
Taboo: Harem of milfs

Upon reaching the age of 18, Jonathan's life undergoes a dramatic transformation as he uncovers his lineage as a descendant of a powerful witch, ultimately emerging as the strongest warlock.

Luciferjl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Crossing the boundaries

They were all covered in dirt and mud, and it had dried, sticking to their clothes and skin.


"I actually forgot about it, and now that it was irritating, I remembered," Alessandra said as she looked at herself and at Jonathan, who pointed out the dried mud.


It was then that Alessandra approached, a glint in her eye as she kneeled beside him, her hands deftly undoing the buttons of his shirt with practised ease. "Let's get you cleaned up," she murmured, her voice gentle.


She removed his shirt, and when she bent down to remove his pants, he came out of his reverie.

"Grandma!! What are you doing?"


"I'm helping you wash, silly," she replied casually, smiling at him.


"I can do that myself, grandma. I am not a kid."


"Well, you are, to me," she said nonchalantly while unbuttoning his pants. "No matter how old you are, you are my little sugar; do you understand?"


Jonathan softened a little and became embarrassed at the same time. He tried to move back, but she didn't let him. He could only sigh and let her be.


But she didn't stop with his pants and removed his underwear too, making him jump in surprise. "Grandma, what are you doing?" he exclaimed, feeling confused. As he jumped back, he fell back with his trunks dragged to his knees. He winced in pain from the injuries he got yesterday.


Alessandra's eyes immediately focused on the telltale signs of injury as she helped Jonathan settle onto the stone. A furrow of concern creased her brow as she noted the reddened mark on his shoulder and the telltale swell around his ankle.


With a gentle touch, she guided him into a comfortable position, her movements careful and deliberate to avoid causing him any further discomfort.


"Stay still, Jonathan," she urged softly, her voice a soothing melody in the midst of his pain. "I'll take care of you."


Feeling the weight of his injuries, Jonathan complied, his movements restricted by the throbbing ache that pulsed through his body. With a grimace, he shifted into a more comfortable position, instinctively moving to shield his modesty.


Alessandra, however, caught the gesture and offered him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about that, dear," she said, her tone gentle yet firm. "Your modesty is the least of our concerns right now."


Jonathan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he found himself laid bare before her, his modesty stripped away along with his garments. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered, his gaze averted as he struggled to come to terms with the intimacy of their situation.


But Alessandra only smiled softly, her touch tender and reassuring as she washed away the dirt and grime that clung to his skin. "There's no need to be embarrassed, dear," she whispered her words a soothing balm to his wounded pride. "We used to bathe together when you were little; it's nothing I haven't seen before."


'But not in the recent years,' he thought to himself.


And so, Jonathan allowed himself to relax in her care; his initial discomfort disappeared under her deep care. As Alessandra tended to his needs with quiet efficiency, he found himself drawn to her, his gaze lingering on the curves of her form with a mixture of admiration and desire.


Her white shirt was wet, and her handful of bosom, held by the bra, was clearly visible to him. As he was watching them, blood quickly drawn to his lower part, making him hard.


His manhood was as hard as a pole, and his hands were barely covering it.


Alessandra was at his back, and she was almost done with it, and then she got a glimpse of his manhood.


Jonathan suddenly got up and said, "Grandma, I am done. I will slowly go back to the jeep, so you wash yourself and come; don't worry about me."


As Jonathan announced his intention to leave, he wanted to hide the shame caused by seeing his own grandma. With a grimace, he attempted to rise from his seated position, his injured ankle protesting with a sharp twinge of pain.


But before he could take another step, his body rebelled against him, the pain intensifying to the point where he could no longer stand. With a gasp of surprise, he stumbled forward, his movements unsteady as he fought to maintain his balance.


Alessandra's heart lurched at the sight of her grandson in distress, her instincts kicking into overdrive as she rushed forward to catch him. But her efforts proved futile as they both tumbled into the water with a splash, the cool embrace of the river enveloping them in its watery embrace.


For a moment, they lay there, the rush of the water drowning out all other sounds as they struggled to regain their bearings.


As they lay there, Alessandra felt something poking her stomach and reached out to touch it. It was hard and warm; even in the water, she could feel the warmth of that thing. She tried to feel what it was, her hands running up and down, and then Jonathan groaned as he released his orgasm into the river.

Alessandra's eyes widened in shock as she realised what had been poking her stomach, the realisation causing her to push away from Jonathan in a mix of surprise and embarrassment.


Jonathan again winched in pain as he fell back to the water, and his shoulder hit a small rock.




Alessandra quickly got up and asked, "What happened, dear?"


She quickly helped him up and made him sit on the stone again.


Hiding his gaze, he said, "I hit a rock, I think."


"Are you in pain now?"


"A little." Looking to the other side, he clasped his legs. .


It was then that Alessandra turned to him, her eyes alight with mischief as she shed her own clothing, the fabric slipping from her form with a grace that left him breathless. "Your turn to help me, dear," she teased, her voice a playful melody as she turned her back to him, the smooth expanse of her skin beckoning to him in silent invitation.


