
Departure and arrival

Dhvani fell but she fell sideways. Ajay had pushed her away so she didn't get hurt. She balanced herself and the injury was minimal. 

But she wasn't involved in the fight. She honestly didn't know what to do.

Dhvani wanted to recreate the scenes she saw in the movies. But she didn't have the potential or practice required for it. 

She honestly went out of the way and gave control of the fight to Ajay.

He managed himself pretty well considering the scene they were in.

Dhvani played with the water magic users and they had a hard time trying to catch her.

Dhvani played with Tarsh for so long that she know one thing well.

How to not get caught!

Ajay had used many of his moves and he also used them all at once too.

This level was hard to understand so Ajay could not solve it. 

He played it many times with the same result in the end.

So he stopped playing and Dhvani felt relieved.