

could feel my orgasm come rushing down upon me as my thick, gooey white cum erupted out of my heaving, tingling ball-sacs. With a God-awful roar of climactic ecstasy, I came deep inside Aunt Yvette's dripping wet snatch, flooding her fertile womb up to the brink with my thick, potent spunk. I felt as though every last ounce of my being had exploded out of my prick along with my jism, and felt sure that I had impregnated my Aunty at that moment, in my heart of hearts knowing that I had given her my child.

A part of me wanted to hold Aunt Yvette forever, to love her and to be with her for the rest of my days, staying faithful and true only to her and giving her the tender affection that she needed. But, with the stunningly unexpected turn of events that had thrown my mother Erica into the mix, my mind was quite understandingly on other matters at present... I could hardly get the look of lust and surprise in my Mom's face out of my mind!

To say that I was reeling from what had just recently happened would've been a severe understatement, to say the least. And I wanted, and needed, to know how far I could make things go between my mother and I... I had desired Erica far too much for far too long to hold myself back from taking the final plunge.


The day I had at college could at best be described as mediocre, at worst as pathetic. I really wasn't into the work I was doing all day, because my mind was otherwise occupied with other concerns - namely, I just couldn't stop thinking about my mother, and how much I wanted to fuck her so badly.

My primal, incestuous longing for my very own Mom was a taboo lust, one which I knew was frowned upon by society and was despised as sick and perverted by most people, but I could not help the feelings I had for her and knew they were sincere and honest emotions. I loved her, and I was sure it was true love, the type that had the power to last forever and make any miracle possible. I only wished that Erica would know my love, and return my intense affection in kind... but only time would tell if that was the case.

When I got home, my step-dad's luxury sedan was missing, which really didn't surprise me all that much in the least. Jeez, it was seriously as though it was only just Mom and I around the house most of the time... I wondered if perhaps I was emotionally closer and more in-tune with Erica Thompson than her own husband was, and a big part of me thought that I probably was.

Mom was home, which immediately made me happy and light-footed as I bounded up the stairs and let myself in with my own personal key. This all seemed perfect, pre-ordained, as though someone or something infinitely benevolent was making my task of maternal seduction so much easier...

Stepping inside our huge house, set back from the street in a somewhat upmarket, almost ritzy part of Newark, I suddenly had the dire and overwhelming urge to take do a pee. The only toilet that was working just so happened to be one downstairs, not too far away from the front door - the other toilet had a burst drainpipe and the plumber was due to visit in a couple of days.

I raced over, and could hear through the closed wood-oak door the shower running on the other side. Okay, I thought, Mom must be in there, taking a shower. I really had to go, and also realised that this was a perfect opportunity to further my own insidious agenda; pretty much a win-win situation.

I Hurriedly knocked on the door, and shouted through the wood-oak panel loud enough so I could be heard on the other side: "Mom, I need to go to the toilet real bad! Can I come in and use the john? I promise to be very quick!"

The reply was a bit muffled, but I was sure of the fact that it was an affirmative response. So I tried the doorknob - the door opened when I twisted it clockwise, which meant that Mom had not bothered to lock it. I stepped into the hot, stuffy, steamy bathroom, leaving the door wide open and allowing much of the heat and moisture to be swept out of the room.

Mom was standing in the shower, the hot water cascading down over her bare, naked form. I could see much of her profile from side-on through the pane-glass window, but much of it was also obscured because of the steam and the window itself, designed more to conceal than to look through. Though I could not see all that I wanted to, I still got a good look at more than enough of my very own Mom to sprout some serious, A-grade wood in my shorts.

Taking a few long moments to stare unabashedly at my mother Erica through the shower pane before moving on over to the toilet to relieve myself, I pulled my hardening prick out of my shorts and pissed away into the toilet bowl, letting out a long sigh of contentment as I allowed my bladder to empty, and much of the tension seemed to seep out of me.

"So, darling, I think we have to talk about what happened the other night, don't you...?" Mom said over the rush of the shower. "We can't have something like that hanging over us both without saying anything about it..."

"Mom, I want to tell you something..." I began, putting by cock back into my shorts and turning around to face her, as she in turn wrapped up her shower and turned the hot water off inside the cubicle across from where I stood. "I love Aunt Yvette, but I had no intention of ever being with her in that way, but then the other night, she was there with a friend of hers... we had all been drinking, and I was looking for a bit of fun... it just happened!"

"Oh, really? I think there's a lot more to it than just a flight of fancy, Kenny..." I heard Mom say, and cringed at the pain in her voice. She was hurt deeply for my actions, of that I was sure, and I suddenly had the overwhelming urge to just leave the bathroom and race off to my room for a good long cry. I hated the thought of upsetting my mother Erica so much that it tore me up inside to know I had brought so much misery to her life, with this one action. "I need you to tell me something, though, and I want you to be completely honest with me, young man..."

"What, Mom? Please, I promise I'll tell you anything you ask me to," I said. Whatever she wanted to know, I would tell her, because I knew that the truth was much better than lies and deceptions, and somehow, I felt sure that my mother could see right through any lie I could have possibly thrown out to her.

What happened next was nothing short of incredible... she opened the shower's sliding panel and stepped out onto the bath-mat right in front of me, completely naked and exposed to my incredulous gaze, not even making the slightest attempt to conceal her modest. My mother's eyes blazed with an inner passion and radiance which took my breath away - felt captivated by her, entranced, and knew that at an instant I would do anything she commanded of me, no matter what it was...

Erica Thompson's humungous mammaries were tipped with the largest, darkest brown nipples I had ever laid eyes upon, that seemed to poke out at least ¾" when fully erect, as they seemed to be at that moment. Her skin was smooth, soft looking, and sleek, with a tan all over that I just adored.

All over, Erica's body gleamed in the light, with the water from her shower reflecting the light from above off her skin. She had a smooth, flat stomach, with a beautiful 'innie' belly button.

Her long, sleek legs seemed to go on for days and days, her round, luscious buttocks were definitely something most women would've vehemently envied, and her gorgeous, shaven mons seemed to beckon me with its stunning, magnetic attractiveness, her vulval lips slightly parted and her clit exposed due both to the angle in which she stood on her feet and her own current state of arousal.

It was incredible to see my mother naked and standing before me, completely open with herself and unashamed. I felt as though I was somehow honoured by the privilege of witnessing her full, unpretentious beauty, without concealment or unnatural enhancements. I tried to say something, or to at least stop gawking openly at my own Mom's nudity and pick my jaw up off the damn floor, but I could hardly manage to accomplish any of these feats.

"Alright, I want you to be honest now... do you have feelings for me? Do you lust for me the same way that you seem to lust for my sister Yvette?" my mother asked me, looking me squarely in the eye and not flinching or glancing away from my gaze. I could tell immediately, by both the timbre of her voice and by the way she was staring at me, that there was no dissuading Erica from the question - she demanded an answer, and would not be satisfied in the least until she received a satisfactory one, one way or the other, from me!

It took me a while to get enough saliva back into my mouth to be able to speak, but once I did I decided that honesty was the best policy, and came out with the God's-honest truth. This whole fucking situation was better off resolved for everyone concerned, one way or another, I thought to myself. I looked right into my mother Erica's eyes, and I told her the very truth about my feelings for her for the first time in my life.

"Mom, I have desired you for so many years now, I cannot remember a time when I did not see you and imagine what it would be like to fuck your tight wet pussy, or have your soft, sensuous lips wrapped around my bulging red tool," I told her, my voice cracking as my emotions threatened to get the better of me.

I couldn't help but shudder under the intense gaze that my mother Erica was giving me at that precise moment, and before I realised what exactly was going on, Erica had reached out with her right hand to cup my hefty dick-bulge through the front of my shorts. She slowly, laboriously rubbed my dong while maintaining eye contact with me at all times, licking her lips lustrously as I groaned softly and jerked with pleasure under her ministrations.

It was so bizarre to find myself at last in this situation, standing before my very own mother, who was completely nude and unashamed, and getting my cock rubbed by her in such a openly sexual manner. I could hardly believe that any of this was actually happening, and found myself struck with a total and utter sense of helpless paralysis. My Mom was the one who took the initiative and helped to break the ice a little between us, leaning in and kissing me passionately on the mouth as she pressed her firm, round hooters right in against my smooth, well-built chest.

I reached down at last and cupped one of the smooth, bare cheeks of my mother's butt in one hand, squeezing and caressing it as we pashed away with intense, fiery exuberance. Pulling the cheeks apart and sliding my right hand in so that I could play with her small, ultra-sensitive asshole, I gently burrowed the forefinger right into her tight, puckered anal passage, and immediately began to finger-fuck her shitter for all I was worth!

Making my Mom Erica shudder and grasp with intense lust by fucking her tight little bunghole with my finger had to be one of the most incredible, satisfying experiences in my entire life, and soon enough my huge 9" monster schlong was poking straight out the front of my shorts, tent-poling the whole issue and quite conspicuous in all its bulging, inescapable glory.

