

"You are too overpowered. Your existence poses a great threat to my son and daughter of fate. I had no other choice but to kill you." This was the voice of God he heard when he was about to enter the door of death. "A tragic oped character, sigh, its a very popular trend right now. The normal cliche of losing all your loved ones, an illegitimate son of a noble household, possessing overwhelming magic, good looks and what not. But as I kept writing I realised I made you way too oped, to the point your existence became a threat to the plot." The voice of god spoke to him again. "...Are you the one who killed my family?" He asked back with a blank expression. "Yes." Spoke the voice again. This simple one sentence angered him to the point he fought harder against his predestined death. He was enraged. The death of his family was orchestrated by this damn god, his life made miserable and painful, so he had to rise again, back on his two feets so he could destroy the god's world. And so he did. He rose again, defeating his death. Then he had his revenge by almost destroying the world. Almost!!! Before he could lead to the death of the Male and the female lead a thing called system was bounded to his soul. He was forced to leave his world and enter many different worlds. "Well, Unfreeze the OOC!" He demanded with a malicious grin on his face. He had to have his revenge. But most important of all, he had to be the one incharge of his characters. "......." The system shivered at his words, its invisible eyes bulging out. Unbeknownst to him, a GOD had embarked on a journey to a portal of unknown origin right at the time when he was entering a new world. "Oh fuck!" He cursed as he realised a dangerous point. "This is not the protagonist! Who is he?" Novel cover: Drawn by me aka @pushisinung

pushisinung · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
112 Chs



Ivar felt his soul's wave length tremble lightly as he felt his sealed powers flow through his body in all directions, his mana flooding his soul to the brim until it was about to overflow. His soul was filled with vitality. He tried to manipulate the mana using his will and he was able to do it. So knowing this he had a shocked expression adorning his cold face. Why did they unsealed his powers? Or did they make some kind of mistake? He couldn't help but think so.

"Nulis, pour in the data." He spoke to the system as he fixated his eyes on the scene that was before him.

Hell had broken loose. A horrifying war was currently taking the shape of a heavenly war.

Ivar looked down on the clothes he was wearing. He was familiar with this dress style. It was Chinese clothing. Meaning this was most likely a cultivation world with magic as its power essence. If not, his powers couldn't have been manifested in a world without mana essence.

"Host. I will do it right away." The system replied as it began to pour the data into its host's mind.

Ivar took a deep breath as he read through the data.

Just as he had speculated this was a cultivation world. And mana was the essence of this world. Unlike the previous cultivation worlds with a pyramid like structural ranks based on soul force or realm based cultivation this world was slightly different. As this world was a higher realm where the gods lived. Even the lowest realm of this world had no humans. All of them were gods bounded with a hierarchy system based solely on mana essence. Meaning, Strength and aptitude determined your status more than anything.

The son of fate of this world was called Guang Wang Lei. He was the son born by the union of two formidable people, Shen Lei and Ting Lian. Shen Lei, his father was one of the head Lords of the realm, the master of the dragon gods while Ting Lian, his mother was the Saintess of the Holy temple. Both were prominent figures known and acknowledged by the gods of the Divine Realm, the realm where the protagonist was born. So it was inevitable that the fruit of such two people would be special. Guang Wang Lei was a special existence. Infact his existence was so special that the moment he was born a prophecy was bestowed upon him by the statue of the King God that stood at the altar of the Eight Jade Palace.

The prophecy said: "The fruit of union between the the ancient god beast and the goddess will bring forth a great war that will lead to the destruction of the world. Mark my words. As the gods rulling this world, get rid of the seed that will cause the world's destrcution. Or else, the entire universe shall be in danger. Mark the king's words, the entire world will be forever in chaos unless we fail to extinguish the fire that will engulf the universe in the flame of destruction."

This prophecy was the first turning point in this story.

The head of the Eight Jade Palace aimed his blade at the dragon gods. He who had received the prophecy from the King himself waged a war against the mighty dragon gods and the holy temple. Two forces collided against each other, one force consisted of the head of the dragon gods along with his kin, the holy temple and his sworn brother who was also a member of the twelve head Lords. And facing this mighty force was the Head of the Eight Jade Palace, all the other remaning head Lords and the other believers of the Almighty King. The War ended with the former forces defeated, the mighty beasts race almost wiped out to the brink of extinction. Although the forces were defeated but the Strength they showed in the war left everyone speechless.

