for herself.

Jet pulls over outside Yuno's old house. She has been delaying putting it on the market because part of her feels that the decision is up to Kai.

Her mother always joked about leaving the house to him and she doesn't know what the future holds for them, so the house is insurance. She doesn't need the money now and therefore decided to wait and see what happens.

He takes the key and unlocks the door looking around for anything that belonged to Ryu specifically.

"What are you doing here?" A deep voice asks..

Jet turns around waving the keys around, "Boss lady sent me, who are you?"

"Bino, the one left in charge of keeping watch here." The male narrows his eyes.

"She didn't mention you, I'm only here to find something that belongs to Ryu."

"Yuno sent you?" Bino is very sceptic and isn't doing a good job at hiding it but Jet has no ill intent he just needs something that belongs to Ryu to find her, that's his main priority, anything else is not on the list, like wasting time talking to Bino.

Jet goes back to searching and it's pretty evident he has no idea what he's looking for, everything he touches shows him either Yuno or Kai's memories.

"Hey, I'm on a time crunch and looking one by one is going to waste time, do you have anything that belongs to Ryu?"

Bino walks to her room and opens the door, "This is her room. I think you'll find something in here."

Jet looks around and touches everything in here, but it doesn't have a strong enough energy to help him find her current location.

He searches every inch of the room and nothing, "Dammit, I need something of sentimental value all this is not enough."

"She's not the sentimental kind the only person she looked out for is Ryu, and the only thing of sentiment to her is herself."

"Not possible, there has to be one thing, just one." Jet stops pacing around.

"Try this." Bino gives him the wrist band he got from her when they were kids.

Jet takes it from him and realises that he got a stronger energy from Bino specifically, it's rare, but sometimes a person fits his abilities criteria.

"Thanks man." Jet offers Bino a hand to shake, he sees a tall building, and can see the Palace at a distance.

He can see himself standing at the roof top of a building, absorbing as much detail as he can before letting go of Bino and running out of the house calling Ackerman. She's at the top of a rival Hotel in the same area as the Palace.

Jet noticed Ryu was about to leave the building but couldn't tell where she was going. All that's going through Jet's mind is that they have to find her and stop her while they have a lead.

Ackerman tells the Police she's alive and where she's been spotted driving with Sensen in the passenger seat to pick up Jet, "I told you to stay behind Effie!"

"Step on it, you'll need me babe."

"I don't need a pregnant lady as back-up." Ackerman is lowkey killing himself for driving so slowly, actually following the rules of the road. Suddenly he's worried about car accidents.

"I'm not going to back you up than, now step on it Yuno might need it."


Ryu gets in the elevator and it stops half way. The roof of the elevator opens and Yuno jumps in, "Oh look, the dead are now walking." Yuno kicks Ryu before she strikes first.

She knows well enough from their childhood that Ryu never loses a fight if she strikes first.

"I knew you'd find me." Ryu smirks shaking the can of poison gas and throwing it on the elevator floor, it fills the small space up immediately.

Yuno smirks back, "You're smarter than that sis, did you think you're the only one who knows someone who can clone other people?"

Ryu turns around and Yuno punches her in the face. Yuno sent a clone to the Guest House curtesy of, Japan Maki, the best chef at the Palace and her early morning snack buddy. They wake the earliest out of all the employees at the Palace.

Ryu growls punching back Yuno smirks all she has to do is stall.

She couldn't sleep thinking non-stop about where she'd find Ryu. Her sister's personality is like a sarcastic eulogy turned into a parody and put out on display for the world to see. Simply put, Ryu makes no sense. Although, to Yuno she makes perfect sense.

Yuno clicks her tongue finally putting two and two together, "Where else would a dead person be found?" Yuno chuckles at her statement.

Ackerman stops outside the Guest House running into the building and Sensen shakes her head taking the wheel driving away with the car, "Dammit!"

Ackerman takes out his phone and calls Jet to find out how far he is. He only waits for a few minutes before Jet arrives in a sports car.

Ackerman gets in the car Jet driving behind Sensen, "Reminds you of the good old days doesn't it?"

Ackerman snorts, "Not yet."

Jet smirks hitting the accelerator and driving past Sensen, "How about now?"

Ackerman calls Sensen and she answers the call, "Go home, you'll only get in the way."

"You don't know where to go."

Ackerman smiles, "That's why I'm calling. Tell us and we'll be there in an instant."

"The graveyard."

The men face each other and laugh slowing down and Sensen realises they won't go anywhere until she turns around.

"Be careful." She says turning around at the next U-turn.

Ackerman makes a call to the rest of the crew, 3 more cars drive behind them, "Now it's like old times." Ackerman says remembering the time they were known as the Road Junkies.

Racing day in and day out, they have an arsenal of many types of race cars, different shapes and sizes, all in all street racing was their life and any reason to hit the road like old times is worth it.

"See yah losers." A bright red sports car overtakes Jet driving past them. The driver pressing the accelerator.

Ackerman scoffs, "Dean has always been good at traffic swerving while the rest of us have to pick a different route, turn at the next left."


Yuno has been dodging all of Ryu's attacks but the fight is going nowhere because Yuno just controls the water Ryu generates and sends it back and they cancel each other out.

A black matted sports car swerves into the graveyard and Dean waves at Yuno from the Red one that arrived at the same time.

"I didn't come alone either." Ryu states

Yuno nods, "Yeah, but I just needed proof that you're still alive." Yuno turns around mid battle getting in the car with Dean, the next part is all up to Ackerman.

Trying to catch Ryu alive will be near impossible Yuno's just glad that she can go to the police station and they'll memory project the proof they need to get Tachibana out.

Yu watches the red sports car stop right at the door of the station and Yuno walks in demanding that they release Tachibana because Ryu is still alive.

"Only Tenma can prove that, you say you just saw her right now?"

"Yup, and I know Tenma is here right now, so drop the bitch act and let me see her."

Tenma sighs and flicks Yuno's forehead projecting her conversation with Ryu. Yu huffs trying to find some fault in the memory, ''My ability is immune to memory manipulation, that right there actually happened, Ryu Lin is alive and well, there's no reason to keep Tachibana here."

Yuno smiles and smirks at Yu as she goes to get Tachibana, "You're innocent after all." She sings in a dry monotone

He stands up and finds Yuno waiting outside, "What took you so long?" He asks.

She turns around startled by his voice. She was getting a little anxious because they took time to let him out. Yuno takes off his jacket giving it to him, "It's not easy shooting in the dark Ken, and you know that."

"No, I don't know." They kiss and Yuno looks into his eyes lowkey patting herself on the back for a job well done. "Tori isn't still upset is he?"

"I doubt it, but if you want to find out follow me." She takes his hand and he smirks pulling her into his chest instead.

"Not happening, you're coming with me."

*Author sips tea.

So, like, Can I get a gift? For some reason I feel awkward asking for one, but like, I really want one.

Please leave a gift and vote if you've made this far in.

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