Pulling my forefinger slowly out of my luscious, big-tit Momma's tight, dank butt-pipe, I raised my right hand up to Mom's face and offered her the dirty finger, still slick and glossy with her filthy ass-sweat. Without so much as a moment's hesitation, Erica opened her mouth and took the digit down her throat, sucking on it with all her might and licking the dirty gunk off fearlessly. My very own vanilla, straight-laced mother Erica was, deep down inside, a filthy street-whore skank at heart, and with me she found a new outlet for her taboo fantasies and forbidden urges.

When the forefinger was clean, I pulled it out of my mother's mouth and slipped it back into her asshole again, but afterwards I leaned in and gave her a deep, tonguing kiss on the lips again. I slid my tongue into her mouth and savoured the sharp, tangy traces of Mommy's dirty rotten butt-hole on my taste buds. It sent shivers of lust running right down my spine, and I totally loved it!

Soon enough, my shorts and underwear were down around my ankles, and I quickly had my shirt up over my head and chucked it carelessly to the side, leaving me standing there with my mother in nothing more than my wristwatch. I felt absolutely no shame or discomfort anymore, but rather a sense of total and utter peace, as though we were finally experiencing the grand event, something that had been building up between the two of us for the longest time.

We kissed again, but this time with a slow, tender intimacy, as though we had all the time in the world to explore our newfound, incestuous love and that we shouldn't leap into things too hurriedly. I reached out with both of my hands to cup my Mom Erica's firm, round 36F-cup bosoms, flicking the nipples playfully with my thumbs and forefingers at the same time over and over again, until they were hard and swollen with her arousal.

With a deep, ravenous moan of lust, my very own mother, the woman who had given birth to me over 21 years previously, dropped down onto her knees before me and took my large, bulbous cock-head into her mouth. She sucked on the knob of my dickshaft with all of her ample skill, using her right hand at the same time to squeeze and fondle my hairy, cum-bloated crown jewels.

With a sick, perverted smile, I pulled my dong out of Erica's mouth for just a moment, and then spat a large glob of saliva down her throat. She swallowed it back without so much as a second's pause, smiling at me afterwards with a glimmer in her eyes as though daring me to lift myself up to her level of sheer debauchery. I guided my cock back to her slightly-parted lips, and Erica immediately got the hint, opening her mouth wide and allowing me to slide my dick down the back of her throat without a word being exchanged between the two of us.

I could hardly believe how good it felt to have my prick down my very own mother Erica's throat, as she hummed away with her lips wrapped tightly around my schlong while I in turn squeezed and fumbled her ample breasts in both hands. It felt utterly wondrous, but I wanted so much more, and I could tell by the sheer gusto in which she was attacking my swollen meat-stick that Erica wanted the very same thing I did for her own selfish benefit.

At last pulling my saliva-slick phallus out of my Mom's mouth, I pulled her up to her feet and kissed her again on the lips, slipping my tongue in as I pushed her bodily up against mine. My prick slid up hard against her smooth, tanned thighs as I passionately French-kissed my gorgeous mother, and before I even realised what I was doing, I had her up on the bathroom tabletop beside the hand-basin.

My cock-knob nestling at the gaping wet opening of my mother's smooth snatch, and after a long while I pushed in slowly into her tight, suctioning gash. It was the most incredible feeling I had ever known, that first instant when I had my 9" prick buried to the hilt for the very first time inside of my mother, Erica Thompson.

When I was finally sliding my swollen schlong in and out of my Mom's pussy with a slow, regular rhythm, I leaned in and kissed Erica softly and fleetingly on her open mouth, and then moved down until I was kissing and sucking on her right nipple. Soon, Erica was writhing and moaning with lustrous intensity, thrusting her hips up against my driving penetrations as I drilled the absolute hell out of her with all my formidable might.

I was solely focused upon my mother and making her cum with utter passion, and could hardly believe how it felt to finally fuck her smoo and have the clenching walls of her pussy milk my dick in its tight, velvety grip. It was unlike any other woman's cunt I had ever pounded before, somehow much more incredible and memorable, as if the sheer sinful, taboo set of circumstances we found ourselves in together increased the level of enjoyment tenfold.

Pulling my prick out of her after a while, I moved my head down between my mother's thighs and began to lick and slurp the ample pussy-juices up from between her legs. I slid my tongue deep into the fleshy folds of her pussy, and then moved my mouth up to suck on her large, budding love-button, licking and slurping on Erica's swollen clit til my Mom was bucking and thrashing about the place like crazy.

She was wet, dripping and begging for a good, long hard pounding by the time I lifted my head up from between her legs, making my way slowly up her body to finally kiss her again on the mouth, sliding my mouth right down my mother's throat as I slid my cock back inside her tight little twat.

Strangely enough, Mom was as tight as many of the teenagers I'd fucked over the last couple of years. It was almost as though she was a sexual novice, getting some good long, thick dick for the first time in the longest while - Erica was going absolutely mad for me, jerking and shuddering with burning lust as she took my prick all the way inside her constrictive cunt-hole.

I leaned down and sucked the whole of her left nipple into my mouth, along with a good bit of her actual breast, while continuing the drilling I was giving to her dripping wet coochie.

Building ever so determinedly up to a vigorous level of thrusts, I soon had Erica screaming and thrashing about with her legs hanging up over my shoulders and her hips slamming into my pelvis when I drove into her snatch. I moved my head up a little bit and began kissing her neck, sliding my right hand up to help support her as I drove my prick relentlessly in and out of her well-stretched smoo.

Her claws dug almost painfully into my back as she scratched me when her passion had become unbearable. I grunted with pain and bit my lip to stop myself from screaming, but the pain mixed in with the pleasure that I was already feeling, giving me a heady sense of delirium which threatened to overwhelm my senses and transport me to a level of ecstasy that I had never before known.

It was our first coupling as lovers, so we were already in a state of heightened sexual arousal and found it next to impossible to hold us back from climaxing. The only thing that I wanted to make sure of was that I came after my Mom Erica did, so that she got the release that she needed and deserved before I blew my wad. And, in the end, she did cum, just before I too exploded inside of her...

"OH FUCKIN JESUS, I'M CCCCUUUUUUMMMMMIIINNNNNNGGGG!!!" Erica screeched at the top of her lungs, as she had the biggest, strongest orgasm I had ever felt any woman have with my huge schlong buried to the balls deep down inside her tight, throbbing snatch. As her long, red fingernails sunk into my back and she clawed at me with ravenous, uncaring brutality, I felt myself loose control and flood her body with potent, white man-milk. Filling my very own mother's vagina up with my hot, gooey spunk made me feel like more of a man than anything else I had ever done in my entire life before that moment, and I regretted absolutely nothing at all. She was the woman that I loved above all others, the woman of my dreams, and there wasn't anything in the world that I was not willing to do on her behalf.

After we had both caught our breaths again, and I pulled myself up off her sweating, naked body to go over to the toilet and sit down on the bowl to rest up a little bit, Erica reached down and slowly, sensuously scooped up a bit of my creamy dick-sauce. Then she raised the cum-covered digit up to her mouth and took the finger in, sucking the cock-sludge off without so much as batting an eyelid.

"Oh, I love the taste of your lovely cum, my darling!" Mom cooed with a little smug smile quirking her lips. With a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, Erica reached with one hand, offering it to me to take. "Do you think you're up for another round already, baby?"

"For you, Mom, I'm up for anything!" I promised her, absolutely serious. There was nothing at all I would not do for her, if my mother really wanted me to, and there was nothing I could refuse her.

When I took Mom into my arms and kissed her passionately again, she reached down with her right hand and took my limp roger in her right hand, and then began to slowly, laboriously play with it, squeezing and pulling on my cum-splattered schlong as I pushed myself in against her body. After a while, I spun her around and pushed Erica bodily face-down onto the bathroom basin's smooth, clear white bench, and then crouched down behind her back to shove my face right into the crack of her round, meaty ass.

Licking and slurping at the small, round puckered ring of her anus, I soon had my mother Erica grunting and groaning all over again as she shuddered against my punishing oral ministrations. I was relentless, savouring the taste and texture of her tight little anal passage on my tongue as only a certifiable butt-loving fetish man could.

There was nothing I would have preferred to be doing more at that precise moment, so I just went at it and gave into my innermost temptations. I had no desires more perverse and heart-felt as the need to suck at my very own Mom's dirty little bunghole, and the fact that I was finally living out this debased fantasy of mine seemed somehow dreamlike and unreal, even as I was right in there with my tongue buried inside her anal-duct.

A little while down the line, I moved my right hand up to begin to finger Erica's dripping wet snatch at the same time, working both actions into a regular tempo, so that when I slid my tongue into her asshole I also pushed two fingers into her cunt, and when I moved my tongue back out I also did the same with the cum-soaked digits of my right hand.

