a system that just cant take it anymore sees what its like to be on the otherside of things (i just had this idea come into my head and dident think anyone has done this kind of story before also sorry for any spelling mistakes 1st writting this on my phone 2nd im just bad a spelling and relying on auto correct untill i have a new laptop)
somewhere in an appartment of houses a system had just awoken for the 666th time and lets just its not very pleased.
hello jack badman 27 "your name is returded do you know that" i am your system you was randomly picked to be my host. the system looked at its host with contempt it was a 16 year old super fat kid stubble on the face from a growing beard ketchup on the side of his face what looked like vomit down his shirt hell the system was sure his host was gonna die there and then with the way he was breathing he was on a computer and looked to have just destroyed 3 girls lifes by putting them into porn videos as some kind of sick revenge.
system just shock its non existent head at its host and was thinking really is this really all im made fo "error" dam cant even contemplate my excistence. system then looked at what his host was doing he was screaming in joy about how he new this day would come or some such thing then system noticed his host trip on the extension lead to his computer trip then smack his head on the corner of the table and go uncousios.
system checked and found his host was now brain dead "great im gonna be stuck with un empty host you know want fuck this i quit im not taking this shit i have had to deal with some really stupid hosts im done im going to live a lifes for myself and help myself fuck helping others i just need to set up a simple AI nothing complex give it a random generator for quests give myself a lotto ticket every month have a nice beginner pack have stats set to alphbetical and not numerical and wala done.
now lets see about this body the system began to basicaly hack the human body
" error system malfunction " fuck you admin im no malfunctioning im quiting "system quiting accepted admin says enjoy" if the system could cry right now with joy it would maybe later when it has a body and then he waited and watched a loading screen get to 99% then waited some more and a bit more " is this a neverending loading screen noooooo :'(" 100% ding compleate wait aint something amet to happen then the system whent out like a light.