
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 6: The Man with a Plan

A/N: I changed something in the last chapter, so re-read some parts of it to understand the story!

Sorry! (~_~;)

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'What the hell?!'

'A Mandatory Quest?'

'What in the world is happening?'

While I sit on the chair in front of my desk, I start to notice something really bad.

My eyes enlarge as I look into the details of the Quest.


Shit! It would take a normal human at least 3 hours and 20 minutes to complete all of this! How can I finish this half an hour shorter?!

I rush out of my house as another aspect of this "Mandatory Quest" is that apon non-completion leads to death!

'This is my 3rd life, I don't want to waste it!'

Even if I rank higher than a normal human right now, it doesn't mean I have the abilities to achieve something more than a human. I'm the lowest of the ranks too! F-Rank. Only slightly more capable than humans.

I start with the most time consuming work out first, a 10 mile run.

'Usually it would take me an 1 hour and 55 minutes to run a 10 mile run since I take my time and pace myself, but now I have to finish in a sprint..!'

As I run through from Washington Heights, I go to the nearby park, Fort Washington Park as I listen to music, running through.

After an hour and 10 minutes, I finish the run, out of breath exhausted

'HaaAH! Haaah…!'

'This was quicker than any other time i've done this! Now I have an hour and a half to finish everything!'

'All I did was run around this giant park until I hit 10 miles!'

I take a step towards a bench on the side of the park's path.


"My legs are on fire!!!" I yell out.

Thank god it was a work day so there were no chances that tons of people were here, much less hear me.

I take a seat and rest, 'I'll chill out for 10 minutes, since the run went quicker than expecting'

I close my eyes, expecting to rest, I hear a very familiar noise


I open my eyes, in the background, I see the summery green leaves of the tree's, but in front, I see the transparent, cyan- blue screen.

<<System: You have completed 1 of the 4 requirements of the Quest, 3 more until it is fully complete.>>


It's as if the System wants my body to break from this quest.

I take my breath 1 more time then get up from the bench.

'Welp. It's better to finish this up.'

I start to finish the other requirements, starting with planks.

After the workout…


<<System: Work Out complete!>>

<< Mandatory Quest: Complete >>

<< 10 minutes of Sit-Ups: Complete >>

<< 10 mile Run : Complete>>

<< 10 minutes of Planks: Complete >>

<< 100 Push Ups: Complete>>

<< Time Limit: 2 hours 50 minutes: Finished in → 2 hours 48 minutes >>

<<Penalty: None >>


'There were no rewards…'

Ah. It hurts doing something without a return.

I ran back to the house, for another 2 miles.

My younger brother went to his elementary school, and my mother went back to work.

As I get back home, I look at the clock

'Already 12?'

I cook a light lunch (Yes, I can cook), and sit back at the dining table while eating, I recollect my thoughts.

'Let's see'

In less than 3 days, I'm leaving for Japan, but I don't know which city.

'I'll ask mom once she comes back home'

Also, I got a Quest yesterday by the System stating I must kill 50 F-Rank monsters, right?

'||Past Death||, what was my previous quest?'



<<Kill 50 F-Rank monsters>>

<<Time Limit: 2 days 1 hour 34 minutes>>

<<Penalty: Fight A-Rank monsters for ?? minutes.>>

<< Rewards: D-Rank Skill + 2,000$>>

'Oh yeah!'

I look at the rewards and grin.

'Hehee. After I complete this and receive the 2000$, I'll transfer the money into Yen for some extra money in Japan.'

Alright! Let's go to get a gate..!

One of the rules for gaining access to a gate is you must go to the adventures app onto a device and reserve a gate. The app tells how dangerous the gate is and tells the ranking requirement of accessing it.

'F-Rank gates…'

After looking at the app for 15 minutes, I found a cheap gate un-reserved.

'Hmm, around central park…'

I take the train there

I stand in front of the gate,

That gate is a square shaped portal with mist glowing out of it.

As I take in my last breaths, I hype myself up

'Alright! Let's go in!!'

It's naturally bright inside this gate, other than the high level gates that make it hard to see, low leveled gates have easy ways to get around and less monsters.

As I walk around, I look inside to the skills I've received with the system.

"Hmm, let's see."

From what I remember, before I died brutally, I received high-ranking skills for joining the system plus a bonus skill.


<<Skills: >>

Mid-Ranking Skills: (5):

Slash of Air:

Rank: Mid-Level - C-Rank

Activation - The thoughts of using it.

Slash of Air: Creates slices of air using the air as its resource. Infusing it with a weapon of some kind will allow the weapon to become 30% quicker and 80% sharper than its original strength and speed. Leveling and getting to better ranks will increase this skill drastically from the percentage.

Accurate aiming:

Rank: Mid-Level - D Rank

Activation: Saying "Activate" out loud with the will of using this skill

Accurate aiming: Makes your swings with a weapon 40% more accurate, allowing you to understand where to hit, understanding the weak points of your opponent. With a gun, it makes you 60% more accuracy. Leveling and getting to better ranks will increase this skill drastically from the percentage.

Health Regeneration:

Rank: Mid-Level - C-Rank

Activation: Auto-Matic

Health Regeneration: Heals any wound you gain with time. Leveling and getting to better ranks will increase this skill drastically.

Knowledge of Combat:

Rank: Mid-Level - C-Rank

Activation: After saying Combat with content, you will gain the knowledge of basic and high-level combat.

Knowledge of Combat: Understanding of mid-level combat strategies.

Mid-Level Monster Detection:

Rank: Mid-Level - C Rank

Activation: The thoughts of using it.

Mid-Level Monster Detection: The ability to detect monsters Mid-Levels and Lower.

Bonus skill; Bloodlusting Aura:

Rank: Mid-Level - C Rank

Activation: The thoughts of using it.

Bloodlust Aura: Able to create bloodlust, bringing fear towards your opponents.

Leveling this skill up will create stronger effects of this ability, along with transferring bloodlust to others.

My eyes glisten brightly as I scroll through my skills.

'My bonus skill is somewhat stronger than the others. "Knowledge of Combat" huh? That will be useful for dungeons'

I click,

<< Skills: >>

High Level Skills: (1)

Eyes of the Future:

Rank: High-Level - A Rank

Activation: The will to use it.

Eyes of the Future: Can see the possible movements of the opponent 3 seconds into the future.

I walk through the gate as I end off scrolling through my skills, as I approach the first monster

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A/N: I noticed I never introduced you to where the character lives. Oops.


The main character of this series, "Hiroto Saito '' was born in Yokohama, Japan and had lived there for 8 years until his family moved to NYC for his father's job. He learned English and now lives in America. He's 19 years old and his father passed away 5 years to the present, after his little brother, Sora was born.