By this time, my cock was getting pretty damn hard, and I was about ready to get back into the action again. My eyes weren't set upon my Mom's pussy at this time, however, but rather, I was staring straight at her gaping butt-hole, which was already slick with my saliva already and primed for a good old rogering.

It was something that I had always daydreamed about, and when I finally had the opportunity I had always imagined in my over-active fantasies, I seized it with both hands. I moved in behind my Mom Erica, the woman who had given birth to me, who loved me and had looked after me my entire life, and guided my bulging red 9" cock up to the opening of her anus.

With one single, long lunge, I had my dick buried in her butt-hole all the way up to my bulging, cum-heavy ball-sacs. Working myself hurriedly up until I was rapidly pounding the crap out of my mother Erica's ass from behind, I soon had her grunting and moaning lustfully as I took her with full force. Reaching down between her long, smooth thighs, I diddled her large, budding red clit til I had Erica shivering, and screaming my name in roaring pleasure.

Drenched in sweat and straining against the urge to cum, I bit down on my bottom lip until I drew blood to try and fight back the urge to blow my wad deep in my very own Mom's tight, constrictive asshole. It was incredibly exquisite to feel my mother Erica's anal-cavity squeezing my schlong, and I leaned in to slide my tongue up along the back of her neck to display my immense pleasure. I wanted to cum so very much, but I felt honour-bound to give her as much orgasmic pleasure as I possibly could in the meantime...

"AAARRGGGHHHH FUCK!" Erica screamed at the top of her lungs as I drove my prick deep inside my Mom's asshole and as she thrust herself back against me, straining around to make contact with me as much as possible. She twisted her neck around quite sharply so that she could kiss me once more on the mouth as she came. Her tongue slid into my mouth and danced around mine, while I reached down and cupped both of her full, rounded boobs in my big, manly hands and squeezed her nipples with my fingers.

I twisted the hardened tips of her breasts almost to the point of making her cry out in pain, because I knew it added to the sexual stimulation and made her cum much earlier. I knew that Erica was on the verge of cumming when she started to cry out in blissful ecstasy and buck about underneath my driving thrusts.

I could see by the look in her eyes in the bathroom mirror in front of us that she was feeling my thrusts down to the very core of her being, and that it was affecting her much more than I had ever imagined possible. She was grunting and thrashing about like mad, as though possessed by a wild, untamed beast of mythology that could not be bended to anyone's will but was as free as the wind, and as strong as the very elements themselves.

I needed to cum, and when Erica reached that final earth-shattering crescendo, when all the tension poured out of her, leaving her panting like crazy and slumped over the bathroom bench, struggling to catch her breath again after so much exertion. Although she had reached the pinnacle of pleasure, I did not relent in my driving thrusts, giving it to my Mom just as hard as ever because I did not want to loose the sense of impending release, which was almost upon me and I could feel hanging over the both of us like a blade.

With a sudden lunge right in to the hilt in Erica's dirty little bunghole, I rammed my right hand in between my mother's thighs and began to vigorously diddle her budding clit, causing her to gasp and shudder as I felt myself finally loose the control I had been fighting to keep for the longest time. My cock throbbing almost painfully, as I slid my swollen prick in til my hairy nuts slammed in hard against my meaty butt-cheeks, I felt my nuts tingling as I came with a flourish right inside my Mom's tight little asshole.

Flooding her bright red, well-stretched rectum with my thick, gooey white spunk, I let out a long, protracted sigh, and stumbled over onto the toilet again, where I literally passed out from sheer exhaustion. Oh fuck... I had never known so much sheer exhaustion before in my entire life!

Erica could hardly move, either. She struggled to raise her head up, and after just managing to achieve that course of action, gave me a slight, fleetingly warm smile. I loved her then as I knew I would love my mother always - as a mother, as a friend, and as a confidant I could entrust with my very deepest and darkest secrets. There was nothing that I was not prepared to share with this woman, the lady who had given birth to me more than 21 years ago and who had just consummated her love with me in the most tender, physical manner that there was.

I truly was my mother's beloved 'naughty boy', and I knew that, whatever else the future held for the two of us, we would somehow find a way to be happy and to have our incestuous relationship continue. In the end, it would all work out, and we would be together somehow... of that, I was absolutely certain!A week had passed since I had made love to my mother Erica for the very first time, and we had been banging away like rabbits every chance we got to be alone together. It was strange, to be the other man in a sordid little love triangle, giving a horny housewife the big, fat cock that she craved so very much... especially since the gorgeous babe I was screwing also happened to be my very own Mom!

My father-in-law, Roger Thompson, was at work so much nowadays that Erica and I were easily able to carry on around the house most of the time any way that we wanted to. We used this to our advantage, fucking and sucking our way through every single room in the huge house in a wide variety of different positions and motions.

Roger had just left for another long, hard day at his work, on the island borough of Manhattan. The day was looking very promising for the both of us, as I had the day off from university and Mom wasn't planning anything special. The day was ours to do with as we would, and I could hardly wait to get right down to business and sink my throbbing red tool into my gorgeous mother's steaming, tight wet gash.

When I finally got up out of bed and headed down to the kitchen to see what was for breakfast, I found a note on the kitchen bench-top written in Mom's handwriting which said that she had gone out early to get a number of things from the shops, including a surprise that she promised me I would find quite to my liking, and I shouldn't expect her to be back until around lunchtime.

She continued on with her note by apologizing for the spontaneity, and the fact that I wouldn't be waking up to a nice good-morning fuck (she actually put this down in writing, which I loved!), but promised that she'd make it up to me tenfold. I swore to myself to hold her to her word!

Checking the nearest clock, on the oven nearby, I figured that roughly gave me two-and-a-half hours to kill on my own, so I decided that I'd get myself a glass of Milo for breakfast and hit the basketball hoops out the front, just for something to burn up the time. I quickly got changed into an old, loose-fitting faded blue Singlet and a pair of old gym shorts, then hit the court, which was really nothing more than the top of our driveway when there was no cars blocking the flat part, or the hoop itself.

I had played basketball for my private high school's basketball team for a number of years, before study finally overwhelmed me and I put aside my ambitions to play the sport professionally - something that I had come to regret considerably, upon reflection. I loved basketball, loved the sport and the culture, and had always idolized the professional players as though they were not mere mortals but gods.

Life had a way of killing ambitions, hopes and dreams, I thought to myself with a wiry smile... but then again, I had to remind myself, what was my fantasies of my very own mother and I being lovers if not a dream, even up to a week ago?

I had to remind myself that anything was possible, if one had the guts and determination to make it so. That was a key lesson that I had yet to fully comprehend, but which I vowed to learn upon and to accept as truth.

As I was lining up yet another shot to sink into the hoop beside one of the three big garage doors out the front of our house, I could hear the sound of a car driving up the driveway behind me, and without turning around I could tell immediately that the car was not either my mother's or my stepfather's. Dropping the ball straight into the hoop in a perfectly executed swish, I turned around, and saw with a slight sense of apprehension that it was actually my ex-girlfriend from my high school and freshman year at uni, Mandy Swanson, driving up towards me in her old Mitsubishi hatchback.

I fought the urge to grimace, or to simply turn around on the heels of my feet and run back inside the house as fast as I could.

She had hurt me pretty bad, that bitch of a woman who now seemed to be wanting to see me for the first time in the last three years, and I really didn't have any intention of opening up fresh wounds... but something held me rooted to the spot, some powerful, enigmatic force that seemed to sense my own deep, unconscious need for final confrontation and closure with this horrible, ghastly woman.

The hatchback was one of the oldest, most beat-up looking cars I had ever seen driving around, anywhere... but then, she wasn't floating in the money, and never really ever had been. I wasn't surprised that she was living in semi-squalor, because Mandy had never been the one to make the best choices in life, about anything... but she had never been the type of woman to look back on her life with anything remotely close to a regret. She made her choices and she move on with her life, breaking hearts and wrecking lives as she went.

This whole thing seemed mighty peculiar, and my suspicions were raised about the entire situation. I knew there was a damn good reason why Mandy would be forced to re-enter my life, and that I probably wouldn't like that reason very much at all...

As always, Mandy Swanson carried herself with an air of self-importance and supreme arrogance that defied her standards in life, which had to be on the all-round poor side, considering the fact that the last time I had seen her had been outside her trailer-park home which she had been living in with her drug-addicted mother. When she emerged from out of the driver's side door of her hatchback Mitsubishi, Mandy appeared just as I had remembered her, so hauntingly mysterious and sexy.

With long, cascading strawberry-red hair, smallish light blue eyes, and a pretty, rounded face that seemed carved from china and utterly without blemish or imperfection, Mandy was a true goddess in every single aspect of her physical being. She was around 21-years-old, the same age that I am, and we had gone out for a couple of years from about the time we had started senior high school. Definitely as hot as I remembered, that was for sure...

