
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 5: Another Mandatory?


<<Kill 50 F-Rank monsters>>

<<Time Limit: 3 days>>

<<Penalty: Fight A-Rank monsters for ?? minutes.>>

<< Rewards: D-Rank Skill + 2,000$>>


What's this?

'A "quest" ' ?

'Is this a part of the System for ||Past Death||?'


<<System: Yes. This is a part of the System.>>

'Please do the honors and explain'

<<System: Yes. As the Administrator explained exactly: There are 6 great gods determined on making the hero for this world. They give out quests for the challengers to grow stronger fairly amongst the other challengers, while being able to grow extraordinarily strong.>>

'Ah! I understand..!'

But what does the system mean by, "Growing fairly?"

Wait, does he mean that? …. Oh, yeah!

'I forgot that it was a fight to be the hero'

But the fight has to be fair?

Is it for the entertainment part?

I look back at the quest


'So quests are mandatory.'

Ouch. What a pain.

I scooch under my blankets and close my eyes

'I'll do that quest tomorrow' I think as I drift into a deep slumber…

. . . . . . .

In the early morning….

I open my eyes,


As I drift off from my slumber, I slowly recognize there was a banging on my door

I can hear my mothers voice as the banging continue

"Hey!! Hiroto!! WAKE UP!!!"

"Ugh, no moreeee"

I put a pillow on my ears

It suddenly got quiet.


The door gets banged wide open.


My mother stomps right in my room and pull off all the blanket


"NO! I want to sleep!!!" I whine loudly

"I swear, Hiroto! You might not be an adult now, but I'm still your mother and my motherly instinct is telling me that you're skinnier than Sora and need to eat!!!"

She stomps out of the room, before getting out of the room, she stops and turns around.

"I'll be expecting to see you out and at the dining table in 5 minutes, righhhht?"

Damn you woman! Giving that death stare.!

She walks out slamming the door behind her.


I get up from my bed, put my blankets over on top, then walk out of the room, going to the table, full of food.

"Morning Brother!!" Sora says, sitting down on his high chair

"Mom! Isn't Sora too small for a high chair?"

Mom came from inside our kitchen and was bringing out the last dish

"What do you mean? Sora is the shortest in his class, he still needs the high-chair."

After putting the dishes on the table, she comes near me with a smirk and whispers,

"But it doesn't matter because I heard Sora is so cute and handsome that he gets all the ladies in his class."

"Mom, Sora is only in Kindergarten."

She goes all, 'hmph' with me, then responds saying,

"So? I bet once he grows up, he'll be the most good looking in his class!"

I roll my eyes inwardly.

'Yeah, yeah'

I sat down with my mother.

"Thank you for the food!"

I took a boiled egg, some vegetables and 2 pieces of bacon.

My mom looks up at me after taking her food.

"So, what do you plan on doing now, Hiroto?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I mean, you can't become a free-lancer, right?"

"Ah! Yeah, I'm planning to continue supporting you by making money from adventuring."

My mom looks up, with a staggered expression


She stops eating.

"Uh.. Because it's what I always do, so why not?"

"But you nearly died this time!"

"Yeah! Brother was called dead!"

Sora joins into the fight.

I get nervous. "Well, I won't do anything that would worry you…!'

"Hopefully" I mutter

My mom looks at me suspiciously, staring intently


"Fine, I'll believe you! But if I receive another call hearing something bad has happened to my son, I'll either tell you to quit, or you're out of this house!"

I'll be honest, that last statement shocked me, but I understand her position

I sigh

"Yes, I understand."

"Not only that, but you have to attend a school i've picked out for you"

My eyes look up.

"What?! Why?!"

My mom turns to me

"Because I don't want you adventuring 24/7! This school is focused on adventuring! It will allow you to learn more about adventuring and other necessities and requirements for adventuring solo, or with a group inside a gate so you can learn how to fight safely."

"Look Hiroto, i'm paying for this school, it's considerably average price for me so I can afford it. However, after research, I found that the school I entered you in was the 10th best in the world! It's a chance in a lifetime!"

"... Mom, where is this school?"

My mom looks at me with saddened eyes under he smile.

"It's on the other side of the world, in Japan."


"MOM? Are you crazy?! How would we be able to afford to go to Japan with our current state? I also don't want to leave here!" I yell, confused and angry

My mom looks up.

Looking happily., smiling and grinning from ear-to-ear

What a mood change.

"The school provided the funds for the trip, so it's completely free!"

I stare at her, unconvinced.

"Are you coming wth me?" I mutter quietly to her.

"Sorry Sweety, but no. "

I look down.

"When will this school bring me there?"

"The plane will arrive in 3 days."

As much as I would like to act surprised, I was used to it.

"Alright, i'll be there."

I finish breakfast, I go back into my room, changing clothes.


<<System Administrator: Good Morning, =Hiroto Saito=>>


<< Mandatory Quest >>

<< 10 minutes of Sit-Ups >>

<< 10 mile Run >>

<< 10 minutes of Planks >>

<< 100 Push Ups >>

<< Time Limit: 2 hours 50 minutes >>

<<Penalty: Death. >>