
System user who also happens to be a Dimensional Chat Group Admin.

MC was no one special, but he wishes to be rich and spend the rest of his life peacefully. One day a semi-transparent blue screen appears in front of him. [Do you want to be strong?] "Nah, I am too lazy to train or walk the path to be the strongest or something." [...] [What about a harem of beautiful girls?] [You must want that, right?] "I am sorry, but I don't think I can handle a harem." [...] [You can be a King- No, an Emperor!] "No way, why would I want to spend my time to make other life easier?" [...] [You can be a God!] "That sounds way worse than the last one." [...] [You can be rich like no other] "Now we're talking! When do I start?" [...] [Do you want to open your Starter Pack?] "Can I sell it for money?" [...] [Host, your greed is beyond what I expected] "Hey! You promise me that I can make money!" [...]

SlothElephant2k18 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


At first, I thought about giving Will a Harem, but I am not sure.

A Harem genre is actually for a story with multiple love interests, but usually, the MC does not end up with everyone in his Harem.

Some may just stay single till the end, move on and have family on their own, or never get confirmed by the creator.

But some series actually ruined by this genre.


Because the series intention focus on the interaction between the Harem members, MC, MC friends and family, and the side characters instead of its main point of the story!

The MC was looking for the murder of his family (Most importantly his sister), but he need to help the girls around him first.

When he find a clue somehow it was related to one of his Harem member.

Which mean the clue only be talked about until it lead to something in the next 2 or 3 volume so the story can give attention to the Harem and their relationship!

The female characters are introduced either as a damsel in distress, an antagonist, or a mysterious character that was used to tease the reader so they keep reading.

I am fine with the damsel in distress, but after using it 3 and 4 times it became annoying!

To make it worse sometimes the female was regarded as a strong and powerful character before they appear or when other talk about them, but in front of the MC they get Nerfed.

She can see the future.

The enemy stole her ability.

The MC beat the enemy, which has the ability that the MC can not defeat before.

Behold! Plot Armor at its full glory!

MC always has one, even if it is rarely being used, it was there.

But the impact of this for me was "The MC get an excuse to attract the attention of a female character".

Then I was like "But they were so strong and cool before! Now they are just lame!"

My other fanfic also ends up like that.

I ruin most of the female characters, which is a shame for me.

To make it simple, I am not sure if I should add the Harem tag to this story.

Which probably will ruin the female characters and several part of the story, one way or another.

I am absolutely sure about it!

In my opinion, a Harem story was only good if it was written the right way and give the female characters an actual role instead of being the source of fan service or drama material.

Many Mangas and Light Novel with a great story were ruined by the anime adaptation because they fail to adapt their source.

Weird angle, important parts get skipped or compressed so there is enough time for fanservice and screen time for other Harem members or possible love interest that wasn't very important to the main plot, female characters wasn't very strong when they are alone, their opponent wasn't the MC, or fighting the main antagonist.

(I am looking at you SAO)

Sorry, get distracted for a bit.

Now, I will let all of you to vote.

Harem: A

Small Harem(Its not only made of lolis I remind you): B

No Harem: C

Don't vote at the comments section, and don't give more then one vote.

That's all.