
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 7: The Fight

As I go down further into the F-Rank gate, I face my first monster.

'An Orc…'

Like from most stories, comics and other entertainment services, orcs are a higher grade of goblins. Other than Goblins who are weak physically, Orcs have a ton of strength and are somewhat good at using their brains at times.

Orcs are 6 feet tall, green and are known for being one of the ugliest gate monsters out there.

I hide quickly.

The Orc didn't spot me yet, as I hide from a corner of the pathway-ed cave.

I prepare to launch a surprise attack against the Orc with the new skills I acquired through the System.

I never used a skill or gained a skill before because of a rare disease that was with me when I was born, not allowing me to use an ability or gain skills through physical endurance.

I hype myself up as I turn on my new High-Leveled skill, The Eyes of the Future,

'This ability allows me to see into the future, right?'

After some mental preparation, I get into a stance position.

"HEY! Giant Orc!! Come and catch me!!"

The Orc immediately responds to my call, as he looks to where he heard my voice.


Before the Orc made the first move, I did.

I dash straight forward to the Orc, before I got less than 2 meters near the Orc, he swing his fists,

I dodged it with ease, as I saw the potential moves the Orc would make

'Slice of Air!!'

I use it twice as I dodge his current attacks.

I thought this skill would just make small cuts on the Orc, as I was planning to kill it by a continuous pattern of slices, but the skill chopped the Orcs head off clean

As most newbies would probably freak out from the sight of a headless body, I was grinning in excitement.

No, I'm not a psycho of any sorts, please don't believe that. I'm just amazed how well this skill works.

'I sometimes forget the difference between F-Rankers and C-Ranks! This is amazing!'

The Orcs down, I check the quest I received through the system.

"||Past Death||, Check my current quest."



<<Kill 50 F-Rank monsters: 1/50>>

<<Time Limit: 2 days 0 hour 50 minutes>>

<<Penalty: Fight A-Rank monsters for ?? minutes.>>

<< Rewards: D-Rank Skill + 2,000$>>

'So it keeps track with the amount of monsters I killed and the time I have left, huh? Useful.'

I take down the screen after looking at the quest,

'The most important thing is finding the monsters'

The thing about F-Ranked gates is that they have weaker monsters plus less monsters than the high ranking gates.

That's why I was extremely useful to other guilds that ventured through these places, because my hearing and sense of smell were good. I was very good at locating monsters and knowing the monster's race based on the noises they make and the smells they produce.

I listen carefully, putting all of my focus on my ears, as I am able to hear the smallest vibrations in the air.

After 5 minutes, I heard some noises around 25 meters from me.

'They're goblins.'

Goblins were weak individually but strong in packs, this pack made up of 43 Goblins. Strong, but not strong enough.

I walk closer towards the noise, as these creatures are not sensitive to noises, but the sudden movements of things. So all I have to do is not get into the monster's sight. Although, goblins have a strong and hard body, so it is somewhat hard to strike them without a weapon.

'If I kill all of them , I'll only need to kill 6 more monsters till I complete this quest.'

This time, I plan on using "The Eyes of the Future", "Slices of Airs" and "Knowledge of Combat".

Apparently, if I say 'combat' with the will of using the skill, I'll be able to gain the understanding of combat techniques and actual fighting knowledge.

I whisper to myself, "Alright! Here we go!"

I tense my muscle, (for no apparent reason), and shout,


If I was here with someone, I bet they would think I'm crazy, or maybe think this was a thing I did to get ready for battle.

As the Goblins heard my battle cry, they raced back, right to me.

Although for me, my brain was exploding with different techniques, strategies and possibilities of combat styles and fighting.

For myself, it felt like I was going through hours and hours of training, as a teacher that wasn't really anywhere, was showing me different ways of fighting.

But in reality, it only went for a minute.

However, that was enough time for the group of goblins to come towards and reach me.

Before the first batch of goblins attack me, I snap out of my daze and use my strength to slip my leg under, hitting the group of goblins legs, allowing them to fall to the ground.

Immobilizing them, by using all of my strength on hitting the inner knee, weakening their left legs.

'Ah, shit. That kick hurt my leg. I forgot the strength of a goblins leg for a minute.'

After taking care of the first batch, the second batch of goblins became weary of me, of course, as in one hit, I took their teammates to the ground.

I don't wait around as I run straight for them, using my elbow to hit the side of their necks, as I run through each goblin.

As I finally take care of the second batch, I look towards the last batch.

I take out a 'Slice of Air', killing two of the goblins, leaving seven left.

I punch the stomachs of the three front liners blocking my path, as I finish it off with two front kicks for the remaining goblins.


With that, I just need to kill 6 more monsters until this quest is complete.

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Hello everyone!

It is I, your one and only, newbie novelist! ✌️≧◉ᴥ◉≦

Hopefully you are still enjoying this novel and not getting bored of it, as I post chapters extremely slow compared to other writers.

Hmm, what chapter will Hiroto Saito venture off to Japan?

I wonder... (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

AnaBananahcreators' thoughts