
A Father's Playful Proposal

After a drive of more than 10 minutes, Long Tian and Liu Qian arrived in the Tianji district.

The place exuded an air of opulence, nestled away from the main roads, with its impressive houses expanse and luxurious.

Navigating the cobblestone pathway, they reached a front gate, an entryway to a lavish residence. From the outside, the house radiated grandeur and magnificence – none other than Liu Qian's home.

A burly middle-aged security guard approached Long Tian's car. The window rolled down, and Liu Qian promptly instructed, "It's me, please open the gate."

"Certainly, Miss," the guard nodded, swiftly unlatching the gate.

With that, Long Tian maneuvered his car into the premises and parked it before the residence.

As they stepped out of the vehicle, Long Tian couldn't help but be struck by the scene. The size of Liu Qian's house surpassed expectations, and the surroundings emitted a tranquil vibe, with abundant greenery framing the property.