She had the perfect, well-defined body of a sex-fiend, with large, full breasts (by my estimation at the least a DD-cup) and a firm, round, meaty ass. With long, smooth tapered thighs which seemed to go on forever, she was truly quite a hot little number - the fact that Mandy was dressed to the nines in a super-tight white halter top, some tight-fitting denim cut-off shorts, and a pair high, leather platform 'fuck-me' boots, definitely didn't hurt her chances either.

As she got nearer and nearer to me, I tensed up physically, as if expecting her to actually race forward and attack me with her bare hands or something. Having her suddenly just appear without warning in my life again had me seriously spooked out, and quite understandably jittery, considering all the pain and suffering she had put me through in the past.

I had lost too much over her to allow Mandy to hurt me again, and now she was here, dressed so provocatively with her ass swaying the way it was so alluringly like it was from side to side... I felt as though I was trapped, suffocating, and found it so hard to breathe suddenly.

Mandy was suddenly right in front of me - I blinked my eyes, and she was still there, standing right before me with her hands on her hips, her right leg propped up a little higher than the left, and a slight smile on her darkened, ruby-red lips. I shuddered involuntarily, as though a whip had struck me across my hindquarters by her very presence, and her proximity to me.

Fighting back the urge to flee yet again, I faced down the woman who had hurt me so, and asked her the most obvious question in the world to me at that very moment - no 'hello', no 'how have you been?' none of that bull-crap. "What the hell do you want, Mandy?" I asked her, without a flicker of concern for her or warmth in any manner. For me, she was dead and buried, and Goddamn it that was the way that I wanted her to be!

"I wanted to talk to you, Kenny..." Mandy replied, and her face softened to something akin to warmth and affection - it was the closest expression that she was capable of making that came to love. "I know that I've hurt you badly, Kenny, but please... I want to make amends, and I want to help mend broken fences, not just for me but for Charlie as well!"

THAT NAME! The name of my former best friend who had hurt me so, who had betrayed our trust and our friendship by screwing my then-girlfriend Mandy behind my back for almost two years while I was seeing her!

His full name was Charles Ingram. I had cast him completely out of my life as soon as I had found out about their secret affair and the deception, and I had never seen him since then, but now, upon hearing that name yet again, I could not help but feel a ping of loss and sorrow, as though I actually missed him being a part of my life or something!

"Alright, what is this all about, you cow? I thought I made it clear when I last saw you that I never wanted to see your cheating ass, or that sonofabitch Charlie, ever again!" I spat out angrily, turning around and heading straight for the front door without looking back once to see whether Mandy was following or me or not.

I felt enraged, and also a little apprehensive, as though afraid at last to blow this one opportunity to make good on this chance and finally forgive my long lost friend and the woman that I'd loved and lost for their cheating ways.

In the end, I knew that I probably did have it in me to forgive them both for their betrayals, but I was afraid to take that chance, to let go of the hate which had helped sustain me through the years and that had helped mould me into the man that I had turned out to be.

Opening the front door and striding purposefully into the lounge room, I dropped down onto the nearest leather couch and let out a long, painful sigh. Feeling the urge to just break down and cry like crazy, I held my emotions in check and held my head bravely up high when, low and behold, Mandy came striding into my home, undeterred by my stinging tirade and seemingly resolute in her determination to get through to me with her argument for reconciliation.

"Look, Kenny, I'm so sorry that we hurt you the way that we did back then, but you must believe me now when I tell you that we're madly in love, and that we both are so very sorry for all the pain and suffering that our devious actions must've caused you..." Mandy said.

Looking at her face, I could almost believe her by the way her face crumbled with pain, as though she was bearing my own agony on her shoulders because she had been much of the cause of my suffering. I could feel my steely resolve wavering, and the more I looked into her eyes and read the sincerity in her demeanour, I began to slowly change my opinion on the entire situation.

"Well, you both stung me very bad with your actions, you both have to know and understand that..." I replied, putting a little steel into my voice, firming it up a bit. "I don't know how you could just expect me to forgive you both and allow you to get on with your lives just because you say that the two of you are sorry! It doesn't sound possible to me, I'm afraid."

"Well, that's why I'm here, darling..." Mandy said in a soft, sensuous voice, pushing her breasts forward towards me, flaunting her womanly wares brazenly and trying to coax me to arousal. I tried to fight against the horniness which was building slowly up inside of me, but it was a battle that I was destined to loose, I could tell that from the very start. "It was Charlie's idea, actually, but I was more than happy to agree with it... sort of our way to make up for all the terrible pain and suffering we'd caused you."

I could hardly believe what I was hearing - my ex-girlfriend was propositioning me, for crying out loud! This was pretty fucking wild, and damn unexpected to say the least. But I couldn't really say that I minded the idea, at least in principal... and then I noticed the gold and diamond engagement ring on her right ring finger, and I began to understand things a bit better.

"You're engaged to Charlie, aren't you?" I breathed, the surprise and pain evident in my voice and written all over my face. I had known that she was gone for years now, out of my life forever, but to know that they were actually going to get married, that they were really going to make a future together, still hurt me, more than I thought it was capable of doing...

"Yes, Kenny, I am. We're planning to get married in the fall..." she said with a sigh, grimacing with shared pain as she saw the tortured look manifested across my face. "Look," she quickly hastened to add, "this is meant to be a reconciliatory coupling, and Charlie is more than happy to let this happen. He wants it to be like it used to be between the two of you, all right? We have an open, free-spirited relationship, where we're allowed to be with anyone that we want to, just as long as the partner knows them and approves... now, I want to be with you!"

I didn't really know what to say. This was all so unexpected, but the idea of Charlie and I working through our differences and becoming friend again didn't sound as improbable as I would have thought but a little while ago, especially since my Mom Erica and I had become a new item, and I had seemingly found a new sense of sexual harmony and love with her in my life.

And being with Mandy yet again definitely wasn't as repulsive as I might've thought, especially since I knew that she was Charlie's fiancé - a big part of me still wanted to stick it to that guy, and the best way that I could imagine messing up another fella was by screwing his girl! My cock, now granite-hard and bulging out against my pants, seemed to strain with barely-contained arousal as I imagined getting one last go at my ex's dripping wet snatch, and feeling her full, luscious red lips wrapped again around my throbbing, boiling hot dick-shaft.

Without saying a word to her, I opened my arms and Mandy Swanson headed right for me, with a slight smile on her ruby-red lips. She swayed her ass sexily from side to side as she walked towards me, her smile growing all the wider as she came for me, dropping to her knees between my legs.

I squirmed around a little bit on my chair to try and get more comfortable, as Mandy reached out with her right hand to rub my crotch through the front of my shorts. Soon enough, she had me gasping and moaning softly with pleasure as Mandy began to get into her work. Reaching up a little bit further to grasp hold of the elastic belt of my shorts, Mandy pulled the front of my pants down over my bulging pants until my prick jutted out in front of her face, and she immediately leaned forward to lick the underside of my bulbous cock-knob.

She slurped up a little bit of pre-cum which was billowing out of the very tip of my schlong, then used her tongue to knead and tease the sensitive dick-head with nothing short of absolute relish. Mandy licked and tongued the opening of my penile duct, working her right hand up and down my glistening shaft with a skilled, practiced hand.

My sexy ex-girlfriend definitely had a great mouth - she always had, and had definitely known, even when I'd first met her, how to use it. As she bent down further to take my right nut-sac into her mouth, licking and slurping on it til I was gasping and trembling with pleasure under her skilful oral ministrations.

I could hardly believe that the human body was capable of feeling such an overwhelming sense of pleasure - it was as though I was being choked with ecstasy, swamped with intense, orgasmic bliss that threatened to override everything else around me.

Mandy looked up at me from where she crouched, her face still nestled in my lap, and let my right ball drop out of her mouth with a wet, resounding plop sound. As I watched on, she looked up at me and smiled, then gave me a cute little wink. I knew then that I was in for one hell of a ride, and that I was going to enjoy every moment of it!

Returning her attentions back to my groin, Mandy began to run her tongue around the slick, saliva-moistened scrotal sacs below my blood-gorged dong, then made her way up the underside of my prick with the tip of her tongue, running the teasing tongue up to the head of my dick-staff.

Once I had reached the bulbous head, I opened my mouth as wide as possible and began to engulf my dong, slowly sliding it in there until the very tip of my prick was pressing in against the back of her throat. Mandy sucked on my penis like crazy, bobbing her head up and down on my straining prick while she squeezed and kneaded my ball-sacs at the same time.

There was definitely something about Mandy and her oral technique, a real masterful ability that I had to admire and appreciate. She had a way of using her teeth, her mouth and her tongue to their fullest capabilities, and I would have loved to have had her carry on the way that she was all day... but I wanted more from her than that, and I was the type of man who got what he wanted from his girls, when he wanted it.