Tattered clothes, his body bleeding from his head to toes, all his mana drained, he held the woman of his life, his love and the fruit their love bore, an infant who was not even five. He held his sword, the blade stuck on the ground yet it looked like he would haul his blade towards his enemy any moment if they were to take even a step forward. His eyes looked down on his wife, who had died protecting their child.

"Chu Gui! You damn snake bastard! You have been tainted with your own insecurities." He looked at the head of of the eight jade palace, the leader of the divine realm. Shen Lei realised that he had exhausted all his mana. But the child in his arms needed to be safe. He must not die with them. He coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"I pity you for becoming like that." Shen Lei sneered at Chu Gui. As he spoke a beaming bright light descended upon the spot he sat.

My lovely child, this is the only thing this father can do to protect you. Please don't ever think for a moment that we abandoned you, please don't ever think that we never loved you. You are our everything. And we love you more than anything in this world. Please grow up well, and live your life. Do not seek for revenge. Be happy and live your life. Your happiness is what we want you to seek. Not revenge.

"I am sorry my son. Your name is Guang Wang Lei, a name that should not be spoken carelessly." Shen Lei sealed the memories of the child and his powers as he casted the spell of space travel onto his child, sending him to a far far away place where these snakes couldn't find him.

When the light fadded Shen Lei hugged his lifeless lover and perished with her like sands carried away by the wind.

While the child that was sent down to the human world awoke with empty memories yet every night the young child had a vague pain that made him wail in silence as if he had lost something dear. This was the second turning point in the story.

The protagonist lived without a roof and slept on empty stomachs for many nights. Because of his appearance he was not only an obstructed kid but was also an easy target for dirty humans to pick on. So it was inevitable that he was bullied so badly and mistreated even as a homeless person. Guang Wang Lei had to go through hell until he turned twelve and had a chance encounter with a dead spirit of a god residing in a cave deep in the forest. This man, saw through Guang Wang Lei's spell that was casted upon his heart and mind. He also saw the enormous future this kid held. This man unsealed the spell of the protagonist before he began teaching him. The protagonist whose memories were unsealed hence became a man living only for revenge, seeking the death of the man who had killed his parents.

The identity of this spirit god was not simple. He was the former head lord of the eight jade palace. Back stabbed and killed by the head that succeeded him his spirit was almost torn to pieces before he escape to the human realm about a hundreds of years ago. He had never expected to met the finest jewel of the rarest kind when he was about to give up. Before his spirit fadded out completely he gave his remaning powers to the protagonist, his mana essence became one with Guang Wang Lei's own soul and the legacy of the former head lord was given to the protagonist. After this Guang wang lei leveled up and travelled to the higher realms and on his journey he met many new people of all kinds, gathered a group of minions, made friends with them and established his own connections. He even collected a harem of beautiful women who loved him dearly enough to follow him despite the danger that surrounded the protagonist. And finally it was at the age of twenty did Guang Wang Lei finally had a face off with his parent's murderrer.

Chu Gui. The antagonist of the story. The formidable final boss.

On contrary to what Ivar had expected, things took a turn for the worst. Guang Wang Lei lost to Chu Gui. Miserably. He lost all his friends and his lovers. History repeated itself once more.

Chu Gui leant down to his ears as he revealed a nerve wrecking secret.

"Did you know?" The final boss spoke. "The prophecy that brought calamity over you and your parents, it was fake. I just wanted an excuse to get rid of a person who would become a threat to my current position." As he whispered each and every word into the protagonist's ears his lips curved into a sneer so ugly that made Guang Wang Lei cough blood.

Chu Gui watched him with cold eyes, his face was expressionless but the pair of insecure eyes sneered with a creepy expression as if he was experiencing the greatest joy of his life.

"I once got rid of a person who had the seat that I wanted. Too bad his spirit managed to flee but he was bound to die anyway. As for you, I will make sure to finish you off properly."

"You are strong. I applaud you for that. Probably the strongest in this realm. But, you are inexperienced and lacking in years devoted to cultivation. If you hadn't rushed over here for revenge, I might have been the one dying in your place. So thank you for coming to me when you were this weak."

The smug smile on his face made the blood of Guang Wang Lei boil with rage, as if his soul was about to explode unable to contain the anger in his heart.

Chu Gui thrusted down the sword in his hand towards Guang Wang Lei's head.

The defeated protagonist watched as the sword fell towards him, his eyes refusing to give in to the feeling of wanting to close his eyes.

