

After all, he could finally use the money he had earned and didn't have to continue betting it all in to provoke Manager Tilan.

The initial steps of his plan had been a great success.

Now he just had to enact the rest of his plan. That was also why he left the Colosseum.

Zayn had to return only once more to the Colosseum, either way. He would fight the Chimera, kill it, and absorb its Soul Wisp's ownerless soul particles. That was it.

Zayn didn't leave anything behind in the room he was given by the Colosseum either.

His Spirits were currently not cramped up in his room anymore. They were safely stored in the Grimoire of the Ancient, and by Zayn's side.

Now that he knew when the third Colosseum Challenge would be held, he could afford better accommodation. He didn't have to use his money sparsely to make big bets either. His vast fortune could be splurged in any possible way.