I had, up until then, allowed Mandy to dictate the pace of the action, but I wasn't going to allow her to just go at it as much as she wanted to anymore - I had needs of my own, too, and I wasn't about to wait!

I grabbed a couple of handholds of Mandy's long red hair and began to drive my cock up into her mouth, face-fucking her as hard and as long as I wanted to, almost making her gag on my dick-meat and making her eyes bulge wide open before slowing down, then finally pulling out of her mouth when I had finally tired of it.

After a long while, I pulled Mandy's head back and leaned down to kiss her on the mouth, swirling my tongue around hers as we pashed violently. I pulled back at the last moment, leaving Mandy gasping, her face flushed with passion, and spat a large glob of spit straight from my mouth and into hers.

At first recoiling in shock and surprise, she then swallowed my saliva back down her throat and then gave me a thin, barely-visible smile. With that, Mandy stood up on her own two feet right in front of my chair and began to slowly, sensuously strip out of her clothing.

Watching the gorgeous, voluptuous redhead's clothes slipping off, I reached down between her legs and started to stroke my schlong with my right hand. My eyes were riveted to every bit of Mandy's beautiful, well-proportioned body that was exposed as she continued to remove her clothing, one item at a time...

First went her tight halter-top, thrown aside without much care, which exposed her lacy, light pink bra to my ravenous gaze. I could see much of her DD-cup titties, as well as Mandy's straining, large dark-brown nipples. She had a pair of the most fantastic breasts I had ever come across, perfectly rounded and sculptured to fit in with total synergy with the rest of her physique.

Then, Mandy's skimpy, super-sexy denim jeans went next... I watched as her matching pink G-string was exposed, a barely-there wisp of clothing that could hardly be classed as 'clothing' as it hardly covered much of anything at all. It was sheer and lacy, but I couldn't see a trace of any pubic hair around Mandy's crotch or through the lacy front of her G-string.

One thing that I could distinctly remember about my ex-lover was that she had a real hairy bush of dark red pubes, but she must've changed this since the last time that I was intimate with her... I had to admit that I was curious to see whether Mandy had decided to go completely bald, or if she had instead simply trimmed her pussy, made it neater in some way.

She bent over to begin to undo her platform shoes, but that was when I decided that it was necessary to step in and at last intervene... "Look, Mandy, I think we can leave those on, don't you? They look pretty damn sexy on such a hot looking fox like you, baby," I said to her.This compliment of mine brought a broad smile to Mandy's gorgeous young face, as I knew it would, and she, as one would've expected, acceded to my request to leave the 'fuck-me' boots on. She did look very damn desirable in the platform shoes, I had to say, and it added inches onto her already quite formidable height.

"What would you like now, huh?" Mandy asked me in a soft, teasingly sensuous voice - as though she didn't know what was forefront on my mind at that moment!

"Come here, now!" I said in the sternest, most commanding voice I could muster, which to my surprise did not crack under the intense sexual pressure I felt myself under. I needed to have her, right there and then, but I was determined to remain in control and to take this whole thing one slow, careful step at a time.

Following my command to the letter, Mandy was again standing right before me, her firm, supple young body glistening with sweat, her face flushed red with her obvious arousal and her firm, hardened nipples sticking out against the cups of her lace bra.

She was breathing in short, ragged gasps, and was standing a little more on her right foot than her left for some reason... As I looked more closely at the crotch of her G-string briefs, too, I began to notice that Mandy had a sizable wet patch of moisture there.

This couldn't have come from any other logical place than her pussy-gash. Mandy couldn't have been anything other than sexually aroused by the whole situation, of being displayed near nude in front of me and of being commanded to do my bidding.

"Kneel before me, you worthless wrench, and suck on my big, fat cock," I growled, pulling back the foreskin from around the head of my 9" monster. A bead of clear white pre-cum began to billow up out of the bulbous head of my cock-shaft, and Mandy's right forefinger began to slide around the sensitive tip of my dong, spreading the salty fluid around the very end of my roger as I gasped and shuddered with pre-orgasmic pleasure.

She then began to work her right hand around the length of my dong, using her hand to squeeze and tug on the girth of my prick as she wanked me off right in front of her, her big, doe-like eyes never leaving my own as she went to work on me.

Then, as I felt myself begin to drift away on the waves of intense pleasure and begin to loose control of my very senses, Mandy dropped to her knees again before me and, with a broad smile planted on her glistening, ruby-red lips, engulfed the bulbous head of my prick into her mouth.

Nibbling lightly on the helmeted head of my schlong as she sucked me back into her mouth with the strength of an industrial vacuum cleaner, Mandy pushed the forefinger of her right hand slowly into the tight, constrictive opening of my anus.

I felt the tip of her tongue run around the tiny little opening of my dick-staff, then the base of it began to lick and rub at the sensitive helmet-tip, driving me wild with pleasure to the extent where I almost felt as though I was going to pass out. Lord Almighty, how good it felt to have this happening to me, after everything else in my life that was already going on!

With Mandy's finger working its way slowly in and out of my ultra-sensitive asshole, not too deep to really cause me pain or discomfort but enough to really feel and enjoy the sensations, I was experiencing her blowjob on a new and entirely different level altogether, and felt as though I was working up to a big, super-strong orgasm a good deal quicker than I would have usually expected.

Using her left hand to knead and massage my hefty, wrinkly ball-sacs as she pushed the forefinger of her right hand into my tight, squeezing anal cavity, Mandy began to open her mouth wider and take even more of my dick further down the back of her throat than she had ever managed to before, struggling successfully to fit that much more of my prick in and allowing me to reach my climactic that much faster by bringing me off with her oral talents any way that she could think of.

There was some things Mandy did to me that I had never had done to me ever before in my life, by any woman who had been with me over the many years that I'd been sexually active. She was definitely the master of oral sex, and I could not hold out from her indefinitely...

"HOLY CRAP, I'M GONNA CCCUUUUUUMMMMMMMM!!!" I wailed, grasping a firm, brutal hold of Mandy's long, curly hair and shoving my dick right down her throat as far as I could go, my cum-filled nuts slamming in hard against her chin as I felt wave after thick, gooey wave of erupting semen bursting out of my cock.

My load of boiling jizz shot straight down Mandy's throat and, though for a few moments she was almost overwhelmed by the amount of love-splodge that was ejaculated from my dong and at one moment came close to choking, she did in the end manage to persevere, swallowing every last bit of my discharge. A job well done, all told, and because of that I was immensely proud of Mandy for it.

When she had finally finished gulping back the last mouthful of my cock-cream, Mandy gave me a broad, happy smile, her eyes glimmering with merriment as she leaned forward and kissed me longingly on the lips. I could taste my own sperm on her lips and in her mouth, but that didn't disturb me all that much.

"Strip out of your underwear, now..." I breathed in a short, husky voice, my face barely inches away from Mandy's. She closed her eyes and began to strip out of her skimpy, frilly undergarments, and I leaned forward as she unbuckled the back clasp of her bra to slide my tongue into her mouth.

Reaching out as her bra dropped away from her outthrust breasts and slipped to the floor, I cupped one of Mandy's solid, pliable titties in my right hand and flicked the nipple teasingly, causing her to gasp and arch her back. Mandy was quite obviously aroused by my actions, and I knew that she wanted me to take her just as much as I wanted to myself.

Sliding my right hand down over Mandy's smooth, flat stomach, I turned my attention to the dripping slit between my ex's legs, pushing and rubbing at her soaking wet snatch through the front of her G-string briefs til she was huffing and squirming about the place with a flushed, excited look on her face. Mandy was like putty in my hands as I played with her emotions like the consummate puppet-master, and I was easily able to use my knowledge of the female body, and the points of sexual desire which affected most women pleasurably, to bend her to my will...

"Oh God yes, fuck..." Mandy gasped as she squirmed about while I pushed two saliva-slick fingers as far as I could into her cunt through the flimsy little patch of silk that was the front of her G-string panties.

Girl-cum was pouring out of her twat, soaking into her briefs, running down her thighs, and covering my fingers and right hand with clear, sweet-tasting vaginal discharge. I hardly minded this at all, though. Soon enough, my fingers were making quite as loud squishing sound as I finger-fucked my gorgeous lover's tight, constricting smoo, driving her on to deeper cries of ecstasy and more intense pre-orgasmic exploits.

"Ah fuck baby, your pussy's so tight!" I grunted admiringly, shoving my tongue forcefully down Mandy's throat as I lifted her up and bodily carried her over to one of the nearby couches. I deposited her down upon the leather upholstery unceremoniously and then proceeded to hurriedly strip out of my dank, sweaty clothing, exposing my glistening body to Mandy's lustrous gaze.

She was basically salivating with desire by the time I was done, standing nude over the top of her, my eyes locked on her cum-soaked crotch, her privates covered by the barest of G-strings...