Pang! Just before he was beheaded he found himself in a blank space. He looked around and found red strings of threads encrypted with strange words on it dangling around the space, filling it with long red threads. Guang Wang Lei had a vague feeling as he walked towards a direction that was calling him.

This was the beginning of the real story.

The protagonist was reborn. He went back to the time when he first appeared in the human world. Ironically it was the time right after when his parents were killed. Even with this second chance he was still unable to change the destiny of his parents.

But he was able to avenge his parents in this timeline. With the advantage of his previous life experiences he changed his past as he leveled up at an overwhelming rate. This time he rushed the things that happened in his previous life including the people he lost and gave up his entire childhood and youth to cultivation, leveling up as fast as possible.

With these advantages he was able to change his miserable past.

But what gave him the most advantage was the power to control time and space dimensions.

Chu Gui, the final boss met his miserable end by the hands of the Protagonist when Guang Wang Lei had reached only eighteen. The body of this antagonist was sealed in a coffin and placed in hell, the coffin burning with a hellfire that never extinguished, setting the body of the alive Chu Gui on hellfire every single minute. The coffin that was cursed with a 'thousand revival lives' finally went silent after the person sealed inside had died a terrific death for a thousand times. The remaning bones of this boss was then fed to the void creatures residing in hell, his bones eaten by those creatures, never getting the chance of aftelife nor reincarnation.

As for the protagonist, he lived his life as the supreme ruler of the divine realm with a harem of 3000 beauties loving him dearly.

Ivar frowned. He did not like this character called Chu Gui. But what could he do when he had transmigrated into the body of this same villain? What a joke!

As for the war that was unfolding before him, this was not the war that brought death to the protagonist's parents but this war was the final battle between this scum Chu Gui and the reborn protagonist!

Just thinking about it made Ivar wanna throw up.

"Now it's not a question of who is the scum here but a question of who I have become." Ivar groaned as he complaint in his heart.

"Nulis, what are the missions this time?" He spoke.

The system opened the quest box but when he saw what was being displayed on the screen the system almost fell down from its invisble seat. Its invisble eyes bulged out as it stared at the mission request on the screen.

Meanwhile during this same time a pair of eyes opened in a bedroom. The owner of the eyes got up and found himself in a bed filled with women. He looked down at the women around him with cold, disgusted eyes indifferently.


The man who was on the bed suddenly appeared on the corner of the bed. He walked away from the disgusting bed filled with his concubines.

One of the women opened her eyes. As soon as she realized that the man was not lying on the bed she looked around. Her eyes landed on the back of the manly beast that had devoured them last night.

"Guang, why did you not wake us up?" When she spoke the other sleeping women also got up. Their eyes steered towards the man that had made love to them last night. Their cheeks flushed red as they shyly glanced at him.

The man did not spare them a glance as he went towards the bathroom chamber. He did not look back at them nor teased them playfully.

The women watched him with expected eyes, their cheeks blushing red.

The man stopped before walking into the bathroom. He squinted his eyes towards the bed, not concealing his killing intent directed towards those women.

"Do not enter my chambers ever again. This is a warning. Remember."

When they heard his words they were confused and giggled coquettishly. "Yiii.....Guang why are you so shy today? You were a beast last night but now you are acting like a spoiled lover boy."

They looked at his back expectantly but when the man finally turned back to look at them they were frozen with fear.

An aura filled with an intent to kill was directed at them. And what more, this was their Guang Wang Lei, their lover, who loved and spoiled them dearly. But at the moment his eyes were glinting with a bloodlust look, his eyes empty and ruthless as he stared at the women on the bed. The aura of this man reached the bed and when his aura hit them a shiver went down their spines, making them tremble with fear, deep deep fear as if the man would not hesitate to kill them at once.

"The next time any of you climb onto my bed that will be the day you die."

The man intimidated them using his aura before he walked into the bathroom.

He stood before the mirror as he looked at the reflection before him.

It was the reflection of an eighteen year old young boy. He had a pair of beautiful green eyes. He had long red hair.

"Guang Wang Lei." The man repeated his name as he sneered at the reflection in the mirror that was looking back at him.

He got into the bathtub in a hurry to wash off the smell of those women from his body.

"So, I assume the final war has just started?" An evil smirk appeared on his face as he closed his eyes, relaxing in the bathtub.

So the story has finally started. The first world where destiny will change. Fufu. Look forward to the upcoming chapters.

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