With trembling hands, Jonathan reached out to her, his touch tentative yet eager as he began to wash away the traces of dirt and sweat that clung to her body. And as he worked, his fingers tracing the contours of her back with gentle care, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the woman before him, her curves a testament to the power of nature's handiwork.


As they emerged from the water, Alessandra in her bra and panties, and Jonathan stark naked, an awkward silence settled between them, thick and palpable in the humid air. Despite their shared laughter moments before, the intimacy of the situation left them both feeling exposed and vulnerable. Even though it was done unintentionally, it was something which shouldn't done, Jonathan was feeling too exposed and unsure of how to proceed. Alessandra, on the other hand, was surprised by the unexpected turn of events but couldn't deny the undeniable attraction she felt towards him.


With a wordless understanding, they began to make their way back to the jeep, their footsteps echoing in the quiet of the jungle as they walked in silence. Each lost in their own thoughts, they avoided each other's gaze, the memory of their recent mishap lingering like a shadow between them.


Upon reaching the jeep, Alessandra retrieved their clothes from the bag stowed in the back, her movements swift and efficient as she handed Jonathan his garments without a word. Sensing her discomfort, he accepted them with a nod of thanks, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he quickly began to dress himself.


On the other side of the jeep, Alessandra busied herself with changing into a fresh set of clothes, her back turned to Jonathan as she sought to maintain some semblance of privacy. Despite the familiarity of their relationship, certain boundaries neither wished to cross and so they went about their task with a sense of decorum and respect for each other's dignity.

As they finished dressing in silence after bathing in the stream, a profound stillness hung in the air around Jonathan and Alessandra. It was as if the jungle itself was holding its breath, waiting to see how the pair would proceed after such an unexpected turn of events.


Once they were clothed and gathered, Alessandra retrieved a compact yet powerful looking pistol from their supplies - a P95 semi-automatic. She checked it over methodically before taking the driver's seat of the Jeep; her movements were decisive and purposeful.


Jonathan watched her with a guarded expression, but obediently climbed into the passenger seat.


As Jonathan settled back into the jeep, his mind churned with questions and uncertainty. Alessandra's demeanour had always been a source of mystery to him—back at home, she was the epitome of strictness and authority, her presence commanding respect and obedience from all who crossed her path. But here, in the heart of the jungle, her facade seemed to waver, revealing glimpses of vulnerability and tenderness that he had never seen before.


Yet, despite her occasional displays of warmth, there were moments when Alessandra reverted to her old self, her demeanour shifting abruptly from sweetness to sternness in the blink of an eye.


It left Jonathan feeling bewildered and unsure, unable to discern her true feelings or intentions.


Without a word, Alessandra started the engine and expertly manoeuvred the vehicle into the shallow river stream. Water splashed up on either side as she gunned the accelerator, rapidly fording them across to the far bank.


As they drove in silence through the winding jungle trails, Jonathan couldn't shake the nagging sense of doubt that gnawed at his mind. Was she angry with him for their embarrassing mishap by the river?


As they rejoined the overgrown trail ahead, Alessandra's grip tightened on the pistol for a moment before she spoke up. "About earlier..."


"I'm sorry, Grandma," Jonathan blurted out, unable to meet her gaze. "It's my fault, I..."


But Alessandra reached over and tenderly cupped his cheek, causing him to fall silent. "Listen to me, Jonathan. You do not need to apologize, my sweet child. What happened was...an accident."


Her eyes bore into his with the intense wisdom of her age. "Let's leave it behind and focus on what's ahead."


After a moment, Jonathan gave a small nod of acquiescence. Seeming satisfied, Alessandra withdrew her hand and gripped the pistol once more, using her other hand to guide the jeep onwards.


The trail became increasingly overgrown and maze-like the deeper they pushed into the jungle's dense interior. Gargantuan trees, ancient kapok specimens soaring over 100 metres into the canopy, materialised from the tangled brush, their immense canopies blotting out the dusky sky above.


Between the leviathan trunks, Jonathan could make out diverging paths branching off in a dozen different directions. Yet Alessandra did not hesitate, her decades of ancestral wisdom guiding her unerringly along a very specific route as if by some unseen compass.


Jonathan watched the kaleidoscope of verdant scenery whipping by in silent awe. The effect of the dense canopies and natural camouflage patterns made it seem as if the very trunks and branches were alive, undulating in hypnotic illusions that his rational mind could not process.


He had the distinct sensation they were being observed, studied by ineffable primordial sentiences far older than man's brief reign walking upright on this planet. The jungle was allowing them passage, but merely as travellers under the judicious scrutiny of its eternal overseers.


As a thick tendril of mist began wafting across their path, Alessandra's knuckles tightened on the pistol grip. Her expression once more settled into that unshakable intensity - a protective lioness ushering her cub through realms where the very laws of reality were subject to primal reconfigurations.


For Jonathan, there could be no more turning back.