Moving down between her long, silky smooth thighs, I pried Mandy's legs open and then moved down in between them, making sure that one was swung over either one of my shoulders as I dropped my head down into her dank, husky groin. The smell of womanly arousal permeated the area as I lowered my head down in between my old love's legs, then pulled her underwear to the side as I ran the base of my tongue up the outer opening of her twat, making sure to lick up as much of her clear, juicy pre-cum as I possibly could as I went.

Working the tip of my tongue into the meaty, crinkled inner folds of her pussy as I pulled her flimsy panties down her legs and threw them aside without a care, I began to slowly, rhythmically lick and suck at Mandy's cunt-hole as she bucked and moaned softly with lust, her face scrunched up and her eyes glazed over with climactic pleasure as I went to work on her coochie. Sucking on the upper folds of her beaver and making sure to nibble lightly upon the hooded sheath of flesh that covered her clitoris, I soon had Mandy grunting and thrusting her pelvis up into my face as I ate out her snatch.

"Fucking Christ, baby, yeah... do it, darling, lick me just like that... ahhhaa ffffuuccccckkkkkk!!!" Mandy moaned, grasping my head by a thick handful of my hair and forcing my face in hard against her pussy as I tongued her deeper still.

Moving down past her pussy and down between the cheeks of Mandy's ass, which involved her having to be lying back on her upper back and shoulders with her butt sticking up in the air in front of me, I began to slide my tongue in and around the little puckered brown hole of her anus.

The dank, sweaty cleft of her ass-cheeks was not as repulsive to me as many people might've thought - one of the major things that drew me to women were their asses, and I was definitely heavily butt-orientated, having been that way for almost all of my sexually-active life.

Giving women rim-jobs, fingering or tasting assholes, and anal sex were all quite the norm for me, and I would definitely hold that against a woman that I was with if they weren't similarly inclined. I was well aware of the importance of sexual synch in a relationship, but so far in my life I was lucky to find that most ladies that I went with were more than happy to let me enjoy my anal fetish...

Pulling the cheeks of Mandy's buttocks far apart, I spat a large mouthful of saliva into the gaping, slick bunghole, and then pushed in my right forefinger all the way to the knuckle. She gasped and arched her back off the couch, her eyes bulging wide open with shock and pleasure as her sensitive anal receptors picked up the multitude of sensations coursing through her clenching sphincter-hole.

Grunting with bestial lust, Mandy reached down between her legs and vigorously diddled her budding, swollen clit as she came in a torrential splatter all over the place, her copious cunt-cream oozing out of her beet-red slit as her snatch overflowed with her climactic love-fluids. Jamming a couple of fingers into the swollen gash between her legs, Mandy frigged herself with intensity as I watched on, mesmerized and quite understandably very aroused at the finger-fucking display I was being given.

After awhile, she raised the cum-slick fingers up to her lips and sucked the digits in her mouth, and then afterwards slid her hand back down between her thighs and resumed playing with her pulsating pussy. Mandy was quite turned on, totally lewd and unashamed now that she was beyond the point of no return and positively tingling all over with orgasmic delight.

That was it - I was done with the preliminaries, it was time to get down to business! Raising myself up before her, positioning my firm, blood-gorged dick-stick at the entrance to her gaping, moist opening, I began to rub the bulbous, mushroom-shaped head of my dong up and down the dripping wet slit of Mandy's love-tunnel before slowly, timidly pushing into her tight, velvety cunt.

Pushing slowly into her pussy for what seemed like an age, I finally bottomed out when the head of my prick pressed up against Mandy's pelvic bone. I could feel the contracting walls of her tight, soaking wet pussy squeeze my dong in a vice-like grasp, making me grunt and shudder with orgasmic lust.

It almost had me passing out with pleasure as I fought to hold back the urge to cum inside her right there and then. I was seeing stars, and my vision was blurred by a tinge of red.

Working my cock out of the saucy little redhead's stretched snatch, I began to vigorously rub the opening of her juicy, gaping twat, teasing her budding clit as I went. I could feel my stiff cock throbbing almost rhythmically with arousal, almost bringing me to the point of seeing stars and cumming where I stood all over the place. My cum-heavy balls were aching for some form of release - the teasing foreplay had had a very deep affect on my own arousal, and although I had already cum down Mandy's throat, I was pretty darn close to climaxing again.

Moving back in and sliding my cock all the way up inside Mandy's tight, suctioning smoo, I began to ream my long dick-stick in and out of her aching snatch in steadily increasing thrusts. Sweat coursed down off my brow and poured out of the pores of my skin all over, mixing with the sweat that was coming off Mandy's body as we fucked.

Where our skin connected and rubbed together, the sweat was the worst, all squishy and uncomfortable to bear. We were becoming steadily hotter and forced to bear more discomforts as or coupling continued, but neither Mandy nor I had any intention of stopping our activities any time soon, considering the fact that she was building up to yet another orgasmic discharge and I was about to cum again on my own account.

Again with her legs up over my shoulders, I pounded my quite-sizable schlong in and out of Mandy Swanson's well-stretched pussy, making her grunt and moan as I kept on hitting her G-spot. My thrusts into her were at the perfect angle to really stimulate her clit, and it was paying off for the both of us in quite pleasurable dividends. Her snatch was squeezing and milking my cock in ways I had never imagined possible, and in turn I was bringing about Mandy's climax far quicker than I had thought possible, even with more than a healthy dose of optimism... we were moving like a well-oiled machine.

Finally feeling the orgasmic climax I had known was coming for so awhile now, Mandy grasped hold of me around the lower back and sunk her fingernails deep into my skin as she cried out with ecstasy. Her vagina squeezed my dick quite hard as she came, milking my dong with insistent vigour and deft skilfulness. I closed my eyes tight and tried to think of something, anything, to help me hold back my own orgasmic release, but the sensations I was feeling and the need to cum that gripped my own loins was overwhelming, and something that not even the strongest of wills could fight against.

With a long, wailing cry of release, I came with a mighty flood of dick-seed into my ex-girlfriend Mandy's clutching cunt, filling her twat up to the bring with my jizz and blasting ropes of love-spunk into the depths of her vaginal passage.

My potent semen was shot straight towards Mandy's fertile womb, but then I was sure that she was well aware of this fact and had taken the necessary preventative measures to ensure that nothing untoward occurred... for example, say, me knocking her up! That would most definitely be most unexpected, and a quite unwanted hindrance, to both of our lives.

"Wow, Kenny... that was really something..." Mandy breathed, giving me a broad grin and a quirky little wink when I looked over at her. I pulled myself off her body and dropped down with a long, disgruntled sigh onto the couch, overcome by exhaustion and a sense of comfortable emptiness. My balls were devoid of their baby-batter so I was able to have a break...

Mandy manoeuvred herself around on the couch so that her face was right above my flaccid cock, and she began to slowly, gently lick and suck her way around the bulbous, mushroom-head, making sure to slurp up and savour the combined mixture of our sex-fluids.

"Oh my, Mandy... it's like we've never been apart!" I groaned, feeling, much to my own amazement, my limp prick begin to twitch in her mouth, which was the most telltale sign of renewed life in the flaccid phallus. I could hardly believe that I'd managed to recover from my last orgasm so quickly, but then again, Mandy did have a magic mouth, and I was more than a little eager to sink that cock of mine into her alluringly tight-looking asshole. I prayed to Christ that I had enough time to do that, at least, before Mom came back from the shops and ruined things... man, if Charlie was willing to give me a piece of his own fiancé's gorgeous body in exchange for another go at our friendship, than he was definitely worth getting to know again!

This was too unbelievable for words, for sure, and almost too surreal to believe... if it wasn't happening to me I wouldn't be able to believe it! But then, I should know and understand more than anybody that life sometimes had its little surprises, and not everything conformed to neat little definitions and standards... there always is those shades of grey to everything in the world around us, that's what makes it so interesting to be alive.


When my mother Erica came home, pulling into the garage and shutting the garage-doors with her car remote, I strode out to meet her through the attachment that connected the car-ports to the house, not bothering to put on a stich of clothing.

Mandy had already left in her car, but I had written down both her number and Charlie's so I would be able to get in contact with them in the future, and she had been willing to let me keep her cum-soaked G-string panties as a souvenir, which I was grateful for.

When I met her out in the garage, around the back of the sedan starting to unload the boot of her shopping for the morning, I gave Erica a start because I had been so quiet, moving along without any shoes on. She jumped back with alarm, but then once she saw whom it was standing in the semi-darkness of the garage inclosure, she smiled and burst out laughing.

"Jeez, Kenny! What, are you trying to kill your poor old mother by giving me a heart attack or something?" she asked me with a mischievous grin, shaking her head as though she found something wrong with my actions, while at the same time keeping her head down so that I couldn't see the laughter reflected in her eyes.

But I knew my Mom well and knew when something deeply amused her - this was one of those occasions. Though she might have been genuinely frightened at first, the accidental scare had gotten her all fired up now and ready to go. She suddenly noticed the fact that I was naked, and reached out to cup my flaccid prick, squeezing its thick girth lightly before dropping it back, where it swayed back and forwards between my legs.

