
A Brutal Consequences


Yu Zhong's blazing fists set countless soul beasts on fire, yet, despite the devastation, his troops were still being overwhelmed.

Amidst the chaos, Shi Huang decided to end the rampage of these soul beasts.

He ascended into the air, his martial spirit, the Demon Sage, materializing behind him.

In his hands, six concentrated energies gathered, akin to gravitational forces converging into a single point, creating a turbulance in the air.

Within seconds, the energies coalesced into a perfect ball form, pitch black and exuding a powerful aura.

With swift precision, he unleashed one energy ball upon the soul beasts below.


As it struck the ground, it detonated like miniaturized nuclear bombs.

Five more energy balls followed suit.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!