
The End of the Survival Test

Long Tian stood there, haunted by the fate of his family due to Long Guan's betrayal. Long Guan was the type to do anything to survive, yet his demise was ultimately a consequence of his own actions.

After a moment of contemplation, he turned and approached Xia Qingyue, who was lying on a large rock nearby.

"Can you stand?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, no. Can you help me?" Xia Qingyue replied.

"Sure, I'll carry you to a safe place," Long Tian answered.

With that, he picked up Xia Qingyue and moved away from their current location.


Minutes turned into hours, and the long day faded into the chilly night.

In this span of a day and night, hundreds of survival participants had discovered valuable resources. The forest was a treasure trove, untouched by human hands. However, venturing in alone was a dangerous endeavor. Hence, this survival test provided the perfect opportunity to explore the uncharted wilderness.