"Eager today, are we?" Mom asked me, smiling broadly with warmth, and not a little but a considerable amount of arousal of her own, as my veiny, red-hot prick began to lengthen and swell in her grasp. "You must've missed me not being here for you this morning, since I've been here of late every morning for you! You poor darling! I'm so sorry, darling, please let me help you..."

I smiled and nodded quickly, giving me my immediate consent. Erica dropped down straight away in front of me and, cold concrete floor and all, began to give me a wet, sloppy blowjob, running her tongue around the sensitive head of my cock and probing the tiny little piss-slit at its tip. I was soon gasping and rocking my hips forward, forcing my dong further down her throat as pre-cum continued to billow out of my dick-rod.

Waves of pleasure were coursing through my system as I felt my cum-heavy balls begin to throb with my ensuring orgasm. I knew that I was about to cum - that was a given. I could feel it building up within the very soul of my being, and soon enough my swaying nut-sacs began to erupt as my orgasm overtook me.Blast after blast of thick, choking hot cum shot out of my throbbing, twitching prick and went straight down my mother's guzzling throat. She didn't even hesitate in drinking back my spunk, her eyes bulging a little bigger in their sockets as she struggled to swallow all of my jizz. But she wound up keeping a considerable amount of my thick, gooey dick-sludge in her mouth without gulping it all back immediately.

Pulling my limp schlong out of my Mom's mouth, I stared down at her with nothing but total and utter love in my heart for her as she smiled back at me with her eyes, keeping her mouth hanging open. She tilted her head back, and I leaned over to spit a large glob of saliva straight from my mouth and down to hers below...

Erica swallowed the mouthful of love-fluid straight down her throat, leaving me standing over her panting and covered in sweat. I couldn't help but grin at my beloved mother sheepishly, completely and utterly captivated by how gorgeous she was all the time... when we were in the middle of some of the most debauched sex I could have ever have imagined, she seemed even hotter and more alluringly innocent than ever!

I picked up my stunning Mom and kissed her hard on the lips, sliding my thrusting tongue down her throat as I reached out with both hands to squeeze and cup her breasts through the front of her thin blouse. I could feel my mother Erica's 36F-cups filling out in my hands quite nicely indeed, and made sure to tweak and flick the hardening nipples until I had her gasping and moaning with pleasure from my ministrations.

Pressing in against her and forcing her slowly back on her feet, I began to direct my mother back in the direction that I wanted her to go, until the small of Erica's back was pressing back hard against the front bonnet of my sports sedan. I kept on pressing my hands up against my Mom's breasts, cupping her boobs in my grasp and leaning in again to kiss her again, though it was a little more softly this time around.

My boner was soon sticking up towards the sky again as my arousal grew and my prick swelled up. Pulling the skin back off the head of my schlong, I then reached down with one hand and squeezed my mother Erica's firm, well-toned butt underneath her short little mini-skirt through her thin cotton panties. I loved the feel of my Mom's ass, and pushed my hand in between the full, firm globes of Erica's butt-mounds to make her moan and grunt with animalistic pleasure.

Yanking down her panties hurriedly, then with monstrous, primal urgency tugging my gorgeous lover's blouse up over her head to bear her huge, bulging mammaries to my ravenous gaze, I manoeuvred myself hurriedly in between Erica's legs and positioned my stiff, swollen cock-knob at the gaping wet entrance to my mother's cooze.

Deciding that a slow, rhythmic fucking was in order, I eased my prick into Erica's tight, constricting cunt, feeling the heat and the suffocating wetness all around my throbbing dick-tool as I worked my way in and out of her twat.

Oh God, it was incredible! I could hardly breathe, the pleasure was so intense, and within a few brief moments we were working ourselves up together by moving as one in silent tandem with our driving thrusts, as though we were not two separate people but one perfectly coordinated, well-oiled machine...

Kissing my Mom hard on the mouth, I began to work my dick in a bit further, really hitting Erica's G-spot and making her gasp and shudder with lust. Her velvety vadge squeezed my prick to the point where I thought I was about to pass out, and I shuddered all over with the overwhelming urge to cum gripping me...

I fought back against this desire, pressing my long forefinger slowly into Erica's asshole and making her scream out loud with animalistic pleasure as she came with utter abandonment on the end of my cock. As she orgasmed with a flourish, my huge swollen prick jammed all the way up her tight, dripping coochie, I lifted my mother up and began bouncing around the indoor garage with her, bouncing her up and down on my straining penis as she shuddered and gasped with utter unashamed, open passion.

There was now nothing more to our lovemaking than the sheer primal lust of our passionate coupling - no more refinement, no more uniform order, and no more trepidation. I just raised and lowered Erica up and down on my huge prong of turgid man-meat, and she in turn began to really holler right by my right ear, almost deafening me with her piercing racket.

Her pussy squeezed and milked my dong as she began to really get into the sensations that I knew my dick was giving her as I stretched her smoo to its breaking point, filling her up with my bulging prick and bringing tears of joy to her eyes as she came. Cum billowed out of Erica's straining, bloated cunt-hole and poured down over both of our legs and over my genitalia as we moved in tandem together, our bodies streaked with sweat and our muscles straining in exertion.


I suddenly let go of her firm, meaty ass, which I had been holding her up on my dick by holding on to, keeping my hands near her but not actually propping her up anymore because I wanted her to enjoy the sudden sensation of being filled up to the bring with my dick at a moment when she was least suspecting it, but that it would have the most impact on her. It did, sending the gorgeous, mature Mama right over the edge... she screamed and shuddered with climactic pleasure, arching her back and clawing at me as the orgasm rocked through her whole body.

"Fucking hell..." I grunted, thrusting my cock in and out of her pulsating snatch as I went over to a nearby workbench, and lifted her up and onto a cleared bit of workspace on the bench. Driving my dick in and out of her saturated smoo, I had Erica's body trembling with lust as I took her body and gave it everything I had. I was going to cum again pretty soon, I was pretty sure of that, but this time I wanted to hold back a little bit longer...

Leaning down to slurp and suck on each one of my Mom's tits with berserk abandon, I kept thrusting my hips back and forward with every driving lunge into her tight wet twat, then tugged her head back roughly and spat a second mouthful of spit into her dirty, lovely mouth, which she promptly swallowed like the good little slut she was.

"I'm gonna lick your dirty fucking cunt, you bitch! You'll like that, wouldn't ya? Your very own son, licking your soaking wet pussy... that'll turn you on, eh?" I spat out, leaning in to slide my tongue into her mouth again and French kiss my hot and horny Mom, something I found myself doing at nearly every opportunity.

While I reamed her out up on the workbench my stepfather used on the rare occasions when he felt the need to be Mr. Fix-It and got all hands-on with his repairs, I slid my right forefinger back around Mom's smooth, firm meaty buttocks and pressed the finger again up her tight little bum-hole. It was a strange sensation, to have my dick driving in and out of my very own mother Erica's smoo while I finger-fucked her tight little anus at the same time, but there was definitely one thing about the whole situation that I could not deny - it was fucking incredible!

My blue balls were positively aching with the insurmountable desire to cum deep inside my Mom's throbbing twat, and, although I was pretty sure that I could still give it to her for quite a while without loosing control and orgasming before I was ready to, I pulled my cum-slick schlong out of her just to be on the same side.

Dropping down in front of Erica, who was still slouching over on the wooden workbench, utterly drained of her strength and literally fucked into oblivion from my relentless punishment, I was the one who was forced to bear the cold concrete as I propped myself up on my knees and leaned in to lick my new incestuous lover's dripping wet snatch.

Running my tongue through the thick, fleshy pink folds of Erica Thompson's pussy, I began to gently suck on her meaty outer vulval-lips, nibbling on them lightly which caused waves of incredible pleasure coursing through my mother's straining, sweat-drenched body. She muttered incoherent endearments as she thrust her pelvis out hard against my face, almost smothering me to death with her pussy - all things considered, not a terrible way to go in my books!

I slurped and sucked on her dripping vadge with all the deft skilfulness I could muster, making Erica shudder and squirm with pleasure as she grunted softly and began to gasp in short, ragged breaths. Her eyes were bulging and her mouth hung open ever-so-slightly - I could see these little details from where I was, my mouth planted on her twat in between my mother's long, smooth thighs. It was a truly glorious experience...

There wasn't anything on this world sweeter than a gorgeous woman's hot, wet pussy... at least I thought that was the case, anyway. I loved to muff-dive, and I thought there was little else that I'd ever experienced that came close to the sheer joy I got out of making a woman cum with my mouth and my tongue. Erica got the full brunt of my years of practice at the art of licking pink pussies, and she was melting like butter under the intense, skilful barrage of my long, darting tongue.

I looked up at her from where I was crouching, in between Erica's legs, and gave my mother a broad smile and a wink as I lifted my mouth up off her dripping slit for the first time in quite a while, to suck in a long, deep breath of fresh air. I could see by the dreamy, far-away look in Mom's eyes that she was definitely 'enjoying the moment', as it were... I had never in my wildest dreams imagined life to be any hotter.

Sex with my ex-girlfriend Mandy, a woman I had thought had been gone from my life forever, and now I was getting my Mom Erica in a hot, passionate incest-fuck in the afternoon... could life be any grander for a horny young sonofabitch like myself? I fuckin think not!

"Baby, please... put your mouth back on my pussy! I need you to keep licking me, darling, I'm so close to cumming now!" Erica begged me, reaching out with both hands to gently cup my face and lightly pull me back down between her legs. I knew that there was no way I could get out of my commitments now...

I had to keep on slurping at her snatch til she came, there could be no way around it! Although I wasn't exactly dreading the task, I wasn't really looking forward to it either. I wanted to try something else, something different, and this was getting me much too worked up for my own good...

My cock was throbbing and twitching achingly, jutting out from between my own legs and swaying back and forwards as I moved around the place. It was a pretty obscene sight to behold - my highly aroused dick swaying backwards and forwards, the foreskin pulled back, the bulging red mushroom-like head of my cock exposed, slick with pre-cum.

I needed to sink my cock back into some tight, wet pussy, or maybe I could slide it back into Erica's slurping mouth again... I needed to do something else, anything else, to help relieve the intense pressure that I was under now. My nut-sacs were way beyond the stage of being called 'blue' - it was lucky I hadn't already passed on to the next life or something, because I'd been under so much sexual stimulation and hadn't cum yet in such a considerable amount of time.

But I didn't just have to worry about my own pleasure, oh no... Mom wanted me to lick her snatch until she came, and that was fine! Her wish would always be my command, as I would do anything at all for the woman I loved. I'd go through hell for this woman, this heavenly creature who'd given me life, and who'd cared for me, moulding and protecting me against all harm, giving me all that I needed in life and asking for little in return...

Our love was eternal, and utterly infallible.

Returning my focus to my mother's dripping cooze, I began to knead and lap at the budding hood of flesh which shielded Erica's budding clitoris, causing her to gasp and tremble ever-so-gently with barely-perceived pleasure. I grunted to myself, and then unleashed the full arsenal of techniques at my disposal to bring about sexual stimulation of that clit...

It didn't take long before I was moaning with my own pleasure, lapping at Erica's gaping cunt like a madman as she orgasmed, her sweet clear pussy-juices flooding my mouth with their incredible nectar as she climaxed in a huff and a primal, animalistic roar.

Her hair hanging back in wild, dishevelled strands and her wild eyes bulging in her skull, Erica looked as though she had really had the Big One... and I could attest to the fact that she had - most of her wondrous girly-cum wound up in my mouth and, soon afterwards, down my throat!

"OOOOHHHH YYYYEEAAAAAHHH!!!" Erica gasped, jerking and shuddering two or three final times as the climax subsided, and I gave her a couple more departing licks before lifting my head up and away from her coochie, and rose up onto my own two feet again in front of her. "Ah, thank-you so much, my darling boy! You are so wonderful to me!"

"Yeah, baby, I know!" I said straight back to her with a cocky, confident smile of my own, knowing that I was 'all-that' and loving it! But I had my priorities now, and the most important, pressing issue at that immediate point in time in my life was the need that I had to empty my scrotal sacs, right there and then, preferably in one of my Mom's three accommodating orifices... but then suddenly, as though I had been hit by a thunderbolt from the gods themselves, inspiration struck. "You wouldn't mind a bit of anal now, would you?"

"Oh no, baby... in fact, that sounds just perfect!" Erica cooed in that soft, infinitely sexy voice of hers, making me gasp and shudder even though we weren't actually touching... the sound of her sultry voice was like smooth, caressing fingers running up and down my spine.

I was on a razor's edge of lust, so close to actually cumming but yet so far from the release that I so desperately needed. I felt incredible - so horny and on fire on the inside, yet also so far from the orgasmic release that I desired that it felt like I was slowly dying...

Erica quickly rolled around on the wood workbench, presenting her firm, round, full ass to me, and I dropped down immediately again and spread her butt-cheeks open to my ravenous gaze. Bending forwards eagerly, I slowly, lavishly began to lick my way around the dirty rim of my mother Erica's asshole, tasting the dank, smelly residue of her rear-end as I pushed the tip of my tongue slowly into her tight butt-plug.

It was a tight fit, but over time, her constrictive sphincter began to give in to my working, and soon enough I had my tongue buried deep into Mom's anus and I was slurping and sucking on her anus with a relish. I was a real dirty young man with a major anal fetish, and it was my mother's asshole that I lusted after above all others...

Call me sick, call me perverted, I don't care... she was mine, and I was hers, and we could me as tender and as filthy with each other when we made love as we liked because we loved and trusted each other.

As I tongued out her dirty rectum, Mom squirmed around with luscious delight, moaning and grunting with animalistic pleasure as I tongue-fucked her bum-hole. It was so dirty and perverted, so totally unpleasant in the abject sense, that I found it to be one of the most arousing sexual acts imaginable and could hardly get enough of the taste of a woman's ass!

But I quickly realised that Erica's anal duct was moist and lubricated enough for the job, and, the consummate professional that I was, immediately moved up into position, moving my rigid penis into place and then slowly sliding the head of my schlong into her tight, squeezing rectum.

The bulbous cock-knob pressed in against the outer ring of Erica's anus but didn't immediately slip in - it took a couple of good pushes in from me to finally get the head of my dick-shaft into her butt-hole, but then once the mushroom-shaped tip finally plopped into her back-end, it was smooth sailing on from there as my mother's anus stretched out a little to accommodate the side of my invading phallus.

I had to stop a couple of times as I attempted to bury the entire length of my cock in her bunghole, both because Erica's tight rectum wasn't open enough that that point to take me any further inside or and, at one or two moments during the proceedings, because her vice-like asshole was milking my prick so well that I felt as though I was going to cum if I went any further.

It wasn't all that long before Erica, now with her very own son's bulging, straining 9" cock buried to the hilt in her anus, stretching it to its utter extremities, began to cum with a torrential cry of utter primal abandonment, tears of utter ecstatic pleasure coursing through her frame as she jutted and thrashed about with wild, orgasmic delight.

Grunting with bestial desire, she began to buck back against me as I drove into her asshole, making my dong slide all the further into her tight, well-stretched rectum with each thrust. After about the twentieth deep anal-thrust, I pulled my cock out of my mother's rectum and quickly moved around until my dick was swinging backwards and forwards near her head.

Not needing me to say a word of encouragement, Erica reached down with one hand to cup my rigid dick-stick and moved down to suck on the head of my schlong with her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down on my cock a few times, making sure to slobber around quite considerably and ensuring that she had slimed it up quite a bit, Erica opened her mouth until it was gaping wide open and took the entire length of my prick into her straining mouth. My dong slid down the back of her throat, and her tongue swirled around it like crazy.

She went absolutely crazy, slurping and sucking on my cock as if she was starved for dick and needed my man-sludge NOW! I could feel her tongue on my rigid roger everywhere, and it was driving me positively wild with lust. But then, just as I felt myself beginning to be carried away with the masterful blowjob, my mother had moved her mouth away and had positioned herself back for some more deep anal...

Sighing almost regretfully, I moved back around behind my Mom and shoved my cock right up her lubed, stretched asshole again, buggering her brutally up the backdoor again while she grunted and gasped in lustful pleasure, diddling her clit like crazy with her right hand while keeping herself propped up on the workbench with her left hand.

"Oh yeah darling, fuck my Goddamn asshole raw!" Erica groaned, and I shuddered with barely-repressed climactic pleasure as I felt my Mom's rectum squeezing my cock tightly as I drove in and out of her ass. "Ah yeh, fuck ya Mama's tight fuckin butt, you nasty motherfucker! Ooohhh I love you so much, darling!"

Reaching down under her jerking, swaying body with my left hand, I squeezed Erica's swinging tit and pinched its nipple almost to the point of inflicting pain. I then raised my right hand high above my head and held it there, pausing to savour the moment... Mom had no idea what was coming, but I knew she'd love it because I knew what she got off on in the bedroom.

Swinging in with the palm of my hand, I slapped my mother Erica's right ass-cheek as I pounded her stretched anus, which made her cry out in a heady mixture of pleasure and pain, and sent her tumbling over the edge of ecstasy as she came with a mighty cry of release, trickling streams of gleet dribbling out of her gaping cunt and down her thighs as I reamed her back-hole out.

Pulling my prick out of my Mom's gaping, crimson-red shithole, I spat a glob of saliva out of my mouth over her butt and let it dribble down on a long string to pool around her puckered, brown bum-hole.